属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国在伊拉克 卡梅伦的困惑
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本政坛 出身很重要
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-曼恩·阿尔萨尼亚 沙特巨头冲突
1 | 他的迫切心情难以抑制。 | It was difficult to hold his eagerness in check. | |
2 | 他急于回去工作这一点是很明显的。 | His eagerness to get back to work was quite obvious. | |
3 | 他满腔热忱想要参军。 | He had a great eagerness to join the army | |
4 | 他们并不争先,也不焦急。几乎像是一队哑巴。在最冷的天气里,也能在这里看见这支队伍。 | There was no haste and no eagerness displayed. It was almost a dumb procession. In the bitterest weather this line was to be found here. | |
5 | 他盼每一个人都快乐是十分明显的。 | His eagerness that everyone be happy was quite clear. | |
6 | 他双眼英气逼人,刚好和他下巴所表现的倔强相称。 | His eyes were bright with an eagerness of life, an eagerness that blended with the defiance of his chin. | |
7 | 他一面说,一面身子向她越挨越近,热切得几乎要碰到她身上。 | As he spoke, he leaned closer and closer to her, seeming in his eagerness almost to impinge upon her | |
8 | 提到老大哥,温斯顿的脸上便了无生气地掠过了一丝向往的表情。 | A sort of vapid eagerness flitted across Winston’s face at the mention of Big Brother | |
9 | 托马斯又有了那种熟悉的感觉,害怕,高兴,急不可耐,象有股电流刺激着手臂和双腿,五脏六腑一齐向里收缩。 | thomas felt the old feeling, fear, pleasure, eagerness , and electric tingling in his arms and legs, his gut pulling in | |
10 | 我并不认为那会使他迫切的心情所减弱。 | I don’t think that will cool his eagerness down. | |
11 | 我非常体谅你的急切心情。 | I quite sympathize with your eagerness . | |
12 | 我父母体谅我想搬出去住的急切心情。 | My parents sympathized with my eagerness to move out. | |
13 | 我急得要命。 | I was bursting with eagerness . | |
14 | 我乐于学习,渴望提高,希望能有机会向您证实。 | I shall bring to the job a willingness to work and an eagerness to improve. Let me prove this to you. | |
15 | 我越想越来劲,便干了起来。 | The eagerness of my fancy prevailed and to work I went. | |
16 | 先睹为快. | be all eagerness to see it | |
17 | 消费的一大推动力,是重仪表赶时髦。 | The eagerness of Shanghainese to keep up with the latest in fashion is a big boost to the market. | |
18 | 新入伍的战士迫切盼望上前线。 | The recruit was all eagerness to go to the front | |
19 | 由于急着要看信,拆信时,她的手都发抖。 | Her hands were trembling with eagerness as she opened the letter | |
20 | 在爱默生心目中,不可调和的极端之间没有你死我活的斗争,两者渴望接近而耳鬓厮磨。 | For Emerson there is no cruel war of irreconcilable extremes; extremes nuzzle one another in their eagerness to come together | |
21 | 这话说得斩钉截铁,顿时给心头热切的玛丽泼了一瓢冷水。 | This decision checked Mary’s eagerness | |
22 | 这是最荒谬的办法。我真是思船心切,立即着手工作。 | This was a most preposterous method; but the eagerness of my fancy prevail’d, and to work I went. | |
23 | 这往往使我们不能冷静地分析主客观方面的情况,从而违反客观世界发展的规律。 | But often our very eagerness has prevented us from making a sober analysis of subjective and objective conditions, and we have therefore acted in contradiction to the laws governing the development of the objective world. | |
