属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-聪明不在 Not so smart now
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-星光灿烂 英格兰的冥想
1 | 他们住在边境地区。 | They dwell on the border of the country | |
2 | 他们住在山上。 | They dwell on(upon)a mountain | |
3 | 他在长达一个多小时的演讲中,详尽地叙述着这个标记,他那强有力的言辞在人们的耳际反复轰鸣,在他们的心头引起了新的恐惧,似乎把这个标记用炼狱之火染得通红。 | So forcibly did he dwell upon this symbol, for the hour or more during which his periods were rolling over the people’s heads, that it assumed new terrors in their imagination, and seemed to derive its scarlet hue from the flames of the infernal pit. | |
4 | 停顿时间:一个表面和另一个表面在一个机器运作循环中的接触时间。 | Dwell : A term applied to the length of time that one surface remains on contact with another during a machine cycle. | |
5 | 为什么新闻节目总是大谈死亡和暴力? | Why do news programmers dwell on death and violence all the time? | |
6 | 我来贵国,不是要谈过去怎样互不往来,而是要敦促美国人和中国人向前看。 | I have not come to dwell on a closed-door past, but to urge that Americans and Chinese look to the future | |
7 | 我们不要再细说你过去的错误了。 | Let’s not dwell on your past mistakes. | |
8 | 我们大家都住在地球上。 | All of us dwell upon the earth | |
9 | 详述过去的失败并不好。 | It’s not good to dwell on past failures. | |
10 | 想一想上帝忍受的痛苦吧,他把他唯一的亲生儿送到罪孽深重的地球上,生活在人类中间。 | Think of the pain that God has borne, sending down His only begotten Son, to dwell among men on the sinful earth | |
11 | 许多水鸟在岛上栖息。 | A great number of water fowls dwell on the island. | |
12 | 夜神不会永远伴随我们;可我们有办法把夜神请进屋内。 | The sable divinity would not herself dwell with us always; but we could counterfeit her presence | |
13 | 一个真正的评论家应论述优点多于不足之处(约瑟夫·爱迪森)。 | A true critic ought to dwell rather upon excellencies than imperfections(Joseph Addison. | |
14 | 一种简单的四杆长停机构 | A Kind of Simple Four-bar Linkages with Long Dwell Period | |
15 | 由于筘座需要有一定的静止时间,排除了用曲柄和牵手来做驱动装置的可能性,因此需要使用积极作用的凸轮机构。 | The introduction of a period of dwell in the motion of the sley precludes driving it by cranks and crankarms and requires the use of positively acting cams. | |
16 | 有时他会老是想着他所经历过的种种恐怖。 | Sometimes his mind would dwell on the horrors he had been through. | |
17 | 有些学术论文详细论述乔叟和诺亚·韦伯斯特而不讨论加勒比海地区的克里奥尔语或宇航术语。 | Some academic studies tend to dwell on Chaucer and Noah Webster at expense of Caribbean Creole or space-speak | |
18 | 与...住在一起 | dwell with;muck in with;room with;live with;abide with | |
19 | 雨村欢喜,自不必说,乃封百金赠封肃,外谢甄家娘子许多物事,令其好生养赡,以待寻访女儿下落. | We need not dwell on Yucun’s satisfaction. He gave Feng Su a hundred pieces of silver and sent Mrs. Zhen many gifts, urging her to take good care of her health while he aseertamedher daughter s whereabou. | |
20 | 在苏尔寿片梭织机的多数机型中,筘座的运动时间占主轴旋转一周角度中的105o,这就允许筘座在后方位置停顿255o。 | In most models of the Sulzer weaving machine, the whole of the sley movement is completed in 105o of the crank rotation, which thus allows the sley to dwell in its back position for 255o. | |
21 | 在这样诚实的头脑中必有智慧。 | Wisdom must dwell in a mind so honest | |
22 | 这样,直到最后审判把你唤醒,你长在诗里和情人眼里辉映 | So, till the judgment that yourself arise, You live in this, and dwell in lovers’ eyes. | |
23 | 这一点他以后会详细谈的。 | He’ll dwell on the point later | |
