属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 《复联4》圆满收官 波音CEO保住职位 拜耳
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-贝卢斯科尼意欲重掌大权 蒙蒂将如何阻止?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-中国电影产业 迷失于中国式好莱坞(下)
1 | 无线自组网络中的基于多个支配集的路由协议 | Routing Protocol Based on Multiple Dominating Set in Ad hoc Networks | |
2 | 乡村控制与农业建设-试论南京政府时期湖北省的农会组织 | Dominating the Country and Developing Agriculture-Discuss on the Farmers’ Association of Hubei Province in the Period of Nanjing Government | |
3 | 许多市区十分分散,以至发展的主流已不再朝向市中心,而是在市中心外围各活动点之间进行。 | In many of these metropolitan areas, so great has been the scatter, that the dominating movements are no longer the flow into the centre of the city, but cross-flows between activities on the outer ring | |
4 | 循环图及单圈图的有效控制集与完美控制集 | Efficient Dominating Set and Perfect Dominating Set of Circulant Graphs and Unicyclic Graphs | |
5 | 一打内战就是各霸一方,生产衰落,交通中断,难民不是百万、千万而是成亿地往外面跑 | If civil war broke out in China, with each faction dominating a region, production declining, transportation disrupted and not millions or tens of millions but hundreds of millions of refugees fleeing the country. | |
6 | 一种改进的基于连通支配的P2P搜索算法 | An Improved Searching Algorithm Based on Connected Dominating Set in Peer-to-peer Networks | |
7 | 一种在无线传感器网络中构造有效连通支配集的算法 | An Algorithm for Constructing Efficient Connected Dominating Sets in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
8 | 伊斯兰教不仅仅是一个信仰体系:穆罕默德开创了一个施展政治家才能的体系,一个集社会、法律、哲学、科学和艺术的体系--一个完整的、新的、以宗教作为统一和主 | For Islam was not just a system of beliefs: Mohammed’s religion created a system of statesmanship, a system of society, law, philosophy, science and art--a whole new civilization with religion as a unifying and dominating feature | |
9 | 遗传和行为的继承一直是支配环境的唯一方式,当这种继承第一次被有意识的选择打破时,人类历史便开始了。 | Human history began when the inheritance of genetics and behavior which had until then provided the only way of dominating the environment was first broken through by conscious choice | |
10 | 有向路和有向圈的控制集数 | Total Numbers of Dominating Sets of Directed Paths and Directed Cycles | |
11 | 在萨姆?霍索恩的所有业余爱好中,不论是体育方面的还是智力方面,压倒一切的是对英国的崇拜。 | But dominating all outside interests, sporting or cerebral, was the fact that Sam Hawthorne was an anglophile | |
12 | 这种观点一度在学术界占支配地位。 | At one time this view was dominating over the academic circles | |
13 | 直线簇上区间图的最小全控制集和最小配对控制集 | Minimum Total Dominating Sets and Paired Dominating Sets of Intervals on Lines | |
14 | ||1:《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》作为占据主导地位的电影系列的标题再合适不过。||2:作为第22部漫威电影,该片在美国上映的首个周末就创下3.57亿美元的票房纪录。||3:在上映不到一周的时间里,它已经成为该系列电影中第四大成功的影片。||4:第一部《钢铁侠》在2008年的全球票房仅为6.8亿美元。||5:包括《复仇者联盟:终局之战》在内,该系列电影的总收入预计将超过220亿美元。||6:票房成绩如此喜人,那么筹拍更多漫威电影也就为期不远了。 | ||1:“Endgame” is a fitting title to an all-dominating film franchise.||2:The 22nd film in Marvel’s Cinematic Universe took a record-breaking $357m in its opening weekend in America.||3:Less than a week into its run, it is already the fourth-most successful in the brand.||4:The first, “Iron Man”, took a comparatively puny $680m worldwide during 2008.||5:Including “Avengers: Endgame”, total revenue for the series is expected to top $22bn.||6:With box office like that, it is not surprising that plenty more Marvel films are in the pipeline. | |
