属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工作兼娱乐 招聘游戏化
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-唱片业 环球公司的赌博游戏
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-美国手机业者合併 功亏一篑
1 | 如果其他的替罪羊都不能说明问题,最后还可以指责祖鲁族酋长布特菜奇--许多人都认为他是破坏南非脆弱稳定的一个因素。 | When all other scapegoats failed, there was always Zulu Chief Buthelezi, who is seen by many as a disruptive influence on the country’s fragile stability | |
2 | 如果这些指令是有害的、有破坏性的,那么病毒的蔓延就可能引起广泛的破坏。 | If these instructions are harmful or disruptive , the pervasion of the virus may cause the harm to be widespread. | |
3 | 他能影响别的孩子使他们失控。 | He has a disruptive influence on the other children. | |
4 | 突发事件下何时启动应急预案 | When to Activate Contingency Plans within Disruptive Incidents | |
5 | 突破性技术创新过程管理研究 | Research on the Management of Disruptive Technology Innovation Process | |
6 | 退变椎间盘聚集蛋白聚糖中硫酸软骨素链变化的实验研究 | Comparative Chondroitin Salfate Profiling from Aggrecan of Normal Disc, Internal Disc Disruptive and Herniated Discs in Vitro | |
7 | 我和克莱尔·戈斯于1978年发表的一篇研究报告中就有一个实例。我们教一个爱捣乱的五年级小男孩每天对自己的课堂表现做两次等级评定。 | In a study I published in 1978 with Claire Goss, for example, we taught a disruptive fifth-grade boy to rate his own class-room behavior twice a day | |
8 | 我们要严防他们的破坏活动。 | We should keep a sharp look-out for their disruptive activities. | |
9 | 显然,对这些破坏的因素知道的越多,发现它们的一些差异的机会就越大。 | Clearly, the more we know of these disruptive factors, the greater is our chance of finding some difference | |
10 | 原产地规则本身不得对国际贸易产生限制、扭曲或破坏作用。 | Rules of origin shall not themselves create restrictive, distorting, or disruptive effects on international trade. | |
11 | 在某些情况下,某种病毒可能一点没有包含什么故意有害的或破坏性的指令,而是通过自身的重复占去某些难得的资源. | In some cases, a virus may contain no intentionally harmful or disruptive instructions at all, instead , it may cause damage by replicating itself and taking up scarce resources. | |
12 | 这些成员表示,因国际收支原因而采取的措施所产生的贸易扭曲作用应尽可能最小,且应只限于临时性进口附加税、进口押金要求或其他等效价格机制贸易措施,这些措施不应用于对特定部门、产业或产品提供进口保护。 | Those members stated that measures taken for BOPs reasons should have the least trade disruptive effect possible and should be limited to temporary import surcharges, import deposit requirements or other equivalent price-based trade measures, and those measures should not be used to provide import protection for specific sectors, industries or products." | |
13 | 只要有几个爱捣乱的学生,就能把全班搅乱. | A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class. | |
14 | 中央社于七月六日发出破坏团结、侮辱共产党的消息,这是一种极端错误的言论,也是不能容许的。 | Your Central News Agency’s publication of the news item of July 6, which is disruptive of unity and insulting to the Communist Party, is also utterly wrong and impermissible | |
15 | ||1:一些公司似乎看到了潜力。||2:壳牌公司中为石油巨头寻找突破性新技术的GameChanger部门即将测试Knack是否能帮助它去发现创新者。||3:贝恩咨询公司在这方面将启动一次试点:它将让现有职员参与去玩些游戏以帮助决定哪些技能是有助于去做一个成功的咨询者。||4:(收取高昂的费用却说些显而易见的东西,这种能力大概不是其中一个)"如果有人能显著提高我们挑选最好人才的能力,那么这对于我们是非常有价值的。||5:"贝恩公司的招聘者Mark Howorth如是说。||6:当然,如果不能,起码这玩意儿有点意思。 | ||1:Some firms seem to see the potential.||2:The GameChanger unit of Shell, which seeks out new disruptive technologies for the oil giant, is about to test if Knack can help it identify innovators.||3:Bain & Company, a consultancy, is to run a pilot: it will start by getting current staff to play the games, to see which skills make for a successful consultant.||4:(The ability to charge a lot for stating the obvious is presumably not one of them.||5:) "If someone can materially improve our ability to select the best talent, that is worth a lot to us," says Mark Howorth, a recruiter at Bain.||6:And if not, at least the process will be fun. | |