24 | ||1:当把球推出时,塞弗·巴耶斯特罗斯还在担心自己用力过大。||2:1984年圣安德鲁斯赛第十八洞果岭,在挥动一支3号木杆漂亮开球和沙坑杆后,球距洞口仅15英呎之遥。||3:由于求胜心切,他似乎用力过猛。||4:但是球慢慢滚向球洞,令人难以置信地绕着弯,在洞口停了一下,然后滚了进去。||5:小白球好像是随着巴耶斯特罗斯的意愿慢慢...慢慢滚进去的。就这样,他赢了比赛。 | ||1: As he struck the ball, Seve Ballesteros feared he had overdone it. ||2: After a good 3-wood tee shot and a decent sand-wedge to the 18th green at St Andrews in 1984, the ball was only 15 feet below the hole. ||3: Now, in his sheer eagerness to win, he had hit it too hard. ||4: But no. The ball rolled sweetly towards the hole, improbably curving round, hovered on the edge of the cup, then tumbled in. ||5: It seemed to go in slow motion as he willed it and willed it forward. And with that he had won the Open. | |
25 | ||1:另一风险是卡梅伦的声明超过了美国作战的热情,若奥巴马政府不愿进一步行动,便会使英国处于孤立地位。||2:卡梅伦还需应对厌战的公众。||3:投票显示大部分英国人支持对IS采取有限的行动,比如说为库尔德人提供武装。||4:但无论理由看起来多么值得,要赢得公众支持大规模战争在目前看起来几乎还是不可能。 | ||1:Another risk is that Mr Cameron’s pronouncements outstrip America’s eagerness to act, leaving Britain isolated should the Obama administration commit itself no further.||2:And the prime minister also has a war-weary public to contend with.||3:Polls suggest that a large minority of Britons would support taking some limited action against IS, such as arming the Kurds.||4:But winning public support for a larger scale conflict, however worthy the cause, looks almost impossible at present. | |
26 | ||1:太子党对于日本是利是弊?日本首相安倍晋三就是继承了他的外祖父、二战后不久上任的日本首相岸信介的意志,力图修订美国为日本撰写的放弃发动战争的宪法。||2:很多人把安倍对此的执着看做是他的政治弱点。||3:除了被家族成见所掣肘之外,政二代还难以挑战选择他们的政治团体的权威。 | ||1:Are the botchan bad for Japan? Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, has inherited the eagerness of his grandfather, Nobusuke Kishi, who was prime minister soon after the second world war, to revise the country’s American-written constitution that renounces the use of war.||2:Many regard Mr Abe’s focus on this as a political weakness.||3:Apart from being trapped by family preoccupations, hereditary politicians have difficulty challenging the interest groups that chose them. | |
27 | ||1:在卡多先生看来,在乌干达作为一名同性恋,你只可能有两种生活。||2:第一种生活就是躲藏,去寻找黑暗。||3:他听到了一些关于在城外的花园里举行深夜聚会的传言,并且决定一定要去,就这样他于19世纪90年代末在坎帕拉第一次见到了同性恋场景。||4:然而,聚会的组织者对他的如此主动和渴望产生了怀疑,给了他一个错误的地址,他们不希望他找到这个秘密——暗中进行了非法集会。||5:他在接受西方媒体采访时总是喜欢选在黑暗的街道或人烟稀少的酒吧,坐的离摄影机很近并且把脸部遮起来,再或者选在城外的土路上,他一边紧张的踱着步子,一边接受采访。 | ||1:In Mr Kato’s mind there were only two ways to deal with being gay in Uganda.||2:The first was to hide, to seek the dark.||3:This was how he had first encountered the gay scene in Kampala in the late 1990s, after hearing rumours of a night party in some gardens outside the city and deciding he had to gatecrash.||4:The party hosts, suspicious of his eagerness , gave him the wrong address; they did not want him to find this secret, illegal gathering among the trees.||5:When he gave interviews to Western media it was often in dark alleys or deserted bars, face shadowy and close to the camera, or on some red-dirt road out of town, while he kept nervously walking. | |
28 | 但有时由于太过热切,就会在轨道上相撞。 | Sometimes, in their eagerness , they crash over the rails. | |
29 | 爱玛带着这种转变所给予她的热情,决定尽快出门。 | With all the eagerness which such a transition gives Emma resolved to be out of doors as soon as possible. | |
30 | 不过,如果能够将一个国家对控制这种关键资源的渴望程度量化排序,中国无疑会拔得头筹。 | If one could quantify a country’s eagerness to control this vital resource though, China would surely be number one. |