24 | 正如苏尔寿片梭织机和某些挠性剑杆织机那样,如果筘座在梭口中能为载纬器提供一个导路,则当筘座运动到最后方位置并进行引纬的全部时间内,筘座必须处于静止状态。 | If the sley provides a means of guiding the weft insertion device through the shed, as in the Sulzer gripper loom and some flexible rapier looms, the sley must dwell in its most backward position during the whole of the time occupied by weft insertion. | |
25 | 正是更高的思想境界才会产生哲理和那种坚韧的精神,有了这种精神,人们就不愿去细想这类事情,不愿因考虑这类事情而自寻烦恼。 | It is the higher mental development which induces philosophy and that fortitude which refuses to dwell upon such things--refuses to be made to suffer by their consideration. | |
26 | 正像刚性剑杆织机和其它挠性剑杆织机一样,梭口中没有控制载纬器的装置,就有可能减少筘座的停顿时间,但减少的量很有限。 | If there is no means of controlling the weft insertion device within the warp shed, as in rigid rapier looms, and other flexible rapier looms, then it is possible to reduce the sley dwell period,but only by a small amount. | |
27 | 住在森林里(在一座岛上). | dwell in a forest (on an island) | |
28 | 姊妹们暮年相会,自不必说悲喜交集,泣笑叙阔一番. | We need not dwell on the mingled delight and sorrow of these two sisters meeting again in the evening of life or all their tears, laughter and reminiscences. | |
29 | ||1:卡内曼并没有详述我们认知偏见的进化源头,也没有花太多笔墨解释为什么有些人天生就比其他人善于规避错误。||2:但他的这本书作为给大众的普及型读物是十分出色。||3:正如哥白尼提出了地球是宇宙的中心,达尔文指出人类不是万物之灵,卡内曼也展示了我们人类并没有自己想象的那样充满理性的智慧。||4:卡内曼被人们称为行为经济学之父(和特沃斯基并称),他的理论影响了许多学科,甚至给一些政策的制定提供了参考。 | ||1:Mr Kahneman does not dwell on the possible evolutionary origins of our cognitive biases, nor does he devote much time to considering why some people seem naturally better at avoiding error than others.||2:Still this book, his first for a non-specialist audience, is a profound one.||3:As Copernicus removed the Earth from the centre of the universe and Darwin knocked humans off their biological perch, Mr Kahneman has shown that we are not the paragons of reason we assume ourselves to be.||4:Often hailed as the father of behavioural economics (with Tversky as co-parent), his work has influenced a range of disciplines and has even inspired some policy. | |
30 | ||1:英伦风的概念,以及其演变过程正是“迪伊博士”的核心所在。||2:在英格兰到达鼎盛时期之前,这部歌剧看起来几乎令人无比神往。||3:从作品中可以看到衣着华贵的女王伊丽莎白一世漂浮在她的领土之上(见图)。||4:挂着圣乔治旗帜的庞大舰队横渡舞台。||5:不过“迪伊博士”音乐剧并没有局限于这些荣耀的年代。||6:相反,它是从21世纪的眼光角度审视迪伊这个人。||7:亚邦先生和他的音乐剧团俯视整个进程并且从导演鲁夫斯诺里斯称作“正在衰败的民族”的角度来看待每一件事。||8:这部精彩的音乐剧既是英国的歌颂,又是对一个国家的星光逐渐黯淡的挽歌。 | ||1: The notion of Englishness, and what has become of it, is at the heart of “Dr Dee”. ||2: The opera looks almost longingly at an age before England had reached its peak. ||3: The production sees a magnificent Queen Elizabeth I float above her realm (pictured). ||4: A great fleet flying the flag of St George sails across the stage. ||5: But “Dr Dee” does not dwell on these days of glory. ||6: Instead, it considers Dee from a 21st-century perspective. ||7: Mr Albarn and his troupe of musicians sit suspended above the proceedings, observing everything from the vantage of what Rufus Norris, the director, calls “a nation in decline”. ||8: This fine opera is both a celebration of England and a lament for a nation whose star is on the wane. |