属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
1 | ( 二)利用提供法律服务的便利牟取当事人争议的权益,或者接受对方当事人的财物; | (2)to seek the disputed rights and interests of a party or accept money or things of value from the opposing party by taking advantage of providing legal services; | |
2 | ( 七)私自接受委托,私自向委托人收取费用,收受委托人财物,利用提供法律服务的便利牟取当事人争议的权益,或者接受对方当事人的财物的; | (7)accepting authorization privately, charging fees to a client privately, accepting money or things of value from a client or using the provision of legal services to seek the disputed rights and interests of a party concerned or accepting money or things of value from the opposing party; | |
3 | (四)所有权、使用权不明或者有争议的财产; | (4)property in relation to which the ownership or the right of use is unknown or disputed ; | |
4 | [C]公司与[D]公司、[A]公司在本案中争议的焦点问题就是二被告是否构成《合同法》第42条规定的缔约过失责任。 | The disputed issue among [C] Co., [D] Co. and [A] Co. whether or not [the acts of] the two defendants constitutes constitute contracting negligence under Article 42 of the Contract Law. | |
5 | 案例中各方争论的焦点是,限制进口的目的是从经济上偏袒地方工业,还是对州资源的环境保护,以免过分使用。 | The parties in the case disputed whether the purpose of the restriction was economic favoritism toward local industry or environmental protection of the state’s resources from overuse | |
6 | 巴基斯坦和印度已在两国边界集结约一百万大军,两国交相发表好战声明,过去一周并在争执不断的克什米尔交火。 | Pakistan and India have massed about 1 million troops along their common border and have been exchanging bellicose statements. They have also been exchanging fires in the endlessly disputed Kashmir in the past week | |
7 | 报章上为了争夺家产而闹上法庭的报道已不是什么大新闻了。 | Stories in the press about lawsuits between family members over disputed properties are not news anymore. | |
8 | 报纸上一发表,全伦敦的市民以及整个联合王国的人都知道了。人们在评论,在争辩,在揣摸着这个“环游地球的问题”。 | The boasted `tour of the world’ was talked about, disputed , argued with as much warmth as if the subject were another alabama claim | |
9 | 表明或证明(所争辩的事物)属实、正当、有效等 | Show or prove the truth,justice,validity,etc(of sth that has been disputed ) | |
10 | 此外,除了在赤道一带和北极局围的争夺地区之外,并没有发生过战事;对敌国领土也从来没有进犯过。 | Moreover, no fighting ever occurs except in the disputed areas round the equator and the Pole: no invasion of enemy territory is ever undertaken | |
11 | 从《群音类选》看明代剧坛的“诸腔”纷呈现象 | On Variouis Antrums Diversed and Disputed on Ming-Dynasty Dramas-area According to QUN YIN LEI XUAN | |
12 | 大家都对这个疑案提出自己的见解。 | Everybody put forward his opinion on the disputed case. | |
13 | 敌人进犯,战士们寸土必争. | The soldiers disputed every inch of ground when the enemy attacked. | |
14 | 第七十二条 仲裁请求的变更或反请求的提出 , 不影响简易程序的继续进行。经变更的仲裁请求或反请求所涉争议金额与第六十四条的规定抵触的除外。 | Article 72 The conduct of the summary proceedings shall not be affected by any amendment of the claim or by the filing of a counterclaim, except that the disputed amount of the revised arbitration claim or counterclaim is in conflict with the provision of Article 64. | |
15 | 第三十条 对于保险合同的条款,保险人与投保人、被保险人或者受益人有争议时,人民法院或者仲裁机关应当作有利于被保险人和受益人的解释。 | Article 30 If there is any dispute over the interpretation of clauses in an insurance contract between the insurer and the applicant, the insured or the beneficiary, then the People’s Courts or arbitration organizations shall interpret such disputed clauses in favor of the insured and the beneficiary. | |
16 | 对减轻责任这个问题,上诉人未就任何论据进行争辩。 | On the issue of diminished responsibility, none of the facts were disputed by the appellant | |
17 | 对一起典型继承纠纷案例的分析与思考 | The Analysis of a Typical Disputed Case about Inheritance | |
18 | 对有异议的检验结果进行复验;国家食品药品监督管理局规定的其他事项。 | To conduct re-inspection on a disputed inspection result; Other matters as provided for by the State Food and Drug Administration. | |
19 | 夫妻俩为上哪儿度假而发生争论。 | The couple disputed where to spend the holiday. | |
20 | 关于如何在“不道德地”一词上对陪审团进行指示,当事人有激烈的争议。 | The parties vigorously disputed how the jury would be instructed on ″corruptly.″ | |
21 | 后来当局下令坦克驶进广场驱散群众,造成数百人被杀(数目尚有争议)、上千人遭到逮捕,从而有力地镇压这场运动。 | Tanks and troops were called in to disperse the crowds; hundreds were killed (the number is disputed )and thousands arrested, and the movement was effectively crushed. | |
22 | 教唆犯基本争议问题辨析 | Discussing Basic Disputed Theory of the Abettor | |
23 | 杰克不同意比尔比他游得更快的说法。 | Jack disputed Bill’s statement that Bill was a faster swimmer. | |
24 | 她的遗嘱是否合法在她死后多年仍有争议。 | The legal status of her will was disputed for years after her death. | |
25 | 她对我们的劝告表示异议。 | She disputed against our advice | |
26 | 她该继承他的财产这件事是不容易争辩的。 | It is not to be disputed that she should inherit his estate. | |
27 | 近来,地处南亚的印度与巴基斯坦因克什米尔争议,两国关系日趋紧张,美国国防情报局因而于上周更新这项被列入机密的评估。 | Recently, the relations between India and Pakistan in South Asia have been growing more and more tense over the disputed kashmir. As a result, the US defense intelligence updated this classified assessment report last week | |
28 | 靠近边界的土地是有争议的地区. | The land near the border is disputed ground. | |
29 | 扣押有争议的选票 | impounding disputed electoral ballots. | |
30 | 两国为那片领土已争执多年。 | The two countries have disputed over that stretch of land for years. |