1 | (低劣的)新闻文体常常被认为是报刊杂志所特有的文体,以陈词套词、追求轰动效应、及思想陈腐为特征 | The style of writing often held to be characteristic of newspapers and magazines,distinguished by cliche,sensationalism,and triteness of thought. | |
2 | “唉,”他喊道,他的口令是那样的慈爱殷勤,显然与一般人的普通招呼不同,“我的骑士到达目的地啦。 | "Well," cried he, with that benevolent politeness which distinguished his salutation from the common civilities of the world, "my cavalier has attained his object | |
3 | 爱因斯坦以其独创性著称。 | Einstein was distinguished for his originality. | |
4 | 本饭店环境典雅优美,出类拔萃。 | This hotel, standing in elegant and graceful surroundings, is distinguished from its kind. | |
5 | 不用线条的属于、有关于或表现于没有直线条和缺乏或全然没有明显轮廓,而是通过各种色彩来区别的开放形式的风格的 | Of,relating to,or being a style of painting marked by openness of form,with shapes distinguished by variations of color rather than by outline or contour. | |
6 | 当事人对某一义务负首要责任的人,区别于担保人或背书转让人 | The person having prime responsibility for an obligation as distinguished from one who acts as surety or as an endorser. | |
7 | 德·沃布兰先生用强力改组了科学院,组织、人选,一手包办,轰轰烈烈地安插了几个院士,自己却落了一场空。 | M. de Vaublanc, the reformer of the Institute by a coup d’etat, the distinguished author of numerous academicians, ordinances, and batches of members, after having created them, could not succeed in becoming one himself | |
8 | 地带以构成成分和含量来区别的区域或地层 | A region or stratum distinguished by composition or content. | |
9 | 第5染色体的特点是有一个近侧的节结。 | Chromosome 5 is distinguished by a proximal knob | |
10 | 蛾任一种灰色鳞翅目昆虫,一般在夜间活动,长有毛发状或被羽毛覆盖的触角以及短粗的躯体,还生有将前后翅膀连在一起的翅缰,并以此特征与蝴蝶相区别 | Any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera,generally distinguished from butterflies by their nocturnal activity,hairlike or feathery antennae,stout bodies,and the frenulum that holds the front and back wings together. | |
11 | 而令其更加出名的则是因为新中国老一代领导人曾用茅台酒招待美国前总统尼克松、日本前首相田中角荣等贵宾。 | What makes mao-tai even more famous is that first generation leaders of new China had used it to entertain distinguished guests such as former president Nixon of the US, Tanaka Kakuei, former prime minister of Japan, etc | |
12 | 法兰西斯·柯罗马蒂先生高高的个子,金黄色头发,有五十来岁。 | Sir Francis was a tall, fair man of fifty, who had greatly distinguished himself in the last sepoy revolt | |
13 | 非常感谢你们,沙伦·甘扬,尼尔·罗登斯但校长和安杰莉卡·罗登斯但,哈佛集团的全体成员以及海外公司的全体成员,老师们,同学们,女士们,尊敬的来宾们。 | Thank you very much, Sharon Ganyon, President NeiI Rudenstein and Angelica Rudenstein, members of the Harvard corporation board and board of overseas, faculty, students, alumni, distinguished guests | |
14 | 分析造山带中盆地系的板块构造时,需要将靠近作用与分离作用仔细区分开来。 | Plate tectonic analysis of basin systems interspersed in orogenic belts requires that the effects of approximation be carefully distinguished from those of separation | |
15 | 肛门性格的在大小便训练过程中产生的性格特征,可分为肛门排泄型和肛门克制型 | Indicating personality traits that originated during toilet training and are distinguished as anal-expulsive or anal-retentive. | |
16 | 工资总额国民生产总值的一部分,表示付给所有有价值的工作或服务的报酬总额,以用来区分于因管理或再投入到货币资本的那部分国民生产总值 | The portion of the national product that represents the aggregate paid for all contributing labor and services as distinguished from the portion retained by management or reinvested in capital goods. | |
17 | 硅藻的属于或有关以双侧对称形状著名的硅藻的 | Of or relating to diatoms of the class Pennales,distinguished by bilaterally symmetrical form. | |
18 | 黑人人类一个主要种族的成员,传统上按身体特征来区分,比如肤色棕色渐黑色,常有紧密的卷发,尤指非洲撒哈拉以南地区的人 | A member of a major human racial division traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair,especially one of various peoples of sub-Saharan Africa. | |
19 | 很多名人都出身贫民窟。 | Many distinguished men have emerged from slums. | |
20 | 花生态学家把风媒传粉种,即风媒植物,同动物媒植物区别开来。 | Flower ecologists have distinguished the wind pollinators, i.e. the anemophilous plants from the zoidogamous plants | |
21 | 吉尔贝和蔼可亲地,怀着友好的宽容心情,对我说道,罗杰有过出色的纪录,其实这是我已经知道的。 | affably, with friendly condescension, Gilby told me, what I knew myself, that Roger had had a distinguished record in the last year | |
22 | 极矢量与轴矢量的区别在于它们的反演性质不同。 | Polar vectors and axial vectors are distinguished by their inversion properties | |
23 | 鉴于ALBA公司对志愿工作的大力支持,该公司被民政部授予“杰出公司”称号 | Alba was honoured as a Distinguished Company by the Ministry of Civil Affairs in recognition of the company’s support for voluntary work | |
24 | 她摆出一副傲慢而高贵的姿态。 | She had a proud, distinguished bearing. | |
25 | 她的举动和姿势也很出色,显示一种高贵和端庄的魅力。 | Her gestures and movements were distinguished by a noble and stately grace | |
26 | 她以沉着勇敢著称。 | She distinguished herself by her coolness and bravery. | |
27 | 她作为一名大律师而闻名。 | She distinguished herself as a great lawyer. | |
28 | 进行性坏死随着年龄的增长细胞或组织的正常死亡,有别于坏死或由于疾病的死亡 | The natural death of cells or tissues through aging,as distinguished from necrosis or pathological death. | |
29 | 鲸一种鲸目海生哺乳动物,具有鱼的外形,前肢变异以形成鳍肢,其尾巴带有水平尾片,有一或两个鼻孔以供呼吸,尤其指与小型海豚相区分的体型巨大的一类 | Any of various marine mammals of the order Cetacea,having the general shape of a fish with forelimbs modified to form flippers,a tail with horizontal flukes,and one or two blowholes for breathing,especially one of the very large species as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises. | |
30 | 看它的红嘴就可以辨认出是雄的。 | The male is distinguished by its red beak. |