属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳能飞机 莱特附体?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳能飞机 莱特附体?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-太阳能飞机 莱特附体?
1 | 二人组号翼展为23米,算上主传动装置和其他未安装的设备,计划重量为470公斤。 | The Duo has a wingspan of 23 metres and a planned weight, when the main gear and any other missing equipment is on board, of 470kg. | |
2 | 和其前辈雏形机追日者一号和追日者二号一样,追日者二人组号的外形就是一架配备了推进器以及机翼面上装有大量太阳能发电电池的滑翔机。 | Like its predecessor prototypes, Sunseeker I and Sunseeker II, Sunseeker Duo looks like what it is: a glider with a propeller and lots of solar cells to generate electricity on the upper surface of its wings. | |
3 | 其最近的成果称作追日者二人组号,于6月成形。 | His latest effort, known as Sunseeker Duo , was taken out of its shed in June. | |
4 | 这被称作广场舞,是以她们见面的地点命名的。情歌跟西洋风格的歌曲最受欢迎。中国战略导弹部队歌舞团的双人组合凤凰传奇的歌曲是广场舞爱好者的最爱。 | They call it guangchangwu, or “square dancing”, after the venues where they meet. Syrupy songs, and Western styles, are much in favour. The tunes of Phoenix Legend, a duo from the song-and-dance troupe of China’s strategic missile force, are hugely popular among guangchangwu aficionados. | |
5 | “他们说过‘如果你想变得更好,眼前就有最好路。’”25岁的ArtGarfunkel,SimonandGarfunkel半民谣摇滚二重唱组合的一员说。 | "They were saying, ’If you want to get better, here’s the route, ’ " says Art Garfunkel, 25, half of the folk-rock duo , Simon and Garfunkel. | |
6 | “我们担心周五不能按时得到本月薪水”,研究部门的DuoAi表示。 | "We are worried we won’t get this month’s pay cheque on Friday, " said Duo Ai, of the research department. | |
7 | 1999年6月19日,二人在温莎城堡的圣乔治礼拜堂举行了婚礼,婚礼规模比他的兄弟们小多了。 | On June 19, 1999, the duo married at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle in a ceremony much smaller than those of his brothers. | |
8 | 30%克多福大豆种衣剂生产性试验总结 | Experiment summation of soybean seed coating of 30% Duo Fu | |
9 | SAP的“活力二人组”都是从公司内部成长起来的,非常了解本行业的市场。 | The dynamic duo at SAP are company insiders who know their market well. | |
10 | 比尔·盖茨和斯蒂夫·鲍尔默是上世纪八九十年代的一对充满活力的搭档。 | Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer were the dynamic duo of the 1980s and 90s. | |
11 | 不过萨尼亚似乎是在比赛90分钟的那次冲突的主要责任人。 | Sagna appeared to be the main aggressor after the duo clashed on 90 minutes. | |
12 | 布雷顿森林二重唱则更容易改变:唯一需要的就是西方的意愿。 | The Bretton Woods duo are easier to change: all that is needed is Western will. | |
13 | 除此以外,两人还为戏剧帮忙找了一些原始道具让它看上去更加真实。 | In addition, the duo helped find original props for the play to make it as authentic as possible. | |
14 | 穿着红色的裙子:参加了非洲,加勒比海白血病信托基金慈善晚会后两人共进晚餐。 | Painting the town red: The duo enjoyed dinner together after attending the African Caribbean Leukaemia Trust charity gala | |
15 | 但奥巴马先生努力不让他俩一唱一和地搅黄了这场聚会。 | But Mr Obama was anxious not to let the Franco-German duo spoil the party. | |
16 | 但是,被扭曲的劳动力价格终究是没有生命力的,是不可持续的。 | However, this situation is largely duo to the distorted labor force price, which is inevitably lifeless and unsustainable. | |
17 | 对《说文解字》所用“读若”的体例进行简要评述; | The paper makes a brief comment on the arrangement of "Duo Ruo (meaning pronounced as)" in Text Notes and Word Explanations. | |
18 | 多老弟的一门心思都用在玩刀上面去了,反倒没把基础数学学好,得回炉再造了。 | Brother Duo you’ve put all your heart and effort on Dao, but didn’t take a good study of maths and should have taken a lesson again. | |
19 | 多元--印刷业的新选择! | Duo Yuan--The New Choice In Print Industry! | |
20 | 改良后的版本配有U7700双核处理器,并且手工焊接在母板上。 | The new improved version is a Core Duo U7700 which had to be hand soldered on to the motherboard. | |
21 | 龚书铎教授谈中国近代史研究中的几个问题 | Professor GONG Shu-duo Talking about Several Issues on Modern Chinese History Studies | |
22 | 故事的叙述在旅途中二人的视角中不断转换。 | The narrative shifts constantly between the perspectives of the travelling duo . | |
23 | 过量食用动物肝脏致维生素A中毒 | Vitamin A Poisoning duo to Over-intake of Animal Liver | |
24 | 姜良铎教授临床应用胚芽类中药的经验 | Experience in Clinical Application of Embryo-bud Chinese Drugs by Prof. Jiang Liang-duo | |
25 | 就在埃突两国革命者摇摇晃晃走向民主之际,有个国家可能抢在了它们前面。 | As the revolutionary duo wend their wobbly ways to democracy, another country may be stealing a march on them. | |
26 | 聚会和酒精是让夜晚活色生香的绝佳排挡。 | Party and alcohol are the ultimate duo to spice up a night. | |
27 | 开始时,研究者要求实验参与者从不同距离看不同尺寸的该画作。 | To start with, the duo asked volunteers to look at the painting in varying sizes from varying distances. | |
28 | 康体多注射液治疗过敏性紫癜临床观察 | The Clinical Observation of Kang ti duo Injection on Anaphylactoid Purpura | |
29 | 老贝还计划和其好友意大利吉他手马里亚诺·阿皮切里在今年推出新专辑,这将是他俩录制的第4张专辑。 | This year, there will be a new record, the 4th, of the musical duo Berlusconi and guitarist Mariano Apicelli. | |
30 | 两个波多黎各的年轻人组成了一个艺术家二人组阿洛拉和卡尔扎迪拉,他们在美国馆外布展了“田径运动”。 | Outside the American pavilion, Allora & Calzadilla, a young artistic duo who live in Puerto Rico, have installed "Track and Field" . |