属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Europe’s zombie banks 欧洲的僵尸
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-芭比50年 风韵犹存
1 | ||1:难道欧洲的负债资产表不应该被清除吗?私募公司积攒了数十亿,想从欧洲银行手中收购了不良资产,现在这些公司一直在渴望这笔交易,等得急不可耐。||2:监管部门担心,银行不会清除或者售出不良贷款,他们会动手脚改变模式,让人们不知道他们需要持有多少资金。||3:丹麦大型借贷银行丹斯克上个月突然接到上级命令,要他们换个算法,降低资产比例。||4:丹麦不属于欧元区,但是,德国政客们也在其银行资产负债表中开玩笑,嘲讽这个恶心的“惊喜”。 | ||1:Weren’t the Europeans supposed to be cleaning up their balance-sheets? Private-equity firmsthat have raised billions to buy up distressed assets from European banks are kicking theirheels while they wait for deals to arrive.||2:Regulators worry that banks, rather than writingoff or selling bad loans, have been fiddling with the models that dictate how much capitalthey need to hold.||3:Danske Bank, a big Danish lender, was abruptly ordered by its supervisor tochange its calculations last month, lowering its capital ratio.||4:Denmark is outside the euro,but even German politicians joke about the nasty surprises in their banks’ balance-sheets. | |
2 | ||1:为了研究这个问题,科斯坦斯博士与梅耶女士进行了一项试验。他们将狗安排在一个人身边,观察狗在此人突然开始哭泣时的反应。||2:他们深知想要解读狗的反应是十分困难的,因为狗在这种条件下经常会发出呜呜声,把鼻子贴在人的大腿上并蹭蹭舔舔,还会在人类悲伤时叼来玩具哄人开心。||3:尽管这样的行为暗示着它们想要给主人提供安慰,但同时也可能仅仅代表了它们的好奇心,又或者它们只是看到主人懊恼感到忧虑罢了。 | ||1:To do this, Dr Custance and Ms Mayer conducted an experiment to study the response of dogs when a nearby human suddenly began to cry.||2:The researchers knew that interpreting responses would be difficult, since dogs tend to whine, nuzzle, lick, lay their heads in laps and fetch toys for people in distress.||3:Although such actions hint at a dog wishing to offer comfort, they could also be signs of curiosity, or suggest that a dog is simply distressed by seeing its master upset. | |
3 | ||1:这些发现表明狗的确有表达关心的能力。||2:科斯坦斯博士说,尽管结论已经十分明确,我们仍需要更多做工来确定它们的行为是否真的因为它们能体会人类的感受。||3:她指出,狗可能是出于以往获得的经验即靠近它们的人类同伴能获得奖励进而表现出这种行为。||4:而对于狗能通人性这一点狗主人已经十分清楚了。 | ||1:These discoveries suggest that dogs do have the ability to express empathetic concern.||2:But although the results are clear enough, Dr Custance argues that more work needs to be done to be sure that such behaviour is true empathy.||3:It is possible, she points out, that the dogs were drawing on previous experiences in which they were rewarded for approaching distressed human companions.||4:Dog-owners, however, are unlikely to need any more convincing. | |
4 | 没有新的贷款注入,在五月中旬底特律就会掏空口袋里的最后一枚铜板。严峻的现状迫使底特律急需找到解决结构性赤字的办法。去年末,一项对底特律财政状况的调查就已开展。此举也为指派危机总长从合法性上打下了伏笔。密西根州政府在其他危机重重城市也曾指派过危机总长。 | Without new loans, the city will run out of cash in mid-May. The state is pushing it hard to sort out its structural deficit. Late last year it began a financial review of Detroit which was the legal prelude to bringing in an unelected emergency manager, as Michigan has done in several other distressed cities. | |
5 | 时间赋予了全新的芭比,下次她也许打扮成一名受债务困扰的投资者? | Time for a new Barbie, dressed as a distressed -debt investor? | |
6 | “焦虑型”婴儿则显得忧虑,而当妈妈回来的时候,他一边推开妈妈,一边掉眼泪。 | The anxious baby was distressed , but when the mother came back, he pushed her away and burst into tears. | |
7 | “然而,最近这些年来,我们如此地不珍惜自己的名誉,这令我深感不安。” | "I am therefore distressed at how far we have let concerns for reputation slip in recent years. " | |
8 | 60亿人,每天都有人生老病死,正是因为我们对大多数人的身体漠不关心,才能在大多数时候保有一种的平和的心态。 | Millions of people, after all, get ill every day; we have no beliefs whatsoever about most of them, and consequently don’t feel distressed . | |