15 | ||1:如果本文的标题翻译为“交易量”的话,那么它确实能够很好地引出这样一个事实:人民币正走向货币交易市场的霸主之位。||2:本周在伦敦这一全球最大的外汇交易市场里,几个利好因素再次让人民币成为瞩目的焦点。||3:人民币的公关推广活动已历时五年,而以上利好消息正是中国政府近期努力的最新成果。||4:自2009年中国首次宣布推动人民币国际化的意图以来,一系列的政策公告和重大事件都使得中国货币成为了美元的假想敌。 | ||1:IF HEADLINES translated into trading volumes, the yuan would be well on its way to dominating the world’s currency markets.||2:It once again graced front pages this week after moves to lift its status in London, the world’s biggest foreign-exchange market.||3:This was the latest instalment of a five-year-long public-relations campaign.||4:Since 2009, when China first declared its intention to promote the yuan internationally, a string of announcements and milestones has cast the Chinese currency as a putative rival to the dollar. | |
16 | ||1:支持蒙蒂的联盟发现要全国性地推翻民主党相当困难,但是可以毁灭其统治两院的机会。||2:贝卢斯科尼领导的政党的民意支持率已经降到了15%,而悬而未决的参议院给他保持影响力提供了最现实的机会。||3:但是只要蒙蒂准备好在大选后和贝尔萨尼通力合作,自由人民党将被牢牢地推向反对派,格里罗的代表也不例外。 | ||1:A pro-Monti coalition would find it hard to overtake the PD nationally, but could ruin its chances of dominating both houses.||2:A hung Senate might also give Mr Berlusconi, whose party has sunk to around 15% in the polls, his most realistic chance of retaining influence.||3:But so long as Mr Monti was ready to join forces with Mr Bersani after the election, the PdL could be pushed firmly into opposition, along with Mr Grillo’s representatives. | |
17 | 如果这一切都实现了,氢就会像现在的碳氢化合物一样成为人类生活中的一个主导因素。 | If all this came to pass, then hydrogen would become a dominating factor in human life in the way that hydrocarbons currently are. | |
18 | 中国的口味变化迅速,年轻消费者和二线城市的消费者目前主导着票房。 | Tastes in China are also rapidly evolving, with younger consumers and those living in secondary cities now dominating ticket sales. | |
19 | “全球化场景”,作为这种结构性基础之一,同样在支配着我们的法学研究。 | "Global scene" , as one of this kind of structural basis, is dominating our jurisprudence. | |
20 | “所谓的新兴国家的需求增长目前主导着全球的支出。” | "Demand growth in the so-called emerging countries is dominating spending in the world. " | |
21 | 9点30分时有人看到火光,而在接下来的20分钟内,大火在整栋楼肆虐,在这座城市中格外显眼。 | Flames were spotted around 9: 30 p. m. and within 20 minutes the fire had spread throughout the building, dominating that part of the city. | |
22 | MANET中常见的路由安全威胁及相应解决方案 | Dominating security threats in MANET and their corresponding solutions | |
23 | Meana博士说,只有当你被控制你的这个男人吸引时,这种想法才能站得住脚。 | This fantasy only holds if you’re attracted to the man who is dominating you, Dr. Meana says. | |
24 | 被支配欲(你支配着她) | No. 9 - Domination (you dominating her) | |
25 | 毕竟,更先进的通信技术可能只是令财富和创新集中在数量更为稀少的、在全球居主导地位的中心。 | After all, enhanced communications technology could simply concentrate wealth and innovation in fewer, world-dominating hubs. | |
26 | 病种以非淋菌性尿道炎、尖锐湿疣及梅毒为主。 | The dominating diseases were mainly Gonococcus (NG), Condyloma acuminatum (CA) and Syphilis. | |
27 | 超越控制自然的内在悖论,必须实行对于控制自然的伦理转换。 | It calls for an ethical transformation to surpass the intrinsic contradiction of dominating nature. | |
28 | 成就软体工业之首要,就是让软体计划生生不息的运作下去。 | A crucial factor in dominating software industry is making software projects run forever. | |
29 | 川西侏罗系成藏主控因素及分类 | Gas Pool Types and Dominating Pool Formation Factors of Jurassic System in Western Sichuan Basin | |
30 | 从《雷神托尔》到新版《超人》系列,漫画主宰了银屏(注:电影)。 | From ’Thor’ to the new ’Superman’ project, comics are dominating the silver screen. |