1 | 唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。 | The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality | |
2 | 唐代花釉瓷器 | Speckled-glazed Porcelain of the Tang Dynasty | |
3 | 唐代陵墓石刻 | tomb sculptures of Tang Dynasty | |
4 | 唐代诗人李贺曾对端砚艺人极为推崇,他作诗说 | The Tang Dynasty poet Li He once wrote the following lines to show his love and respect for artisans who made inkstones at Duanzhou | |
5 | 唐代时有殿阁、佛像、壁画、书法等杰作十项,世称“十绝”。 | In the Tang Dynasty , it was well-known for its ten incomparable possessions such as beautiful architecture, collection of Buddhist scriptures, frescoes and calligraphic inscriptions, etc | |
6 | 唐代著名书法家颜真卿的草书木刻《争座位贴》,是颜氏登峰造极之作。 | The cursive-hand calligraphy of Yan Zhenqing, the famous Tang Dynasty calligrapher, as engraved on wood, marks his artistic achievement at its zenith | |
7 | 天津,在北宋(960-1127)时,只是海河南岸的一个小寨子,叫“三女寨”。 | Named SanNu Zhai or Three Women Stronghold in the Northern Dynasty (960-1127), today’s Tianjin was then a mere stockaded village on the south bank of Hai River | |
8 | 为了与紫禁城的修建时代同步,他坚持服装要按明代而不是唐代的款式重新制作,仅此一项就增加了33万美元的开支。 | His insistence that costumes be remade in Ming rather than Tang dynasty style, in keeping with the Forbidden City’s vintage, added $330,000 to the tab | |
9 | 问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。 | When he was asked to tell which dynasty it was, he did know nothing about the Han dynasty [206BC-AD220] and still the less he knew about the Wei dynasty [386-556] or the Jin dynasty | |
10 | 咸阳汉代兵马俑 | Terra-cotta Figures of Warriors and Horses ofthe Han Dynasty Unearthed at Xianyang | |
11 | 现在大昭寺前的“唐柳”,相传还是文成公主和松赞干布亲手栽种的呢! | What is known as the willow of the Tang Dynasty before the Jokhang Temple was reputedly planted there personally by the princess and Songzan Ganbu together | |
12 | 香港是中国的一部分。自古以来,我们的祖先在这块土地上劳动、生活。历史上从秦代到清朝,中国一直对香港实行管辖,行使主权。 | Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China. Since ancient times, our ancestors lived and labored on this land. Historically from the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, China exercised jurisdiction and sovereignty over Hong Kong. | |
13 | 须弥山石窟反映了从北朝中晚期到隋、唐各代的佛教石刻艺术,是古代宁夏地区劳动人民文化艺术的结晶。 | The Buddhist grotto art here marks the apogee of the art of stone carving in the region in ancient times beginning from the middle part of the Northern Dynasty and lasting until the Sui and the Tang Dynasties | |
14 | 一位时运多舛的日本收藏家曾于1989年在索思比拍卖行以132万英镑(人民币1760万元)买下了一个中国宋朝的花瓶,结果,1994年10月在克里斯蒂拍卖行香港分公司只卖了970万港元(人民币1040万元)。 | An unlucky Japanese collector sold off a Chinese Song Dynasty vase at a christie’s sale in Hong Kong for HK $9.7 m (10.4 m RMB)in October 1994, having paid 1.32 m (17.6 m RMB)for it at Sotheby’s in 1989 | |
15 | 由于遭受压迫,金于12世纪初发展成为一个武士民族,打败了北宋,统一了中国北方。 | Under the spur of oppression, the Kin had developed into a warrior people in the early twelfth century, defeating the northern sung dynasty , and bringing northern China under their rule | |
16 | 豫园原本是明朝四川一布政使的私人花园,园内有13处景观,屋宇嵌缀着精致的砖刻木雕,具有南方建筑风格 | Yu Garden, which was originally the private garden of a Sichuan governor in the Ming Dynasty , boasts 13 scenic sights and the buildings ornamented with fine brick designs and wood carvings characteristic of the Southern architectural style | |
17 | 元朝建立后,他被追谥为“元太祖”。 | Following the founding of the Yuan Dynasty in 1271, he was posthumously honoured as Emperor Taizu of Yuan or the founding emperor | |
18 | 元朝时期成吉思汗完成对天山南北的政治统一。 | The founder of the Yuan Dynasty , Genghis Khan, completed the political unification of the regions north and south of the Tianshan Mountains | |
19 | 元朝由蒙古统治者忽必烈汗在北京建立的一个中国王朝(1271-1368年),它被明朝取代 | A Chinese dynasty (1271-1368)established by the Mongolian ruler Kublai Khan at Peking(Beijing.It was superseded by the Ming dynasty. | |
20 | 元代政治思想 | political thought in Yuan dynasty of China | |
21 | 在1,000多年前的唐代,西安可能是全世界最开放、最有文化的城市,而今晚我见到盛况重现。 | Over 1,000 years ago, during the Tang dynasty , which I have seen recreated tonight, Xian was, perhaps, the most open and culturally advanced city in the entire world | |
22 | 在峰顶佛寺卧云庵中有明代所造“金顶铜殿”,高8米,宽4.8米,深4.3米。 | The Copper Hall with a gold-plated roof in Woyun Temple,built in the Ming Dynasty on the mountain top, is 8 metres high, 4.8 metres wide and 4.3 metres deep | |
23 | 在过去的350年当中,大自然已经极大地损害了明代长城的躯体。 | Nature has physically damaged the Ming dynasty wall enormously in the last 350 years | |
24 | 这博物馆以收藏青铜器出名,最古的青铜器是商朝的。 | It’s well-known for its collection of bronzeware, the oldest dating from the Shang dynasty . | |
25 | 这博物馆正举办一次有关殷墟及其历史的展览。 | The museum is holding an exhibition on the Yin dynasty ruins and their history. | |
26 | 这部小说涉及许多清朝的事件。 | The novel is full of references to the events in the Ching Dynasty . | |
27 | 这里的城墙改建于明代,沿山脊建筑,墙身高大坚固,墙体用整齐巨大的城砖筑成 | This part of Great Wall was reconstructed in Ming Dynasty . It was built on the ridges of the mountains. Laid out with huge and uniform bricks, the wall itself is tall and sturdy. | |
28 | 这是一幅唐朝的壁画。 | This is a mural of the Tang dynasty . | |
29 | 这是一些唐三彩工艺品。 | Here are some exhibits of tricolored glazed pottery of the Tang dynasty . | |
30 | 这些仿清建筑,幽雅别致,古色古香。 | These imitations of Qing-dynasty -style buildings are of quiet elegance and classic beauty. |