1 | "在那张椅子上坐下,好姑娘,"公爵说,"让我把这些材料看一下。" | "Sit down in that chair, my good girl,"" said the Duke , ""until I glance over the paper." | |
2 | (公爵,侯爵)的子媳用于称呼公爵或侯爵的小儿子的妻子的礼貌用语 | Used as a courtesy title for the wife of a younger son of a duke or marquis. | |
3 | (公爵、侯爵或伯爵)之女的尊称用于称呼公爵、侯爵或伯爵的女儿的礼貌用语 | Used as a courtesy title for the daughter of a duke ,a marquis,or an earl. | |
4 | (在英国)有爵位的男子(如公、侯、伯、子、男等贵族) | (in Britain)male member of one of the ranks of nobility(eg duke ,marquis,earl,viscount, baron) | |
5 | “啊!”公爵答道,“我想,我这个仆人大概是来找您的。” | "Ah," replied the duke , "here I think, is one of my servants who is seeking you." | |
6 | “陛下,公爵说得不错,我相信陛下一定会意识到它的重要性的。” | Sire, the duke is right, and I believe your majesty will think it equally important. | |
7 | “而且,公爵阁下,”警务大臣又说,“我们几乎可以肯定地说,逆贼就会发疯的。” | "And, moreover, my dear duke ," continued the minister of police, "we are almost assured that, in a very short time, the usurper will be insane." | |
8 | “公爵,我曾告诉旅馆里的人,说我今天很荣幸能在这儿过夜,”弗兰兹说,“我叫他们等他一回来就来通知我。” | "I informed them at the hotel that I had the honor of passing the night here, duke ," said Franz, "and desired them to come and inform me of his return." | |
9 | “进来,”路易十八微微一笑说,“进来,男爵,把你所知道的一切,关于拿破仑他最近的消息都告诉公爵,什么也不要隐瞒,不管它有多么严重。 | "Come in," said Louis XVIII, with repressed smile, "come in, baron, and tell the duke all you know--the latest news of M. de Bonaparte | |
10 | “看过了,看过了,你把内容讲给公爵听吧,他找不到那份报告,尤其是关于逆贼在他的小岛上一切的所做所为,要讲得详细点。” | Yes, yes; but tell the duke himself, who cannot find anything, what the report contains--give him the particulars of what the usurper is doing in his islet. | |
11 | “没有那个意思,亲爱的公爵,但您且伸手找一找。” | By no means, my dear duke ; but just stretch out your hand. | |
12 | “那一定够疲倦,够焦急的罗,我亲爱的公爵,而现在我们已经有了快报,要不了三四个钟头就可送到了,根本用不着大喘气。” | Which is undergoing great fatigue and anxiety, my dear duke , when we have a telegraph which transmits messages in three or four hours, and that without getting in the least out of breath. | |
13 | “他们说,他们打算打一场道地的空手架,拼个高低。带武器是为必要时防身。” | They said they intended to have a good,old-fashioned fistfight and duke it out and the weapons were there for their own protection just in case | |
14 | “我非常愿意,公爵,只要您赞成,您高兴要我接见谁,我就接见谁,只要他手里不拿枪就行。 | Most willingly, duke ; under your auspices I will receive any person you please, but you must not expect me to be too confiding | |
15 | “我只等一件事出现以后就可以遵从你的忠告,那就是,等出现一位能连任六个月的部长。我亲爱的阿尔贝,请允许我说一句话,因为我必须使可怜的吕西安有一个喘息的机会。我们是吃早餐还是吃午餐?我必须到众议院去一下,因为我的生活可不悠闲。” | And makes you resemble the Prince of Wales or the Duke of Reichstadt. | |
16 | “一点不错,我亲爱的公爵。” | decidedly, my dear duke . | |
17 | “这看我不仅得一个人到勃拉西诺公爵那儿去,而且还得一个人回佛罗伦萨哩。” | I see that I shall not only go alone to the Duke of Bracciano’s, but also return to florence alone. | |
18 | 阿尔瓦公爵靠吸食人奶结束了传奇式的恐怖一生 | The Duke of Alva ends a career of legendary terror by being breast-fed | |
19 | 爱丁堡公爵是女王的丈夫。 | The Duke of Edinburgh is the Queen’s husband. | |
20 | 勃拉西诺公爵府是罗马最令人愉快的家庭之一,他的夫人是哥伦纳斯王国最后一支的继承人之一,她把公爵府布置得十分雅致优美,他们的宴会是在全欧洲闻名的。 | The house of the Duke of Bracciano is one of the most delightful in Rome, te duchess, one of the last heiresses of the Colonnas, does its honors with the most consummate grace, and thus their fetes have a European celebrity | |
21 | 达尼·勃罗哥尼西博士仍记得,1994年的一个下午,与他一同共事的一名研究人员汤姆·马修斯跑进了他在杜克大学研究室,给他带来了令人振奋的消息。 | Dr. Dani Bolognesi still remembers the afternoon in 1994 when one of his research colleagues, Tom Matthews, ran into his office at Duke University with some exciting news | |
22 | 当日宁国公与荣国公是一母同胞弟兄两个. | The Duke of Ningguo and the Duke of Rongguo were brothers by the same mother. | |
23 | 而这里的情况大不相同,因为这位王爷就爱别出心裁,其余可想而知了。 | Here the case was very different, as might have been expected from the duke ’s love of the bizarre | |
24 | 二则现任族长乃是贾珍,彼乃宁府长孙,又现袭职,凡族中事,自有他掌管, | Moreover the head of the clan was Jia Zhen, who as the eldest grandson of the Duke of Ningguo had inherited the title and was responsible for all clan affairs. | |
25 | 佛罗伦萨大公科西莫曾用极其强烈的言辞谴责朋友的背信弃义或忘恩负义,他似乎认为这类恶行不可饶恕。 | Cosmus, duke of Florence, had a desperate saying against perfidious or neglecting friends, as if those wrongs were unpardonable | |
26 | 弗兰兹看到公爵和伯爵夫人的感觉和他自己的焦虑这样一致,就觉得一阵寒颤透过了他的全身。 | Franz felt a shudder run through his veins at observing that the feeling of the duke and the countess was so much in unison with his own personal disquietude | |
27 | 该案例为“杜克电力公司诉卡罗来纳州环境研究集团公司”[1978年《美国最高法院判例汇编》第438卷第59页]。该案中的因果关系几乎同上述案例中的一样含混。 | That case, Duke Power Co. v. Carolina Environmental Study Group, Inc., 438 U.S. 59 (1978), involved a chain of causation almost as tenuous as that in the SCRAP case | |
28 | 阁下,大人用作对公爵或侯爵年轻的儿子的敬称 | Used as a courtesy title for a younger son of a duke or marquis. | |
29 | 格洛思特公爵及公爵夫人住在他们自己的公国里。 | Duke and Duchess of Gloucester live in their own dukedom | |
30 | 公爵把女儿嫁给了国王的儿子。 | The duke matched his daughter with the king’s son. |