1 | (湖泊等)优氧化的水中富有矿物有机物,有利于植物,特别是藻类的增殖,但藻类往往使分解的氧含量过低,从而使别的有机物灭绝。用于指湖泊或池塘 | Having waters rich in mineral and organic nutrients that promote a proliferation of plant life,especially algae,which reduces the dissolved oxygen content and often causes the extinction of other organisms.Used of a lake or pond. | |
2 | 625型分析仪用来监视锅炉进水和其它水溶液中溶解氧的浓度。 | The model 625 analyser is designed to monitor the dissolved oxygen concentration in boiler feed-water and other aqueous solution | |
3 | GB17266-1998溶解乙炔气瓶充装站安全技术条件 | Safety specification for filling station of dissolved acetylene cylinders | |
4 | 饱和:有机化合物所有的碳分子都只由一个单独的价的状态。饱和也指溶液或蒸汽的被溶化或蒸发物质在一定的压力或温度下达到最高浓度的状态。 | Saturation: State of an organic compound in which all its carbon atoms are linked by single covalent bonds. Saturation also means the state of a solution or vapour (see vaporization)in which it has the highest possible concentration of the dissolved or vaporized material at a given pressure and temperature. | |
5 | 变压器油中溶解气体分析和判断导则 | Guide for the analysis and the diagnosis of gases dissolved in transformer oil | |
6 | 冰块慢慢融化成一个个小水洼。 | Cakes of ice slowly dissolved into puddles. | |
7 | 不到几年,那团体因为内部不和而解散。 | The group dissolved in dissension within a few years. | |
8 | 不料下午打门进来的就是她,鸿渐见了她面,心里的怨气像宿雾见了朝阳,消散净尽。 | That afternoon, much to his surprise, there was a knock on his door and in she came.At the sight of her all the ill will in Hung-chien’s heart dissolved like the nighttime mist under the morning sun | |
9 | 采用K吸收边缘和X射线荧光光谱联合测定法同时测定后处理厂溶解溶液中的铀和钚 | Simultaneous determination of uranium and plutonium in dissolved solutions from reprocessing plants – Combined method using K-absorption edge and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry | |
10 | 瓷漆,以丙烯酸聚合物为基料,分散或溶于水介质 | enamel,based on acrylic polymers,dispersed or dissolved in an aqueous medium | |
11 | 瓷漆,以聚酯为基料,分散或溶于非水介质 | enamel,based on polyesters,dispersed or dissolved in a nonaqueous medium | |
12 | 瓷漆,以乙烯聚合物为基料,分散或溶于水介质 | enmel,based on vinyl polymers,dispered or dissolved in an aqueous medium | |
13 | 大多数溶液是液态,但是也有气态和固态的溶液,例如空气(主要由氧和氮组成)或黄铜(主要由铜和锌组成)。溶液中的液体是溶剂,加入的物质是溶质;若是两者都是液态,通常将较为少量的当作溶质。 | Most solutions are liquids, but solutions also can be of gases or solids-for example, air (composed primarily of oxygen and nitrogen)or brass (composed chiefly of copper and zinc). In solutions comprising a solid dissolved in a liquid, the liquid is the solvent, and the solid is the solute; if both components are liquids, the one present in a smaller amount is usually considered the solute. | |
14 | 但由于红血球、白血球、血小板和蛋白质太大,不能通过此膜。人工肾通过透析可以控制血液的酸碱平衡、血液中的水和各种可溶物质的含度。 | Particles such as blood cells ,white cells, platelets and proteins are too large to pass. This process controls the acid-base balance of the blood and its content of water and dissolved materials. | |
15 | 当没有溶解在溶剂里时(自由乙炔),乙炔在压力大于15磅每平方英寸(psig)的情况下会开始分解。 | Acetylene, when not dissolved in a solvent (free acetylene), can begin to dissociate (decompose)at pressures above 15 pounds per square inch gauge (psig). | |
16 | 地下水也含有溶解了的二氧化碳,这些二氧化碳是从空气和从植物根系的气体交换中获得的。 | Ground water also contains dissolved carbon dioxide from the air and from the exchange of gases in plant roots. | |
17 | 锭剂一颗小的药用糖果,用来含于口中以润滑咽喉的过敏组织及减轻其痛苦 | A small,medicated candy intended to be dissolved slowly in the mouth to lubricate and soothe irritated tissues of the throat. | |
18 | 多数专家同意某些婚姻应该终结,而从1970年至1996年间,美国的离婚率增长到四倍之多。 | Most experts agree that some marriages should be dissolved , and between 1970 and 1996 the US divorce rate more than quadrupled | |
19 | 二个以上公司合并设立一个新的公司为新设合并,合并各方解散。 | Where two or more companies establish a new company in a merger by re-establishment, all merged parties are dissolved . | |
20 | 二氧化硫:化学式SO2。一种无机化合物,为重而无色的有毒气体,带有类似擦火柴时产生的刺鼻臭味。在自然界,二氧化硫存在于火山气体和某些温泉水中。工业上大量制备二氧化硫用作漂白剂、还原剂以及食物防腐剂。 | Sulfur dioxide:Inorganic compound, heavy, colourless, poisonous gas (SO2). It has a pungent, irritating odour (the smell of a just-struck match). It occurs in volcanic gases and dissolved in the waters of some warm springs. Huge quantities are made industrially for use as a bleach, as a reducing agent, and as sulfites, which are food preservatives. | |
21 | 二氧化碳一种无机化合物,无色而略带刺鼻气味和酸味的气体。化学式CO2。 | Carbon dioxide Inorganic compound, a colourless gas with a faint, sharp odour and a sour taste when dissolved in water, chemical formula CO2. | |
22 | 该化验师把水分分解为原质。 | The chemist dissolved water into its elements. | |
23 | 工业循环冷却水中溶解性固体的测定重量法 | Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of dissolved matter--Gravimetric method | |
24 | 工业循环冷却水中溶解氧的测定碘量法 | Industrial circulating cooling water--Determination of dissolved oxygen--Iodimetry | |
25 | 公司违反法律、行政法规被依法责令关闭的,应当解散,由有关主管机关组织股东、有关机关及有关专业人员成立清算组,进行清算。 | A company which is ordered according to law to close down for violating laws and administrative regulations shall be dissolved , and the relevant responsible authority shall organize the shareholders, relevant institutions and professional personnel to establish a liquidation group to carry out liquidation procedures. | |
26 | 含水介质中有机化合物基本好氧生物降解能力的评定-不溶有机碳(doc)测定法 | evaluation of "ultimate" aerobic biodegradablity of organic compounds in aqueous medium [method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon(doc)] | |
27 | 含有溶解碳酸氢钙的水通过石灰石滴在钟乳石上蒸发,随着碳酸钙沉积物的增加不断增加着它的长度。 | Water, containing dissolved calcium hydrogen carbonate, passes through the limestone and drops evaporate on the stalactite, increasing its length with a deposit of calcium carbonate | |
28 | 黄金不会溶解于盐酸之中。 | Gold can’t be dissolved in hydrochloric acid. | |
29 | 将粗制、湿的苯甲酸酯(118克)回流着溶于1400毫升甲醇中。 | The crude, wet benzoate (118 grams)was dissolved with reflux in 1, 400 ml methanol | |
30 | 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法溶解氧的测定内电解法 | Analysis of water used in boiler and cooling system-Determination for dissolved oxygen-Internal electrolysis |