属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政治宣传 海报其实很无能
1 | “他们”是“上流社会人物”,是“达官显贵”。他们给你一点施舍,动员你去服役,让你去打仗,调教你,“说起话来像上层社会那样咬文嚼字”,事实上他们“全是骗子”。 | "They"are"the people at the top"the higher-ups,the people who give you the dole ,call you up,tell you to go to war,fine you"talk posh"are all twisters really. | |
2 | 《拜杜法案》与美国高校的科技商业化 | Bayh-Dole Act and the Commercialization of American Universities | |
3 | 〞红十字会飞往洪涝地区,准备发放食物与药品。〞 | The Red Cross flew to the area of the floods, ready to dole out supplies of food and medicine. | |
4 | 罢工以来,许多家庭靠失业救济金度日。 | Many families are living on the dole since the strike. | |
5 | 但是,名字简短的候选人也并不总是能够获得成功。鲍勃·杜尔就被比他名字长的比尔·克林顿战胜了,然而“克林顿”本身也是一个谦逊的姓氏,而且和“杜尔”相比也只差一个音节。 | This hasn’t always been successful. Bob Dole was overrun by the longer-named Bill Clinton, but again it was by someone with an unassuming surname and there was only a single syllable difference. | |
6 | 多尔:美国法学家,夏威夷准州首任州长(1900-1903年). | Dole :american jurist and first governor of the Territory of Hawaii (1900-1903). | |
7 | 多尔将在电视广告中大谈把重点放在性无能和男人一般健康的教育性广告上。 | dole will address in TV commercials sexual impotence and general health education for men | |
8 | 多尔在1991年查出得了前列腺癌,医生说,他接受手术后已经好了。 | Dole was diagnosed as suffering from carcinoma of prostate in 1991, and according to the doctor, he recovered after operation | |
9 | 多尔曾上讨论节目,并在国会主张促请国人早日诊断的治疗前列腺癌和认识其副作用--阳痿。 | Dole urged the Americans in talk shows and also at the Congress to early diagnose and treat carcinoma of prostate and recognize its side effect of sexual impotence | |
10 | 父亲节贺卡在给当爸爸的带来一些开心笑话的同时却常常在转弯抹角向爸爸要钱花。如今,当爸爸的面对给孩子花钱的压力再也笑不出来了。 | Father’s Day cards sport some pretty typical jokes, with the punch lines often asking Dad for money in one way or another. But these days, fathers aren’t laughing over the pressure they face to dole out the dollars on their kids. | |
11 | 红十字会飞往洪涝地区,准备发放食物与药品。 | The red cross fly to the area of the flood,ready to dole out supplies of food and medicine. | |
12 | 加拿大与澳大利亚也是富裕的英语国家,也有着数量可观的移民,但这两国政府在发放签证上极为谨慎,他们考虑的基本点是即将成为移民的人的文化水平和专业背景, | Canada and Australia are also wealthy English-speaking nations with sizable immigrant populations, but their governments carefully dole out visas on the basis of would-be immigrants’ education and professional background | |
13 | 救济:尤指金钱、食物或衣物等救济品的发放. | dole :Charitable dispensation of goods, especially money, food, or clothing. | |
14 | 靠领取失业救济金生活并不容易。 | It’s not easy living on the dole . | |
15 | 你别指望我们像慈善机关那样施舍钱财。 | You can’t expect us to dole out money like a public charity | |
16 | 你们不能指望我们像慈善机构一样分钱。 | You can’t expect us to dole out money like a public charity. | |
17 | 帕特里克失业了,拿失业救济金已有6个多月了。 | Patrick has been out of work and on the dole for more than six months. | |
18 | 乔治目前还在领取失业救济金,他失业已经有5年了。 | George is still on the dole ;he has been out of work for five months. | |
19 | 手头总需备些糖果或一分的硬币施舍给那些穿着奇装异服、扮作妖怪的小矮人,这些小矮人上门要求“给些糖果”。 | Candies or pennies should always be on hand to dole out to the oddly dressed midgets,doubling for goblins,who ring his doorbell and demand"Trick or treat. | |
20 | 他每个月都能领到固定的救济金。 | He received the fixed dole every month. | |
21 | 通货膨胀一如既住,仍很严重,而许多企业却破产倒闭,请求救济的人日益增多,大街上的暴力行动愈益猖獗。 | Inflation wasn’t coming down; all that was happening was that businesses were collapsing, the dole queues were growing, and street violence was becoming prevalent | |
22 | 我已领了六个月的失业救济金。 | I’ve been on the dole for six months. | |
23 | 许多从没有料到自己会失业的人,现在只好靠领救济金过日子。 | A lot of people who never expected to be unemployed have had to go on the dole . | |
24 | 依靠救济金生活的不安定. | The uncertainties of life on the dole ,ie as an unemployed person | |
25 | 在她失去一条腿后,她开始登记领取救济金。 | After she lost a leg, she went on the dole | |
26 | 这些年轻人不得不靠失业救济金过活。 | These young people have to go on the dole | |
27 | 自从工作变得难找以后,领取失业救济金的人数增加。 | The number of people who have had to go on the dole has risen since jobs became harder to find. | |
28 | 自从工作变得难找以后,领取失业救济金的人数增加了。 | The numbers of people who have had to go on the dole unemployment / welfare have risen since jobs became harder to find. | |
29 | 作家兼评论家诺曼·梅勒在上届总统选举后说比尔·克林顿之所以获胜是因为他体现出好莱坞明星的丰采,而鲍勃·多尔却只扮演了一个配角,他的惨败不言自明。 | Writer and commentator Norman mailer made the point after the last presidential election that Bill Clinton won because he projected the image of a Hollywood star, while Bob Dole lost because he came across as a supporting actor | |
30 | ||1:不过,海报还是比无尽的吹嘘更能推销政客。||2:海报可以附加情感攻势:想想保守党在1979年的失业大军,以及2001年工党威廉·海格(英外长)的脸配上撒切尔夫人蓬松发型的混搭风。||3:如果你在某特定场合迎合了选民的情绪,海报就是你的宣传媒介。||4:2010年保守党的一次竞选活动中赢得了“最佳路边使用奖”。||5:海报对一个政党来说尤其好用-比如保守党就是-正愁没有年轻积极分子用选票填满邮箱。 | ||1:Still, posters might be better at selling politicians than soap.||2:They can pack an emotional punch: think of the Tories’ 1979 dole queue and Labour’s 2001 mashup of William Hague’s face and Margaret Thatcher’s bouffant.||3:If you’re after voters in specific places, posters are your medium.||4:A Conservative campaign in 2010 won an industry award for “best use of roadside”.||5:Posters are especially good for a party—like the Conservatives—short of youthful activists to stuff letterboxes. |