9 | Apollo长期混迹于不良债务领域,在4月8日宣布了首次公开募股的计划。 | Apollo, which has a long involvement in distressed debt, revealed plans on April 8th for an initial public offering. | |
10 | BeazerHomes设立了一个“二手住宅”部门,在亚利桑那州凤凰城以很低的价格购买住宅,并且从出租这些房屋中获得收入。 | Beazer Homes has set up a "pre-owned homes" division to buy homes in Phoenix, Arizona, at distressed prices. | |
11 | Gramercy是专注不良投资的新兴市场对冲基金,其RobertKoenigsberger坚持认为投资方最好将视线转移别处。 | Robert Koenigsberger of Gramercy, an emerging-market hedge fund focused on distressed investing, insists it is best to look elsewhere. | |
12 | HAJRI先生称,当前的经济危机已经产生了大量的机会,向饱受经济摧残的公司投资。 | Mr Hajri said that the current economic crisis had created a lot of opportunities to invest in financially distressed companies. | |
13 | KKR已经筹集了大量资金来收购跌破市值的股票并投资基础建设。 | Already KKR has raised money to invest in distressed securities and infrastructure development. | |
14 | SteveFeinberg是其幕后老板,这个臭名昭著的人在1992年和他人共同出资创建了这家对冲基金公司,开展对不良债权的收购。 | Steve Feinberg, its notoriously reclusive boss, co-founded the firm in 1992 as a hedge fund that traded distressed debt. | |
15 | 奥维特退出了比赛,显然觉得非常疼痛,呼吸困难。 | having difficulty Ovett dropped out of the race, clearly distressed and having difficulty breathing. | |
16 | 保罗在雅典等候他们的时后,看见满城都是偶像,就心里着急。 | While Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he was greatly distressed to see that the city was full of idols. | |
17 | 别心疼,东西看来没什么问题,青铜剑格的灰白色断面很清楚,再说格不带工断了不算毁东西。 | Don’t be distressed , it seems ok, clear offwhite section of bronze Jian case, not damage. | |
18 | 波兰是桑坦德可能的市场:国土面积较大而且有着穷困的卖家。 | Poland is Santander’s kind of market, though: biggish and with distressed sellers. | |
19 | 不过,格洛弗小姐终于决定和他谈谈这个搅得她心神不宁的问题。 | Finally, however, Miss Glover decided to speak with him on the subject that distressed her. | |
20 | 不过你看上去好像很难过,你可以向我们的图书管理员咨询一下。 | However, since you seem distressed , you shall have a chance of consulting our librarian. | |
21 | 不良债券交易的最终结果不一定是违约或公司破产,不过这种风险还是在上升。 | Distressed debt trading does not necessarily always lead to default or bankruptcy, although such risk is increasing. | |
22 | 不论伴侣间的关系紧张,或者双方希望婚姻关系更稳固,这种做法都象征着承诺和开放。 | This demonstrates engagement and openness, whether a couple is in a distressed relationship or wants to make a strong marriage even better. | |
23 | 不幸的老婆下来了,跪倒在他的脚旁,满是泪水,头发披散到肩上。 | The distressed wife came down, and threw herself at his feet, all in tears, with her hair about her shoulders. | |
24 | 财务困境上市公司资本结构选择研究 | The Capital Structure Choice of Financial Distressed Firms: Evidence from China | |
25 | 从生态平衡的角度谈西部贫困地区的环保问题 | Talking about Environmental Protection of Distressed Areas of Western China from the Angle of Ecological Equilibrium | |
26 | 大量法拍屋仍然不断流向市场,这种让人痛苦的交易占加利福尼亚销售额的66%。 | A huge pipeline of foreclosed homes is still on its way to market: distressed transactions account for 66% of sales in California. | |
27 | 但美国的泡沫破裂已经引发了甩卖潮,令价格快速下跌。 | But America’s bust has brought waves of distressed sales, forcing prices down rapidly. | |
28 | 但是强迫金融机构任何这些资产的过低的价格会加深金融危机。 | But it could deepen the financial crisis by forcing institutions to recognise the assets’ deeply distressed prices. | |
29 | 但是许多跌得很厉害(15-25美分),因为它们是最近才被赎回。 | But many are seriously distressed (15-25 cents on the dollar) because they are the last to be paid in foreclosures. | |
30 | 但是正是那些一蹶不振的公司债券的交易者带着最为灿烂的笑容。 | But it is traders of distressed corporate debt who are wearing the broadest smiles. |