属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 14463-1-1999
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 14463-2-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 14463-3-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS EN ISO 11812-2002
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF J95-002-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN EN ISO 11812-2003
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-EN ISO 11812-2001
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-NF M88-072-1983
1 | 他的生命逐渐枯竭了。 | His life was slowly draining away | |
2 | 他对我说,人子阿,主耶和华如此说,建造祭坛,为要在其上献燔祭洒血,造成的时候典章如下, | and he said to me, Son of man, the Lord God has said, These are the rules for the altar, when they make it, for the offering of burned offerings on it and the draining out of the blood. | |
3 | 他们就聚集在米斯巴,打水浇在耶和华面前,当日禁食,说,我们得罪了耶和华。于是撒母耳在米斯巴审判以色列人。 | So they came together to Mizpah, and got water, draining it out before the Lord, and they took no food that day, and they said, We have done evil against the Lord. and Samuel was judge of the children of Israel in Mizpah. | |
4 | 他们忙着在田里开沟排水。 | They were busy trenching the fields for draining . | |
5 | 他虽然生命垂危,但仍然勇敢地与死亡作斗争。 | He fought death courageously though his life was draining away | |
6 | 铁道车辆名词术语给水、排水装置 | Rolling stock terms--Water supply and draining equipment | |
7 | 同层排水技术探讨 | Approaches to the Technology of the Same Floor Draining Water | |
8 | 我的钱都乱花掉了。 | All my money is draining away in silly spending. | |
9 | 我的体力日渐衰弱。 | My strength is draining away. | |
10 | 我还看到,改革不光并不说明心肠改变,而且只不过是一种进一步榨取印度财富、延长奴役时间的办法。 | I saw too that not only did the reforms not mark a change of heart, but they were only a method of further draining India of her wealth and of prolonging her servitude | |
11 | 我们定要成就我们口中所出的一切话,向天后烧香,浇奠祭,按着我们与我们列祖,君王,首领在犹大的城邑中和耶路撒冷的街市上素常所行的一样。因为那时我们吃饱饭,享福乐,并不见灾祸。 | But we will certainly do every word which has gone out of our mouths, burning perfumes to the queen of heaven and draining out drink offerings to her as we did, we and our fathers and our kings and our rulers, in the towns of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then we had food enough and did well and saw no evil. | |
12 | 我们高兴而急切地畅饮生命之杯,怎么也不会饮干,好像永远是满满欲溢的 | –we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it, instead of which it only overflows the more-objects press around us | |
13 | 吸湿排水管排水特性之研究 | The Study of Draining Water Character on Moisture Absorption Discharge Pipe | |
14 | 消防用水的设备.注水和泄水遥控装置.第1部分:“湿/干“壁挂消防栓设备.要求,检验 | Water systems for fire extinguishing-Filling and draining devices operated by remote control-Part 1: For hose reel systems “wet/dry“; requirements, testing | |
15 | 消防用水设备.遥控注水和排水装置.2部分:空管和无压管的水力灭火设备的要求和试验 | Water systems for fire extinguishing-Filling and draining devices opeated by remote control-Part 2: For water extinguishing systems with empty and non-pressure pipework; Requirements and testing | |
16 | 消防用水设备.遥控注水和排水装置:“湿/干“和“干“灭火管道系统的PN16通风阀 | Water systems for fire extinguishing-Filling and draining devices operated by remote control-Part 3: Valves for ventilation PN 16 of fire extinguishing pipe systems “wet/dry“ and “dry“ | |
17 | 小艇 防漏水尾舱和快排水尾舱 | Small craft-Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits | |
18 | 小艇.不渗水座舱和快速排干座舱 | Small craft-Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits | |
19 | 小艇.防渗水座舱和快速排干座舱 | Small craft-Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits. | |
20 | 小艇.水密座舱和快速排干座舱 | Small craft-Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits | |
21 | 小艇密水舱和快速排水舱 | Small craft-Watertight cockpits and quick-draining cockpits | |
22 | 亚伦的儿子把血奉给他,他就把指头蘸在血中,抹在坛的四角上,又把血倒在坛脚那里。 | and the sons of aaron gave him the blood and he put his finger in the blood and put it on the horns of the altar, draining out the blood at the base of the altar; | |
23 | 檐槽把雨水从房顶排走的水槽,装在屋檐边或檐下 | A trough fixed under or along the eaves for draining rainwater from a roof | |
24 | 要取些公牛的血,用指头抹在坛的四角上,把血都倒在坛脚那里。 | Then take some of the blood of the ox, and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger, draining out all the rest of the blood at the base of the altar. | |
25 | 伊莎贝尔的旅行象旋风似的,急急忙忙,一刻也不停顿,仿佛渴了几天的人,一杯接一杯地喝水。 | Isabel travelled rapidly and recklessly; she was like a thirsty person draining cup after cup | |
26 | 油罐阻油切水阀启动过程的研究 | A Study on Actuation of the Water-Draining Valve for Oil Storage Tanks | |
27 | 又要把些血抹在会幕内,耶和华面前香坛的四角上,再把公牛所有的血倒在会幕门口,燔祭坛的脚那里。 | And the priest is to put some of the blood on the horns of the altar on which perfume is burned before the Lord in the Tent of meeting, draining out all the rest of the blood of the ox at the base of the altar of burned offering which is at the door of the Tent of meeting. | |
28 | 运输和装卸.未冷冻压力溶解液化气道路罐车.下部装卸装置 | Transport and materials handling. Road tankers for non-refrigerated liquefied and dissolved gas under pressure. Floor filling and draining devices. | |
29 | 造纸网:有着微细小孔的移动金属带;液体浆料在网上漏去水份而成形,造成纸卷。 | Wire: The moving fine metal mesh belt on which liquid stock is formed into a web of paper by draining away the water. | |
30 | 这三个勇士就闯过非利士人的营盘,从伯利恒城门旁的井里打水,拿来奉给大卫。他却不肯喝,将水奠在耶和华面前, | and the three men, forcing their way through the Philistine army, got water from the water-hole of Beth-lehem, by the doorway into the town, and took it back to David: but he would not take it, but, draining it out, made an offering of it to the Lord. |