属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反攻 The fightback
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元危机——计划无力 前景渺茫
1 | 不久前"标普"宣布把港元长期债务评级前景展望由稳定降至负面。 | Recently, Standard & Poor’s announced that it would downgrade its outlook for Hong Kong’s long-term local currency credit rating from stable to negative. | |
2 | 调低经济增长预测 | downgrade forecast for economic growth; downgrade economic growth forecast. | |
3 | 对雇员降级. | downgrade an employee | |
4 | 每况愈下的邻居 | a neighborhood on the downgrade . | |
5 | 每一个空谈家、每一个煽动家、每一 | Every pedant, every demagogue, every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and, I am sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character, will try to downgrade them even to the extent of mockery and ridicule | |
6 | 那些国家正准备降低他们对北大西洋公约组织所承担的义务。 | Those countries are preparing to downgrade their commitments to NaTO | |
7 | 他过去是第一流的工匠,可是近一段时间退步了。 | He used to be a first-rate workman,but he has been on the downgrade for some while now. | |
8 | 信贷评级可能被调低 | could face a downgrade of its credit rating | |
9 | 预期政府将会下调今年的经济增长预测。 | The government is expected to downgrade its forecast for economic growth this year. | |
10 | 最近几年这家商店的生意每况愈下。 | The store’s business has been on the downgrade for the past few years. | |
11 | ||1:但是,LTRO买的是时间。||2:最新一次希腊救助计划也是如此。||3:2月27日,德国联邦议院批准了德国在该基金中承担的份额。||4:希腊调整私人债权人债务的一系列动作导致其债券被临时降级为“选择性违约”,但却没有什么影响。||5:短期看来,希腊几乎不可能出现违约动荡。||6:但是,也几乎没有人相信希腊救助计划真的管用。||7:最终,希腊要么向救助者寻求更多帮助,要么面临违约,也许还要退出欧元区。 | ||1:LTRO has bought time, however.||2:So, too, has Greece’s latest rescue package.||3:Germany’s Bundestag approved its share of the funds on February 27th.||4:The temporary downgrade of Greek bonds to “selective default”, as a result of moves to restructure private creditors’ debt, has caused few ripples.||5:In the short term a chaotic default has almost certainly been avoided.||6:But few believe the Greek rescue plan will actually work.||7:Eventually Greece will either need more help from its rescuers or will face default and perhaps an exit from the euro. | |
12 | ||1:瑞典家居连锁巨头宜家公司宣布决定在印度投入15亿欧元(约19亿美元)资金——尽管这笔巨额投资被安排在数年时间里逐批投放,但也为当地经济的提振带来了利好消息。||2:可口可乐公司也紧随其后,宣布将会追加30亿美元拨入印度市场,到2020年时印度将接受总额达50亿美元的投资。||3:一家评级机构也出乎意料地帮了个忙:本月25日,穆迪宣布其不会跟随标普和惠誉之后,警告会将印度的信用评级降至垃圾级。||4:穆迪确认,印度目前所拥有的投资级依然稳定。 | ||1: IKEA, a Swedish furniture chain, boosted morale by saying it would invest up to 1.5 billion EURO(1.9 billion Dollar) in India—although on closer inspection that sum was spread over many years. ||2: Coca-Cola followed suit with the announcement of an additional 3 billion Dollar in investment, taking the total earmarked for India by 2020 to 5 billion Dollar. ||3: A ratings agency proved oddly helpful, too: on June 25th Moody’s signalled it would not follow Standard and Poor’s and Fitch, which have both warned of a possible downgrade of India to junk status. ||4: Its rating, which hovers just within investment grade, remains stable, the agency said. | |
13 | ||1:要做好坏消息的准备。||2:12月21号,英国首相大为卡梅伦告诉场下的各位商界领袖:缩减赤字的难度非常大。||3: 在11月29号,财政部长George Osborne会发表经济和公共财政的演说,卡梅伦的言论为此次演说定下了基调。 ||4:财政部长很有可能传递负面的消息——明后两年官方经济预测的下滑在所难免。||5:联合政府希望消除经济结构问题所带来的负债,同时希望在本届议会结束之前设置公共债务的限额,而要做到这些又存在着很多疑问。 | ||1: PREPARE for some bad news. ||2: The prime minister, David Cameron, told an audience of business leaders on November 21st that shrinking the budget deficit was “proving harder than anyone envisaged.” ||3: His comments laid the ground for the chancellor, George Osborne, who makes his autumn statement on the economy and public finances on November 29th. ||4: The chancellor’s message is likely to be grim: a downgrade to official growth forecasts for next year and beyond seems certain. ||5: The coalition government’s hopes of eliminating the “structural” part of the deficit (the bit that cannot be blamed on temporary slack in the economy) and of capping public debt by the end of the current parliament are in serious doubt. | |
