1 | (希腊神话)北方净土之民最远古之时为古希腊人所知的一个民族,在北风带以北的永久温暖,有阳光的土地上 | One of a people known to the ancient Greeks from the earliest times,living in a perpetually warm and sunny land north of the source of the north wind. | |
2 | “布基”(这是人们对他的爱称)的童年实际上是在一片朦胧中度过的。 | “Bucky, ”as he was affectionately know, spent his earliest years literally in a daze | |
3 | “青春期的意思是,”佩吉宣布:“一个女孩能忍受孩子的最早年龄。” | "puberty means," announced Peggy, "the earliest age at which a girl is able to bear children." | |
4 | 阿摩斯生活于公元前8世纪的希伯来先知,他是以其姓名作为《圣经》全书中的一章节标题的最早的一位先知 | A Hebrew prophet of the eighth century b.c.He was the earliest prophet to have a book of the Bible named for him. | |
5 | 氨基甲酸苯酯除莠剂是发展最早的一种除莠剂。 | Phenylcarbamate herbicides were among the earliest herbicides developed | |
6 | 北洋水师是中国最早的海军部队。 | Beiyang Navy is the earliest naval force of China. | |
7 | 勃罗哥尼西的公司叫特里米瑞斯,它建在北卡罗来那州的杜哈姆,与霍夫曼·拉罗克合作,已进入到用一种化合物在人体做实验的最后阶段,并在测试的早期阶段还检测了第一种药。 | Bolognesi’s company, Trimeris, based in durham, N. C., collaborates with Hoffman LaRoche and is already in the final stages of human testing with one compound and in the earliest phases of testing with a second | |
8 | 出土的人类化石有助于复原人类生活的最早期阶段。 | Human fossils unearthed there are helping to reconstruct the earliest stages of human existence | |
9 | 此间大多数经济学家说,加利福尼亚的经济衰退尚未度过难关。预计经济复苏最早将在1995年,在以前可能恶化。 | Most economists here say that California’s economic slump has not bottomed out and that it may grow worse before the earliest projected recovery in1995. | |
10 | 此诗现存最早的原稿收藏在这座博物馆里。 | The earliest extant manuscript of this poem has been kept in the museum. | |
11 | 从远古时代起,铁匠在锻铁炉中加热铁并在铁砧上将其锤锻成形。 | From earliest times, smiths heated iron in forges and formed it by hammering on an anvil. | |
12 | 从最早的人力飞行以来,飞机机体的设计要求不断地改进工艺质量标准。 | Since the earliest man-powered flights, airframe design has demanded an ever-improving standard of technology | |
13 | 从最早时起,他的冒险精神和外科医生的志向就被认为是当然的事。 | From his earliest years his venturesome spirit and his intention of being a surgeon were taken for granted | |
14 | 但是,最早期的地震记录,就记录下了主震中具有很大横向位移分量的频散波。 | However, the earliest long-period seismographs recorded dispersive waves with large transverse displacement components in the main tremor | |
15 | 第三个重要任务是要由观测得到不可辩驳的证据来证明原恒星演化中的一些最早期现象确实能发生。 | Third, it is important to derive from the observations irrefutable evidence that the earliest phases in the evolution of protostars do occur | |
16 | 第一批官方结果预期最早要到周二才能出来。 | The first official results are not expected until Tuesday at the earliest . | |
17 | 第一批移民是那此靠个人奋斗的最早的拓荒者,他们以狩猎和捕鱼为生。 | First came the earliest individualistic pioneers who depended on hunting and fishing for their livelihoods | |
18 | 肺的最早的反应之一是在空隙和肺细胞内的积水。 | One of the earliest responses of the lung is accumulation of water in the interstitial spaces and within the pulmonary cells. | |
19 | 肺的最早的反应之一是在空隙和肺细胞内的积水。这会导致肺功能减退,这是可以测量的最早的中毒迹象。 | One of the earliest responses of the lung is accumulation of water in the interstitial spaces and within the pulmonary cells. This can cause reduced lung function, which is the earliest measurable sign of toxicity. | |
20 | 关于这个新国家的最早的历史文献是很不完整的。 | The earliest historical evidence of the new states is fragmentary | |
21 | 或许正是这种景观给纳斯卡的荒漠图案带来了最初的极大成功。 | This view may have brought Nazcas desert figures their earliest and most resounding success | |
22 | 霍普金斯最先将情况通知我。 | Hopkins sent me the earliest intimation | |
23 | 基奥瓦努西认为,药效要经过如此长的进间才能显现出来,是因为结肠癌病症的显现需要这么长的时间。在病症的最初阶段,阿斯匹林的作用可能也只是使之不断续发展而已。 | The drug takes so long to kick in, says Giovannucci, because it takes that long for colorectal cancer to develop, and aspirin may only be able to keep tumors at bay when they are in their earliest stages | |
24 | 开封的文化源远流长。 | The cultural history of kaifeng can be traced back to the earliest days of Chinese civilization | |
25 | 可是在欧洲最早的文学作品荷马史诗《十年归》(Odyssey)里--”那老头子的秃顶给这个外国字镇住不敢摇动--“据说就有这东西。 | But in the earliest literary work in Europe, Homer’s Odyssey"-the old man’s bald pate seemed to be overwhelmed by that last foreign word-"there appears what is said to be this very thing | |
26 | 雷汞是最早为人们知道的并易于生产的起爆药,现在它仍被采用。 | Mercury fulminate is easy to produce, has been known since earliest times and is still widely used | |
27 | 吕底亚小亚细亚中西部一古国,濒临爱琴海,位于今天土耳其的西北部,以其富庶及其宏伟的首都萨第斯著称,它可能是最早使用铸币的国家(公元前7世纪) | An ancient country of west-central Asia Minor on the Aegean Sea in present-day northwest Turkey.Noted for its wealth and the magnificence of its capital,Sardis,it may have been the earliest kingdom to use minted coins(seventh century b.c. | |
28 | 你能告诉我们你们最早的送货日期吗? | Would you tell us your earliest delivery date? | |
29 | 胚芽是生物的最早形式。 | A germ is the earliest form of a living thing. | |
30 | 其实有时候,确定一句谎话简直易如反掌--比方说罢,党史书宣称党发明了飞机,然而他记得,他孩提时飞机就已经有啦。 | Sometimes, indeed, you could put your finger on a definite lie.It was not true, for example, as was claimed in the Party history books, that the Party had invented aeroplanes.He remembered aeroplanes since his earliest childhood |