属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-图书馆藏书 Library book
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一个墨西哥式的开始 边境上的嗡嗡声
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-反垄断和航空公司 振奋起来
1 | 有些囚徒终年梦想潜逃,于是他们把巧和力结合起来,形成一种真正的科学。 | Certain convicts who were forever dreaming of escape, ended by making a veritable science of force and skill combined,it is the science of muscles | |
2 | 有掌声,也有名声。这些在过去遥不可及、至关重要的东西,现在却变得微不足道、无足轻重了。她还有她那种类型的美貌,可她却感到寂寞。没有事做的时候,她就坐在摇椅里低吟着,梦想着。 | Applause there was, and publicity--once far off, essential things, but now grown trivial and indifferent. Beauty also--her type of loveliness--and yet she was lonely. In her rocking-chair she sat, when not otherwise engaged--singing and dreaming . | |
3 | 又必像饥饿的人,梦中吃饭,醒了仍觉腹空。或像口渴的人,梦中喝水,醒了仍觉发昏,心里想喝。攻击锡安山列国的群众,也必如此。 | And it will be like a man desiring food, and dreaming that he is feasting; but when he is awake there is nothing in his mouth: or like a man in need of water, dreaming that he is drinking; but when he is awake he is feeble and his soul is full of desire: so will all the nations be which make war on Mount Zion. | |
4 | 愿你的计划都能成功,愿你的梦想全都实现。愿你每天都像欢度生日,愿你永远得到生活最好的馈赠。 | May all the plans you’re making work out just right for you. May all the dreams you’re dreaming in the future days come true, and may life always bring the best things your way. | |
5 | 愿你们心想事成,吉祥如意,百年好合。 | We wish you every happiness that comes from lasting love and all those things you are dreaming of. | |
6 | 在眼球活动期间醒来的人一般都说他们做了梦。 | People woken during these periods of eye-movements generally reported that they had been dreaming . | |
7 | 张素素微笑,不回答。这位感情热烈的女郎正也沉醉在自己的幻想中。 | Chang Su-su smiled but made no reply, for she was at this moment engrossed in her own day-dreaming | |
8 | 这个懒惰的女孩正梦想着嫁给一个有钱人, 从此不再工作。 | The lazy girl is dreaming of marrying a millionaire and therefore won’t do any work. | |
9 | 这时,麦森对自己刚才发脾气的举动,已经有点懊悔了,不过他的性情太倔强了,不肯承认错误,只是一个劲地在队伍前面赶路,一点也没有梦想到危险已经临头。 | Already penitent for his angry action, but too stubborn to make amends, mason toiled on at the head of the cavalcade, little dreaming that danger hovered in the air | |
10 | 这是人们永远梦想着的,也是时常为现代社会所忘却的美好理想,或许这也只能在艺术中成为现实。 | This is an ideal people have been dreaming of all along, an ideal can only become reality in works of art | |
11 | 这些囚犯们梦想着获得自由 | Those prisoners are dreaming of liberty | |
12 | 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起她的喇叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍,(唤出嫩芽,象羊群一样,觅食空中)将色和香充满了山峰和平原。 | until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall Blow Her clarion o’er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air)With living hues and odours plain and hill: | |
13 | 坐在你的摇椅里,靠在你的窗户边梦想,你将独自渴望着。坐在你的摇椅里,靠在你的窗户边,你将梦想着你永远不会感受到幸福。 | In your rocking-chair, by your window dreaming , shall you long, alone. In your rocking-chair, by your window, shall you dream such happiness as you may never feel. | |