14 | 该公司的债券占据了日本国内市场8%的全部份额,在6月20日的Moody’s排名中被列入垃圾债券一列,而且在标准普尔指数中也有下滑。 | The company, which accounts for a hefty 8% of Japan’s total domestic debt market, had its bond rating cut to junk by Moody’s on June 20th, following a similar downgrade by Standard & Poor’s in May. | |
15 | 欧元对美元汇率目前已经跌至自今年一月以来的最低水平(1欧元兑换1.30美元). 可能出现的大范围调低欧元区政府债券评级的举动最有可能成为在下一阶段使危机深化的导火索, 那是法国甚至德国都有可能丢失其引以为豪的AAA评级. | The euro has also dropped to its lowest level (below $1.30) against the dollar since January. The likeliest trigger for the next stage in a deepening crisis is a blanket downgrade of euro-zone government bonds, which would strip France and even Germany of their prized AAA credit rating. | |
16 | “将一个国家的信贷评级置于观察名单和下调评级是两回事,”她说,“实际(将美国信贷评级)下调仍然是不大可能发生的情况。” | "Putting a country’s rating on review is also not the same as a downgrade , " she said. "An actual downgrade is still an unlikely scenario. " | |
17 | “我不认为我们会付更多利息”,米勒说,降级应更多地称之为象征事件,而不是经济事件。 | "I don’t think we’ll pay more in interest, " Miller said, calling the downgrade more of a symbolic event than an economic event. | |
18 | “我们认为,将法国信用评级降级或是展望调为负面没有任何一个客观的理由,”一位官员评论道。 | "We think there is no objective reason for a downgrade or negative outlook on France’s credit rating, " comments one. | |
19 | 7月13日,穆迪评级公司把美国放入降级审查名单之中。 | On July 13th Moody’s put the United States on review for a downgrade . | |
20 | Fitch评级公司上个月将伯克希尔的等级下调了一些,标准普尔也可能对其降级。 | Fitch took Berkshire down a couple of notches last month, and Standard & Poor’s is also eyeing a possible downgrade . | |
21 | PPR将尽最大努力避免被降级。 | PPR will be keen to avoid a downgrade . | |
22 | 本次评级调整是否会对经济产生更为实质性的影响,还有待观察。 | Whether the downgrade will have a more tangible impacton the economic outlook remains to be seen. | |
23 | 本周二标普同时降级葡萄牙国债两级的决定压迫欧洲和世界的股市走低。 | S&P’s decision on Tuesday also to downgrade the debt of Portugal by a couple of notches pushed European and world stockmarkets lower. | |
24 | 标准普尔可能下调法国信用评级一事可能在金融市场制造恐慌,让欧元区危机向更糟糕的方向发展 | Standard & Poor’s expected downgrade could create panic in the financial markets and make eurozone crisis even worse | |
25 | 标准普尔上周五将美国国债评级从AAA下调到AA+的决定既关乎经济,也关乎政治。 | Standard & Poor’s decision last Friday to downgrade U. S. debt from AAA to AA+ status was as much about politics as economics. | |
26 | 标准普尔修订了它对西班牙AA+级别债务的评级从“稳定”到“怀疑”,一个两年之内可能降级的信号。 | S&P revised its outlook for Spain’s AA+-rated debt from "stable" to "negative" , a sign of a possible downgrade within two years. | |
27 | 并且爱尔兰正在抵御金边债券信用的下滑。 | And Ireland is bracing itself for a credit downgrade on its sovereign debt. | |
28 | 此次下调大致符合昨天晚间迈瑞医疗公布的2010年第二季度财报,财务指导也有所降低。 | The downgrade follows roughly in-line Q2 results and lowered guidance last night. | |
29 | 此举显示了随着美国信用降级与债务危机,中国愿意来维护全球市场的稳定性。 | The move shows China’s willingness to maintain global market stability following America’s credit downgrade and debt crisis. | |
30 | 但回头看看2011年,有三件事足以打破他们心中这个神话:美国信用评级下降; | But they may look back on 2011 and see three events that undermine that story: the downgrade of America’s credit rating; |