1 | "你大概在这儿人生地不熟,朋友,"那个镇上人一边回答,一边好奇地打量这个发问的人和他的不开化的同伴,"不然的话,你一定会听到过海丝特·白兰太太,还有她干的丑事了。 | "You must needs be a stranger in this region, friend,"" answered the townsman, looking curiously at the questioner and his savage companion, ""else you would surely have heard of Mistress Hester Prynne, and her evil doings ." | |
2 | “假如你不小心,还有更糟糕的事情在后面呢!” | And there will be fine doings , if you do not take care. | |
3 | “您瞧,夫人,我刚才不是还说需要一位老师来指导我学习法国的风俗习惯吗? | You see, madame, how rightly I spoke when I said I required a preceptor to guide me in all my sayings and doings here. | |
4 | 把东西递给我. | Pass the doings to me. | |
5 | 把你在伦敦所作的事情全告诉我。 | Tell me about all your doings in London. | |
6 | 补车胎的家伙(工具)在什么地方 | Where’s the doings for mending punctures? | |
7 | 不然,你们是心中作恶。你们在地上秤出你们手所行的强暴。 | The purposes of your hearts are evil; your hands are full of cruel doings on the earth. | |
8 | 大家对她恶作剧的行为都很不高兴。 | Everybody was annoyed at her mischievous doings . | |
9 | 大卫家阿,耶和华如此说,你们每早晨要施行公平,拯救被抢夺的脱离欺压人的手,恐怕我的忿怒因你们的恶行发作,如火着起,甚至无人能以熄灭。 | O family of David, this is what the Lord has said: Do what is right in the morning, and make free from the hands of the cruel one him whose goods have been violently taken away, or my wrath will go out like fire, burning so that no one may put it out, because of the evil of your doings . | |
10 | 但你们的罪孽使你们与神隔绝,你们的罪恶使他掩面不听你们。 | But your sins have come between you and your God, and by your evil doings his face has been veiled from you, so that he will give you no answer. | |
11 | 当然,在治理危及公共秩序、重大刑事或种种商业犯罪方面,实行严查重办是很有必要的。 | Severe punishment is necessary, of course, for serious evil-doings that disrupt public security and order, including felony and commercial crimes. | |
12 | 第五十条国家工作人员违法失职,损害残疾人的合法权益的,由其所在单位或者上级机关责令改正或者给予行政处分。 | Article 50 [Administrative Liability] Where government functionaries neglect their duties, in violation of the law, and infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of disabled persons, the units to which they belong or their higher authorities shall instruct such persons to correct their wrong doings or subject them to administrative sanctions. | |
13 | 恶人有祸了。他必遭灾难。因为要照自己手所行的受报应。 | Unhappy is the sinner! for the reward of his evil doings will come on him. | |
14 | 告诉我你在伦敦所做的一切. | Tell me about all your doings in London. | |
15 | 孩童的动作,是清洁,是正直,都显明他的本性。 | Even a child may be judged by his doings , if his work is free from sin and if it is right. | |
16 | 还没有讲的人,问题不严重,就是被扫了一翅膀的,知道一些事情,他没有讲。 | With those who have not spoken the problem is not serious, they just got grazed and were privy to some of the doings of Kao and Jao but failed to reveal them | |
17 | 或者他们肯听从,各人回头离开恶道,使我后悔不将我因他们所行的恶,想要施行的灾祸降与他们。 | It may be that they will give ear, and that every man will be turned from his evil way, so that my purpose of sending evil on them because of the evil of their doings may be changed. | |
18 | 她一向是新闻人物(报纸、电视等经常报道她的事) | She is always in the news, ie Her doings are regularly reported in the newspapers, on TV, etc | |
19 | 两手按在羊头上,承认以色列人诸般的罪孽过犯,就是他们一切的罪愆,把这罪都归在羊的头上,借着所派之人的手,送到旷野去。 | And Aaron, placing his two hands on the head of the living goat, will make a public statement over him of all the evil doings of the children of Israel and all their wrongdoing, in all their sins; and he will put them on the head of the goat and send him away, in the care of a man who will be waiting there, into the waste land. | |
20 | 每天他都能从晚报上看到这座禁城内的活动。在有关旅欧游客的通告中,他看到他过去那家酒店的知名主顾们的名字。 | Each day he could read in the evening papers of the doings within this walled city. In the notices of passengers for Europe he read the names of eminent frequenters of his old resort. | |
21 | 谋事有大略,行事有大能,注目观看世人一切的举动,为要照各人所行的和他作事的结果报应他。 | Great in wisdom and strong in act: whose eyes are open on all the ways of the sons of men, giving to everyone the reward of his ways and the fruit of his doings : | |
22 | 哪知他为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤。因他受的刑罚我们得平安。因他受的鞭伤我们得医治。 | But it was for our sins he was wounded, and for our evil doings he was crushed: he took the punishment by which we have peace, and by his wounds we are made well. | |
23 | 那时,你们必追想你们的恶行和你们不善的作为,就因你们的罪孽和可憎的事厌恶自己。 | and at the memory of your evil ways and your wrongdoings, you will have bitter hate for yourselves because of your evil-doings and your disgusting ways, O children of Israel. | |
24 | 你的行动,你的作为,招惹这事。这是你罪恶的结果,实在是苦,是害及你心了。 | Your ways and your doings have made these things come on you; this is your sin; truly it is bitter, going deep into your heart. | |
25 | 你将我们的罪孽摆在你面前,将我们的隐恶摆在你面光之中。 | You have put our evil doings before you, our secret sins in the light of your face. | |
26 | 你没有用银子为我买菖蒲,也没有用祭物的脂油使我饱足,倒使我因你的罪恶服劳,使我因你的罪孽厌烦。 | You have not got me sweet-smelling plants with your money, or given me pleasure with the fat of your offerings: but you have made me a servant to your sins, and you have made me tired with your evil doings . | |
27 | 你们看见他们所行所为的,得了安慰,就知道我在耶路撒冷中所行的并非无故。这是主耶和华说的。 | They will give you comfort when you see their ways and their doings : and you will be certain that not for nothing have I done all the things I have done in it, says the Lord. | |
28 | 你们若实在改正行动作为,在人和邻舍中间诚然施行公平, | For if your ways and your doings are truly changed for the better; if you truly give right decisions between a man and his neighbour; | |
29 | 你们要称谢耶和华,求告他的名,在万民中传扬他的作为。 | O give praise to the Lord; give honour to his name, talking of his doings among the peoples. | |
30 | 你们要洗濯,自洁。从我眼前除掉你们的恶行。要止住作恶, | Be washed, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes; let there be an end of sinning; |