14 | ||1:这部庞然巨著可以使读者看到作家个人思想的发展脉络。||2:在《二十六岁》中,可能听出老拉金对世界感到厌倦的语气,他将这些感受融入到艺术形式之中。回顾《才思枯竭的童年》一诗,拉金用一如往常的语调表达了后悔和厌世之感:“生活,你不是上帝,你是个残忍的老家伙。”||3:拉金不喜欢现代诗歌,亦反感实验主义的风潮;18岁的时候,他就已经对当代文学中缺乏风趣而深感绝望:“什么都比不上喜剧/怎能称之为诗句”||4:即使在拉金大学毕业之后,他基本上纠正了从孩童时期就有的口吃,但对拉金来说,女人依然是个谜。||5:现在,不再幻想着“吻的遐想”,他知道了自己本领有限:“一位丰满的英国美女/但我只能与她戴眼镜的朋友搭讪。” | ||1: The advantage of such a comprehensive volume is the possibility of tracing the development of a writer’s voice. ||2: It is possible to hear in his poem, “On Being Twenty-six” the tone of world-weariness an older Larkin would make into an art form, looking back on “the slag/Of burnt-out childhood” with his familiar tone of regret laced with misanthropy: “Life, you aren’t a god, you’re a bloody old sod.” ||3: He disliked modern poetry, or the vogue for experimentation; even aged 18 he despaired of the lack of wit in contemporary literature: “Nothing like comedy/Can ever be admitted as poetry.” ||4: Women continued to remain a mystery to him, even after he left university, and mostly lost the stammer he had had since childhood. ||5: Now, instead of dreaming of “The idea of a kiss”, he merely knew his limits: “A bosomy English rose/And her friend in specs I could talk to.” | |
15 | Mr Muoz,出生在离蒂华纳南部开车要几个小时的地方,从小梦想着制造一个遥控飞行器,但仅仅在他搬到了加利福尼亚后才实现这个梦想。 | Mr Muoz, born a few hours south of Tijuana, grew up dreaming of building robotic flying machines, but only managed to do so after moving to California. | |
16 | 麻省理工学院的Thomas Malone主张这些变革—自动化、全球化—可能是更大变革的一部分: | Dreaming spires, meet pin factory Thomas Malone of MIT argues that these changes—automation, globalisation and deregulation—may be part of a bigger change: | |
17 | 梦中的吊车 | Dreaming cranes | |
18 | 他们也必须为被反垄断检查团体揭露的内部邮件作辩解,这些邮件显示航空公司主管梦想着合并后许多方式他们能够收取更多费用。 | They will also have to explain away a treasure trove of internal e-mails uncovered by the antitrust watchdogs which appear to show airline executives dreaming of the many ways they will be able to charge more after a merger. | |
19 | (一家狗仔队图片社)已经在幻想利用“黄蜂”环绕好莱坞山,追踪名人了。 | Already Splash News, a paparazzi photo agency, is dreaming of using the drones to chase celebrities around the Hollywood Hills. | |
20 | “怀孕对梦有很大的影响。”凯利.伯克利表示同意。 | ’Pregnancy has a big impact on dreaming , ’ agrees Kelly Bulkeley. | |
21 | “我想我是在梦里,”伊万说道,“我觉得有人会过来摇醒我然后说,‘你还没赢呢。’” | "I think I’m dreaming , " Ivanisevic said at the time. "Somebody is going to wake me up and tell me, ’Man, you didn’t win. ’" | |
22 | 《盗梦空间》里清醒地做梦的主人公们可以控制别人的梦吗? | Can The Lucid Dreaming Heroes Of "Inception" Take Over The Dreams Of Others? | |
23 | 《华文之梦》写得很口语化,很亲民——还配着图片资料和发音指导。 | "Dreaming in Chinese" is chatty and colloquial, with helpful photographs and drawings, as well as a pronunciation guide. | |
24 | 2期非REM睡眠的时间越长,受试者表现越好。2期非REM睡眠是比较浅的无梦睡眠时间。 | But the greater the amount of stage 2 non-REM sleep, a lighter form of non-dreaming sleep, the better their performance, he found. | |
25 | D梦想(dreaming):敢于做大梦,追寻似乎是不可能的最荒诞的梦想。 | D dream (dreaming ): dare to dream big it seems impossible to trace the most absurd dream. | |
26 | NREM睡眠状态是指身体在床上翻来覆去,但大脑趋于平静,意味着没有在做梦。 | NREM sleep is when you tend to toss and turn in bed. Your brain quiets down, which means that you aren’t dreaming . | |
27 | 并非因为生活不止是蓝图,而是因为,了解限界可以令我们丰富发展今后的做事方式。 | Not because life is not also about dreaming our rough imaginings, but because our limits can yield us fruitful insights for future action. | |
28 | 不要让心魔(抑或那些无关紧要的“必须做的事”清单)阻碍你拥有大大梦想。 | Don’t let your inner devil’s advocate (or that incessant but unimportant To Do list) inhibit you from dreaming big. | |
29 | 此外,干扰多巴胺水平的药物会严重影响做梦,但是却不会影响快速眼部活动(REM)睡眠周期。 | Moreover, medications that manipulate dopamine levels strongly affect dreaming while leaving the REM sleep cycle unaffected. | |
30 | 从那时起.,当时那个聪明可爱的小孩就从未放弃过梦想。 | From that day as a cute kid to this moment, he never gave up dreaming . |