1 | 架构更新失败:重复的OID。 | Schema update failed: duplicate OID. | |
2 | 架构更新失败:重复的RDN。 | Schema update failed: duplicate RDN. | |
3 | 假如真的还有什么奥秘存在的话,我们还从未发现任何迹象。因此,复制人脑复杂的物质结构,等于把人脑的一切复制出来 | If anything else is there, no signs of it have ever been detected. To duplicate the material complexity of the brain is therefore to duplicate everything about it | |
4 | 她似乎几乎与她自身都分离开了-仅仅剩下一个空虚的躯壳。 | She seemed almost to be apart from herself--vacuous duplicate only | |
5 | 镜像,映像物体由于光学原因形成的复制品、对应物或其它形式的代表物,尤指通过透镜或镜子而形成的视觉复制品 | An optically formed duplicate ,counterpart,or other representative reproduction of an object,especially an optical reproduction of an object formed by a lens or mirror. | |
6 | 理论上说,从你的身体上任意取一个细胞,经过适当的生物学处理,就可以使它发育成从眼睫毛到脚趾甲都和你一模一样的复制品。 | Take a cell, practically any cell, from your body, the theory goes, and through appropriate biological tinkering you can cause it to grow into a duplicate of yourself identical from eyelashes to toenails | |
7 | 两个完全相同的12英寸的标本用8英寸标距来标定。 | Duplicate 12-in. long specimens were calibrated with an 8-in. gage length | |
8 | 另一套同样的设备分别安装在超压力为每平方??磅及1.7磅的地方。 | Duplicate installations were located at overpressures of 5 and 1. 7 pounds per square inch, respectively | |
9 | 卖方和/或生产商国家有关当局出具的有效出口许可证,或有关当局或机构出具的不需出口许可证的证明文件,正本一份、副本两份 | One (1)original and two (2)duplicate copies of the valid export license issued by relevant authorities of the Seller’s and/or manufacture’s country or a statement of relevant authorities/agency certifying that no export license is required | |
10 | 卖方技术人员的实际工作小时和加班时间应按日记载在"计时卡"一式二份,由双方工地代表签字 | The actual working hours and overtime hours of the Seller’s technical personnel shall be recorded per day in the time sheets in duplicate and signed by the Site Representatives of Both Parties. | |
11 | 卖方银行出具的以买方为受益人、金额为__________(大写:____)、不可撤销的预付款保函正、副本各一份(保证函格式见合同附件十一。) | One (1)original and one (1)duplicate copy of the Irrevocable Letter of Guarantee for advance payment issued by the Seller’s Bank in favor of the Buyer covering__(say__only), specimen of which is specified in Appendix 11 | |
12 | 难以再现的丰功伟绩 | a hard feat to duplicate . | |
13 | 你决定明天买哪几件首饰了吗? | Have you made up your mind which of these little trinkets you mean to duplicate tomorrow? | |
14 | 你想你能够复制一个那样的巧克力松糕吗? | Do you think you could duplicate that chocolate fudge cake? | |
15 | 您填好了表格的另一份副本,由护士亲自带回到医院里。 | You filled up the duplicate of this paper, and sent it back to the hospital by the hand of the nurse | |
16 | 票子发得多了一点,物价波动大了一点,重复建设比较严重,造成了一些浪费 | The issuance of too much currency had led to major price rises,and there was much wasteful duplicate construction | |
17 | 切实解决层次过多、职能交叉、人员臃肿、权责脱节和多重多头执法等问题。 | We will solve the problems of too many levels, overlapping functions, overstaffing, divorce between powers and responsibilities and duplicate law enforcement. | |
18 | 清一式两份签收这个收据。 | Please sign the receipt in duplicate . | |
19 | 请把备用钥匙借给我好吗? | May I borrow a duplicate key, please? | |
20 | 请签署本函及副本一并寄回。我将嘱人事部经理签署并寄上一份副本和最初付款的支票一张。 | Please sign all copies of this letter and return them to me. I will have this letter signed by our Personnel Manager and return one duplicate to you with a cheque for the initial payment. | |
21 | 请一式二份填写这份收据。 | Please fill in the receipt in duplicate . | |
22 | 全套清洁、已装船、空白抬头、空白背书、通知_____并注明运费已付的海运提单正、副本各三份 | "Three (3)originals and three (3)duplicate copies of clean on board ocean Bill of Lading made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying__and marked ""FREIGHT PREPAID" | |
23 | 全息过程本身自动地进行调节,以此来为不规则散射场A’的精确形状分别复显出R或A。 | The holographic process adjusts itself automatically so as to duplicate R or A independently for the exact form of the irregularly scattered field A’ | |
24 | 如信用证要求提交多份单据,诸如"一式两份"、"两张"、"两份"等,此时可以提交一份正本,其余份数以副本来满足。但单据本身另有相反的示者除外。 | Credits that require multiple document(s)such as "duplicate ," "two fold," "two copies" and the like, will be satisfied by the presentation of one original and the remaining number in copies except where the document itself indicates otherwise. | |
25 | 入学申请表一式二份,并贴妥申请人最近一个月内二吋脱帽半身正面之相片一式三张,请依规定贴妥于申请表上。 | A completed duplicate application form along with three copies of a recent photograph passport size need to be attached to each application form Two are attached to the first application form. | |
26 | 上述几种外国铣床中,有些几乎完全是非常流行和标准化了的“桥港”牌铣床的翻板仿造品。 | some of which almost duplicate the specifications of the very popular and standard piece of equipment known as the Bridgeport mill. | |
27 | 上述文件另航寄买方指定的运输代理二份,作为买方安排运输和装卸工作的依据 | Another duplicate copy of the said documents shall be airmailed to the transportation agent appointed by the buyer as the basis of arranging inland transportation, loading and unloading of the Contract Equipment. | |
28 | 设立分公司的公司在其提交的年度检验材料中,应当明确反映分公司的有关情况,并提交分公司《营业执照》的复印件。 | In the documents of annual examination submitted by a company which has set up a branch or branches, the relevant situations of the branch(s)shall be clearly reflected, and a duplicate of the branch’s Business License shall be submitted. | |
29 | 审查无误后,将《进口药品注册证》(或者《医药产品注册证》)(正本或者副本)原件 | If there is no discrepancy upon examination, the original Drug Import Registration Certificate (or the Pharmaceutical Product Registration Certificate (original or duplicate )) | |
30 | 生产厂家所在国的有关机构或机关签发的产地证书正本一份、副本五份 | One (1)original and five (5)duplicate copies of certificate of origin issued by relevant authorities or agency of the manufacture’s country |