1 | (b)支付应以适销农产品生产所用土地停用至少3年为条件,对于牲畜而言,则以其被屠宰或最终永久处理为条件。 | (b)Payments shall be conditional upon the retirement of land from marketable agricultural production for a minimum of three years, and in the case of livestock on its slaughter or definitive permanent disposal | |
2 | (c)卖方不得直接或间接得到买方随后对该货物转售、处置或使用后的任何收入,除非能够依照第8条的规定进行适当调整 | (c)that no part of the proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the goods by the buyer will accrue directly or indirectly to the seller, unless an appropriate adjustment can be made in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 | |
3 | (d)进口货物任何随后进行的转售、处置或使用而使卖方直接或间接获得的收入的任何部分的价值。 | (d)the value of any part of the proceeds of any subsequent resale, disposal or use of the imported goods that accrues directly or indirectly to the seller | |
4 | “《综合性环境反应、赔偿与责任法案》发挥着补救作用,把那些不适当的废物处置反应费划分给造成危害环境的各个责任方。” | CERCLA operates remedially to spread the costs of responding to improper waste disposal among all parties that played a role in creating hazardous conditions. | |
5 | “亲爱的伯爵,”阿尔贝说道,“我当尽力来报答您在罗马待我的一片好意,在您自己的马车还没有备妥以前,您可以用我那辆双人马车。” | "My dear Count," said Albert, "I will endeavor to return your politeness at Rome, and place my coup at your disposal until your own be ready." | |
6 | GB/T15950-1995低、中水平放射性废物近地表处置场环境辐射监测的一般要求 | General requirements for environmental radiation monitoring around near surface disposal site of low-intermediate level radioactive solid waste | |
7 | GB13600-1992低中水平放射性固体废物的岩洞处置规定 | Regulations for disposal of solid low-and intermediate level radioactive wastes in rock cavities | |
8 | GB15562.2-1995环境保护图形标志固体废物堆放(填埋)场 | Graphical signs for environmental protector--Solid waste storage (disposal )site | |
9 | GB16548-1996畜禽病害肉尸及其产品无害化处理规程 | Code for the bio-safety disposal of carcasses and by-products from diseased livestock and poultry | |
10 | GB9132-1988低中水平放射性固体废物的浅地层处置规定 | Regulations for shallow ground disposal of solid low-and intermediate-level radioactive wastes | |
11 | 包括所有适当的政府安全和环境法规,应用于收购、贮存、搬运、重复利用、清除或处理材料。 | It includes all applicable government, safety and environmental regulations, applied to acquisition, storage, handling, recycling, elimination or disposal of materials. | |
12 | 本规定旨在涵盖不属供应商的公司所进行的非正常处理,或对进行财产清算或财务清算的企业资产的处理。 | This provision is intended to cover unusual disposals by firms which are not normally suppliers, or disposal of assets of businesses in liquidation or receivership | |
13 | 比如,旅馆经理一般有一间或一套供自己使用的房间。 | The manager of a hotel, for instance, usually has a room or even a suite at his disposal | |
14 | 表S一3含有一套数值,这些数值可以用来量化放射性污物,这些污物都与核废料和其他废物的加工、贮存和处理有关。 | Table S-3 contained a set of numerical values intended to quantify the radiological effluents associated with reprocessing, storage, and disposal of spent fuel and other wastes | |
15 | 并责令收货人退货、销毁或者按照有关规定处理。 | And order the consignees to return or destroy the goods or conduct the disposal in accordance with the relevant provisions. | |
16 | 侧墙的那个伸手可及,是条长方形的大裂缝,裂缝上面还罩着铁栅,专门用来处理废纸。 | and in the side wall, within easy reach of Winston’s arm, a large oblong slit protected by a wire grating.This last was for the disposal of waste paper | |
17 | 策略性污水排放计划第一期──化学剂量与消毒试验设备测试 | Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme Stage I--Pilot Plant Study on Chemical Dosing and Disinfection | |
18 | 策略性污水排放计划第一期──基线监察及效能验证 | Strategic Sewage Disposal Scheme Stage I--Baseline Monitoring and Performance Verification | |
19 | 处分资产溢价公积 | Capital surplus from gain on disposal of assets | |
20 | 处理贸易事务 | the disposal of business affairs | |
21 | 存取、评价和处理股 | Accession, Appraisal and Disposal Unit | |
22 | 但我想,让我在四五个月里面花掉十万法郎,不是你吧。 | But it was not you, I presume, who placed at my disposal 100,000 francs, which I spent in four or five months | |
23 | 当卡车终于载着那吓人的负载在泥泞的森林小道上颠簸,寻找预先选好用来处理尸体的废矿井时,城里一群工人得到朋友们的通风报信来到现场。 | When finally the grisly load was jolting along muddy forest tracks, looking for the abandoned mine-shafts chosen for the disposal of the corpses, a party of factory workers from the town turned up, tipped off by friends | |
24 | 对放射性污水的处置,对开矿和碾磨中余渣的处置,应按照核监视委员会的规章管制,应根据1978年《铀碾磨残渣辐射控制法案》[《美国法典诠注》第42编第7901-7942条]进行处理。 | disposal of mill tailings, residues from mining and milling, is regulated by NRC pursuant to the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of 1978, 42 U.S.C.A. 7901-7942 | |
25 | 对于沿海地区,可以允许磷酸厂将石膏排放入海。 | For sea coast location, phosphoric acid plants may be permitted to discharge gypsum into the ocean for disposal | |
26 | 而且他从来不用偷来的小玩艺儿,也从来不计划怎么处理它们。 | moreover, the kleptomaniac never has any use for the lifted trinkets, nor any plans for their disposal | |
27 | 法令要求呈送有关信息,诸如化学成分,适用范围,预计的生产量,预计的副产品,在生产期间可能接触的人数估计,以及供销方式。 | The statute calls for submission of information on chemical identity, proposed use, anticipated production volume, expected by-products, estimates of the number of people likely to be exposed during manufacture, and methods of disposal | |
28 | 放射性废物最终处置 | ultimate disposal of radioactive waste | |
29 | 固体废物的处理和利用 | disposal and utilization of solid wastes | |
30 | 国有资产处置 | disposal of state-owned property |