1 | 这座城市曾是中国唐朝时的都城。 | The city was the capital of China during the Tang Dynasty . | |
2 | 这座皇宫建于明朝永乐年间,1460年开始筹建,1420年基本建成,现在已有近600年的历史 | It was constructed when the emperor Yongle was in reign in Ming Dynasty . Its construction got started in 1406 and fundamentally completed in 1420. So it has a history of nearly 600 years. | |
3 | 这座金字塔是埃及第四王朝的法老胡夫大约在公元前2560年建造的,作为他死后的墓地。 | The monument was built by the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu of the Fourth Dynasty around the year BC 2560 to serve as a tomb when he dies | |
4 | 直到清代,道教才传播到全疆各地。 | It was not until the Qing Dynasty that taoism became widespread throughout Xinjiang | |
5 | 至清朝中叶,寺庙已达300多座,僧尼5000多人。 | By the middle of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),more than 300 temples had been built on the mountain,which housed 5000 Buddhist monks and nuns | |
6 | 中国的丝织、制瓷、冶金、造船技术很早就达到世界的先进水平。明代朱载堉首创十二平均律,后来被认定为世界通行的标准音调。 | China’s silk weaving, porcelain making, metallurgy and shipbuilding very early reached the world’s advanced level in the Ming Dynasty , Zhu Zaiyu (1536-1610?)initiated the twelve-tone temperament which later became the universal standard tones | |
7 | 中国东汉科学家张衡于公元132年发明的地动仪是世界上最早的地震仪。 | The seismograph invented in 132 A.D. by Zhang Heng, Chinese scientist of the East Han Dynasty (25 A.D.-220 A.D.), was the first seismograph in the world | |
8 | 中国古代雕塑共展出了源自战国至明朝的127件石刻、木雕、泥塑和铜铸作品 | The Ancient Chinese Sculpture Gallery exhibits 127 pieces of ancient Chinese stone, wood, clay, pottery and cast-bronze sculptures from the Warring States Period to the Ming Dynasty , | |
9 | 中国历朝历代都有各自的文献资料汇编集,而这种文献整理之风更是在明清时达到了极致。 | Every dynasty of China compiled its own collections of classics, and this practice reached its pinnacle during the Ming (1368-1644)and Qing (1644-1911)dynasties | |
10 | 最近发现的文物属于明朝。 | The cultural relic discovered lately dates from the Ming Dynasty . |