属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 7881-5-1984
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF S77-115-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN 174-2001
属类:学习英语-新概念英语-第二册:lesson 56
1 | “云翁,办银行是我们的自救,可是实业有关国计民生,难道政府就应该袖手旁观么? | "Mr. Tang," he said, "to set up a bank would be our salvation, no doubt; but the government shouldn’t just stand by and watch industry go downhill when it is on industry that national prosperity and the people’s livelihood depend | |
2 | 1960年9月后,加纳和美国的关系就开始走下坡路了。 | Relations between ghana and the United States had started downhill after September 1960 | |
3 | 88. Dench的事业现已如日中天。 | Dench’s career has been anything but downhill . | |
4 | 比赛技巧包括滑降。障碍赛:此赛事的关键是运动员要尽量在两个障碍口间走直线,并在下滑时尽量靠近下滑路线 | The competitive techniques are downhill ; slalom, the essential of a good slalom is that the skier travels as close as possible to a straight line between gates, and stays as close as possible to the fall line all the way down; | |
5 | 比赛类型有高山滑雪,它强调速度;越野滑雪,强调技巧和耐力。滑降,障碍滑。大回转是高山滑雪项目,跳台滑雪和越野滑雪属越野项目。 | The types of competition are alpine which emphasizes speed; Nordic skiing, which emphasizes skills and endurance. Downhill , slalom, giant slalom are within alpine type; jumping and cross-country are within Nordic type. | |
6 | 不过若要在过去和现在做比较,任谁也无法否认华文程度每况愈下的事实。 | But if we were to compare the past and present, no one would dispute that the standard of Chinese has been going downhill | |
7 | 超级大回转是高山速降和大回转比赛的融合。超级大回转的滑行路线比高山速降路线短,但比大回转路线长。 | The super G is a hybrid of the downhill and the giant slalom.The Super G course is shorter than a downhill course but still longer than a giant slalom piste. | |
8 | 乘雪橇(尤指滑坡,作为运动) | Travel on a sledge,esp downhill for sport | |
9 | 此路缓缓向下倾斜,你可骑自行车滑行。 | The road is slightly downhill , you can coast along on a bicycle | |
10 | 从这起都是轻松的。 | It’s all downhill from here. | |
11 | 大批人群涌向意大利波米奥,这里洋溢着一片节日的气氛,世界杯高山滑雪速降赛最近一轮的比赛在这里举行。 | The crowds turned out in force in Bomio,Italy,as a festive atmosphere greeted the latest round of the downhill in alpine skiing’s World Cup. | |
12 | 但是他突然站住了,向他们行了一个礼,然后回转头向山下走去,这不过是个新来的守猎人,但是他却把康妮吓了一跳,他出现得这样的突然,象是一种骤然的威吓,从虚无中跑出来。 | Then stopped instead, saluted, and was turning downhill . It was only the new game-keeper, but he had frightened Connie, he seemed to emerge with such a swift menace. That was how she had seen him, like the sudden rush of a threat out of nowhere. | |
13 | 当下坡发动机转速较低时,其燃料截断功能可自动切断发动机供油,减少油耗,提高经济性。 | When the engine runs at a slower speed when going downhill , its fuel cut-off function can automatically cut off the engine′s fuel supply thus reducing fuel consumption. | |
14 | 弟弟的卡车飞速下山,我落后了好远。 | My brother’s truck, moving downhill fast, got far ahead of me | |
15 | 冬季体育器械.高山斜坡滑雪道的安全连接.脱扣大小的调节尺寸 | Winter sports equipment; release bindings for alpine downhill skiing; adjustment scale for release values | |
16 | 动力稳定性控制(DSC)下坡控制系统保证在最陡峭的坡路上也能平稳安全地下坡。 | DSC incorporates all upstream control systems which contribute to stability while driving,Hill Decent Control makes for a smooth and safe downhill ride on even the steepest gradients | |
17 | 该市这一地区一度很繁华,如今已江河日下. | This part of the town used to be fashionable,but it’s starting to go downhill . | |
18 | 高山滑雪包括高山速降,超级大回转比赛,小回转比赛,大回转比赛和高山滑雪混合赛。 | Alpine skiing consists of the downhill ,super G,giant slalom,slalom and combined. | |
19 | 个人的眼睛保护.向下滑雪时用的护目器 | Personal eye-protection-Ski goggles for downhill skiing. | |
20 | 个人的眼睛保护.向下滑雪用护目器 | Personal eye-protection-Ski goggles for downhill skiing | |
21 | 故用兵之法,高陵勿向,背丘勿逆,佯北勿从 | It is a military axiom not to advance uphill against the enemy, nor to oppose him when he comes downhill . Do not pursue an enemy who simulates flight | |
22 | 火车急速滑下坡。 | The train rocketed downhill . | |
23 | 她听着溢出的水,流在山坡上,发着叮略的细微声。这声音甚至比那落叶松林的嘶嘶的怒号声更高,落时松林在山坡上,遍布着忿怒的、无叶的、狞恶的暗影。她听见好象一些渺小的水铃在鸣着。 | She heard the faint tinkle of water, as the tiny overflow trickled over and downhill . Even above the hissing boom of the larchwood, that spread its bristling, leafless, wolfish darkness on the down-slope, she heard the tinkle as of tiny water-bells. | |
24 | 近来生意在走下坡路。 | Business has been going downhill recently. | |
25 | 快到终点时,车子飞速下坡,司机费了好大的劲才把车刹住。 | It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. | |
26 | 困难的部分是学会计算机的新编码--其余就轻而易举了. | The difficult part is learning the new computer codes after that it’s all downhill . | |
27 | 某些地区的生产在滑坡。 | The production in some areas went steadily downhill | |
28 | 那时我们的关系是走上坡路,此后就开始走下坡路了。 | At that time our relations were going upwards, but since then they have been going downwards [downhill ] | |
29 | 男孩子们滑下山时伤着了自己。 | The boys hurt themselves sliding downhill . | |
30 | 你可以骑自行车滑下坡。 | You can coast downhill on a bicycle. |