1 | "长石椅式的价值观"也会让我们实现终生学习的希望和梦想成为泡影。 | Stone bench values also dash our hopes and dreams about lifelong learning down the lake, I mean, drain | |
2 | “第一代移民怀有未能实现的破灭的梦想,”崔说道,“要实现那些破灭的梦想,他们必须靠第二代人了。” | "The first generation has its unfulfilled broken dreams ," says Choi. "It wants to fulfill those broken dreams through the second generation." | |
3 | “瞧你呀,亲爱的,急着下床走路急成这个样子,--这种热望是一定可以实现的。”他竭尽医生安慰病人之能事,力图驱散她那充满绝望的满脸愁云。 | “There,my dear,in you anxiety to walk,these dreams become very real.”He was now exerting all his bedside manner to take the look of white dismay from her face. | |
4 | “他不是这位小姐意中人,”当他们又开始走动时,格丽卿说。 | "He’s not the man of her dreams ," gretchen said, they started walking again | |
5 | rebecca: 一次我碰到一位意大利老人,她说:也许有一天你会很成功,也许你会变得富有,但是不要忘记无论如何,不管你多大年纪,最重要的是要坚持你的梦想。 | rebecca: once I met an Italian old man,and he said: "maybe you’ll be success for one day and maybe you can become rich or this,but don’t forget whatever you are or no matter how old you are, the most important thing is to hold that dreams " | |
6 | 按照威尔士大学的马克-布拉格罗夫的说法,这项研究可能是考察梦与现实之间关系的第一次实验。 | The study, according to Mark Blagrove, of the University of Wales, is perhaps the first experiment to determine a link between the waking world and dreams | |
7 | 白日梦的研究可以说实际上提供了理解夜梦的最短捷径和最好方法。 | The investigation of day-dreams might really have afforded the shortest and best approach to the understanding of nocturnal dreams | |
8 | 不,不!他无疑地是错了,这只是那些飘浮在死亡之门前的梦幻罢了。 | No, no, doubtless he was deceived, and it was but one of those dreams that forerun death! | |
9 | 但是,现在呢?自从火车开始飞快地在印度大陆上飞驰,他过去的想法立即改变了。 | but now that they were plainly whirling across India at full speed, a sudden change had come over the spirit of his dreams | |
10 | 但是又过了三个钟头,这个即使在作着恶梦也还一心一意要赶上船的路路通醒过来了。 | Three hours later, pursued even in his dreams by a fixed idea, the poor fellow awoke, and struggled against the stupefying influence of the narcotic | |
11 | 但这样的“仲夏夜的梦”,照例是短促的。 | But these "midsummer night’s dreams " of hers were destined, as such dreams always are, to be short-lived | |
12 | 当他正在被这些伤心可怕的幻景煎熬的时候,晨曦染白了窗上的玻璃,照亮了他手下的那张淡蓝色的纸。 | While he was thus agitated by gloomy uncertainties,--wretched waking dreams of grief,--the first rays of morning pierced his windows, and shone upon the pale blue paper on which he had just inscribed his justification of providence | |
13 | 道旁的草,爱那天上的星吧,你的梦境便可在花朵里实现了。 | wayside grass, love the star, then your dreams will come out in flowers | |
14 | 对许多小女孩来说,童话故事构成了她们的梦幻世界,她们小小的生活天地也系于神话仙境。 | For most little girls fairy tales are the stuff that dreams are made of,and their little lives are bounded by the fairyland. | |
15 | 对于那些生活在向日葵社区中的家庭成员,我们衷心祝愿他们,能够实现他们的愿望,摆脱对毒品的依赖,重新回归社会。 | As for those family members of the Sunflower Therapy Community, we truly hope they could eventually achieve their dreams , free themselves from their dependencies on drug and return into society one day | |
16 | 多少次在梦里他回到了家乡。 | He returned to his hometown many times in his dreams . | |
17 | 而小说爱好者的梦带有更强烈的感情色彩,其中包含的奇异事件也更多。 | People with a taste for fiction experienced dreams that contained more improbable events, and their dreams were more emotionally intense | |
18 | 方鸿渐做梦都没想到这样的好运气,对他死去的未婚妻十分感激。 | Even in his dreams Fang Hung-chien had never conceived of such a stroke of good fortune and felt profound gratitude toward his deceased fiance | |
19 | 给我的想嫁万种梦幻美妙婆娑。 | And fancy all her loveliest dreams impart. | |
20 | 鼓励他们追求可成为现实的梦想--确保这些梦想能够继续和可信。 | Encourage them to pursue realistic dreams --and make sure these are kept alive and believable | |
21 | 过去,我太太有时也作梦,第二天总是非得详详细细,一点不拉地讲给我听不可。 | My wife used to dream occasionally and insist on telling me her dreams next day with circumstantial detail | |
22 | 好容易睡熟了,梦深处一个小声间带哭嚷道:“别压住我的红棉袄! | After he had finally fallen asleep, a small voice began crying plaintively, from deep within his dreams , "Get off my clothes! | |
23 | 嘿,他做梦也在想他的脚注,它们把他的头脑搞得乌烟瘴气。 | Oh, he dreams footnotes, and they run away with all his brains | |
24 | 幻觉的具有幻想或梦性质的;幻觉的 | Having the nature of fantasies or dreams ;illusory. | |
25 | 幻觉效应一连串偶然联想的幻景,如在梦中或发烧时 | A fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery,as seen in dreams or fever. | |
26 | 渐渐这镊子松了,钝了,他的睡也坚实得不受镊,没有梦,没有感觉,人生最原始的睡,同时也是死的样品。 | Gradually the forceps became loose and blunt, and his sleep became so sound it could not be pinched.It was a sleep devoid of dreams and sensations, the primordial sleep of mankind that is also a sample of death | |
27 | 她常做栩栩如生的梦;每天早上醒来时,她都很难回到现实中来。 | She has very lifelike dreams ,and every morning when she wakes she has difficulty in orientating herself to the real world. | |
28 | 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。 | Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night | |
29 | 她的祖母有特异功能--她有时候关于未来的梦境会成真。 | Her grandmother was psychic- she sometimes had dreams about the future which came true. | |
30 | 她以空虚的梦想自欺。 | She deluded herself with empty dreams . |