16 | ||1:有少部分人怀疑,也就是说,目前的音乐唱片公司都在努力缩减开支。||2: 花旗集团接手之前的百代(EMI),经过私募股权投资公司—泰丰资本(Terra Firma)的操刀调整之后,处于一个比较良好的状态。而 ||3:现在,环球公司即将收购的却是百代最容易受到科技侵扰的唱片事业部。||4:(花旗集团单独将百代的音乐版权部门以22亿美元的价格出售给了以索尼为首的一个财团。尽管音乐版权是块"难啃的骨头",但是却拥有强势的发展前景。上月,行业监管人员同意了这笔交易,而且并没有表现出太多的紧张和不安。) | ||1: Small wonder, then, that music firms are scrambling to cut costs. ||2: EMI is in fairly good shape after being put on a diet by Terra Firma, the private-equity firm that owned it before Citigroup. ||3: Still, Universalis getting the part of EMI’s business that is most vulnerable to disruptive technology. ||4: (Citigroup separately sold its stodgy but strong music-publishing division to a consortium headed by Sony for $2.2 billion. Regulators agreed to this deal last month, without much fuss.) | |
17 | ||1:这也很容易成为蚂蚁金服与监管机构之间最公开、最具破坏性的冲突。||2:随着周围规则的变化,该公司不断调整其业务。IPO的失败似乎在一定程度上与此类事件有关。||3:早在2018年,官员们就对资产支持证券化设置了上限,颠覆了蚂蚁金服向银行出售贷款的模式。||4:因此,它开创了一种新的方式:消费者和商户通过其智能手机上的支付服务支付宝借款,但资金来自银行。||5:蚂蚁金服只是一个渠道,收取“技术服务费”。||6:随着信贷的增长超过支付成为蚂蚁金服最大的收入来源,这一中转业务逐渐兴隆起来。 | ||1: It is also easily the most public, and most disruptive , of Ant’s run-ins with regulators. ||2: The company has consistently adjusted its business as the rules around it have shifted. The IPO debacle appears to be partly related to one such case. ||3: Back in 2018 officials placed caps on asset-backed securitisation, upending Ant’s model of selling its loans on to banks. ||4: So it pioneered a new approach: consumers and merchants borrowed through Alipay, its payments service, on their sMartphones, but the money came from banks. ||5: Ant was simply the conduit, collecting a "technology-service fee". ||6: This conduit business boomed, with credit growing to outstrip payments as Ant’s biggest source of revenue. | |
18 | 反垄断机构尤其担心收购通过会减少一个遏制竞争的对手。T-Mobile曾大幅度削价销售。并且它最先向消费者提供无线邮件收发、最新高速网络和配备安卓操作系统的智能手机。 | Regulators are particularly worried that the takeover would eliminate a disruptive competitor. T-Mobile has a history of cutting prices aggressively. It was also the first carrier to offer wireless e-mail, the latest high-speed networks and a smartphone using the Android operating system. | |
19 | 没有了创始人,硅谷曾经最混乱的公司会繁荣起来吗? | Can Silicon Valley’s most disruptive firm prosper without its maker? | |
20 | “颠覆性”是一个作为“渐近性改良”的反义词的流行词汇。 | "Disruptive " is the in-vogue word for the opposite of "incremental improvement. " | |
21 | “它的到来将会带来巨大的影响,”李约瑟公司分析师查尔斯·沃尔夫指出。 | "It is going to have a fairly disruptive impact when it lands, " said Charles Wolf, an analyst with Needham & Company. | |
22 | “我们有的是时间和地方可以大喊大叫,但不是现在,也不是在这儿,”他对精神混乱的病人说。 | "There’s a place and a time for roaring, but not here and now, " he’ll tell a disruptive patient. "Can we talk. . . ? " | |
23 | 《我与梦露的一周》纪录的就是那次混乱的拍摄,而期间她与助理传出绯闻更是雪上加霜。 | My Week With Marilyn chronicles the tumultuous shoot, made all the more disruptive by her affair with an assistant. | |
24 | 60.4%--称“破坏性行为”在他们所在学校是一个中度甚或严重的问题。 | 60. 4% -- Said "disruptive behavior" was a moderate or serious problem in their schools. | |
25 | DeanBubley’sDisruptiveWirelessblog在无线通信行业有权威的分析顾问。 | Dean Bubley’s Disruptive Wireless blog has analysis from a high-profile consultant in the wireless industry. | |
26 | Matthew聪明伶俐,但是他爱捣乱并且很容易分心。 | Matthew is bright but can be disruptive and easily distracted. | |
27 | Z一代是现代历史上最具突破性的一代。 | Generation Z is the most disruptive generation in modern history. | |
28 | 比起虚线来,点线的分裂性稍弱,这是因为片段的出现规律是一致的。 | Dotted lines are slightly less disruptive than dashed lines because the rhythm of the fragments is uniform. | |
29 | 不久前,哈佛大学的ClaytonChristensen使“破坏性创新”一词成为主流。 | Quite a while ago Clayton Christensen of Harvard has mainstreamed the term "disruptive innovations" . | |
30 | 不具颠覆性,但引以为荣 | Not disruptive , and proud of it |