属类:文学表达-外国名著-Bel - Ami By Guy de Maupassant
1 | "响起来,号角,响起来,让激昂的回声在空中震荡"。 | Blow, bugles, blow, set the wild echoes flying | |
2 | 《海浪》中的象征意蕴与主题预示 | Echoes of the Soul and Quests for the Life-Symbols in The Waves and Prediction of Its Theme | |
3 | 2003年7月3日台湾海峡北部异常回波之个案研究(二)数值模拟 | Case Study of Abnormal Radar Echoes in the Northern Taiwan Strait on July 3(superscript rd), 2003 Part Ⅱ: Numerical Simulation | |
4 | 2003年7月3日台湾海峡北部异常回波之个案研究(一)环境场分析 | Case Study of Abnormal Radar Echoes in the Northern Taiwan Strait on July 3(superscript rd), 2003 Part I: Environment Analysis | |
5 | VHF数组雷达大气回波来向角之定位偏差 雷达波束场型之不均匀加权效应 | Location Bias of Incident Angles of Atmospheric Echoes Observed with Arrayed VHF Radar Non-uniform Weighting Effect of Radar Beam Pattern | |
6 | 爱和知识可以把人带入天堂。但是怜悯之心又常常把我拉回尘世之中,我的心中激荡着痛苦的呼唤。 | Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberated in my heart. | |
7 | 大家都听到过回声:当我们在大厅里或站在峭壁前讲话时,说话声被碰到的硬东西反射回到我们耳朵里,就像光被镜子反射 | All of us have heard echoes : we speak in a large hall or before a wall of rock, and our voices come back to us, echoed by the hard substance which they hit, just as light is reflected by a mirror | |
8 | 代之而起的是另一种永远不会到来的脚步声,分明已近在咫尺,却又永远逝去。 | Echoes of other steps that never came would be heard in their stead, and would die away for good when they seemed close at hand | |
9 | 高频雷达回波信号去电离层污染 | Ionosphere Decontamination of High Frequency Radar Echoes | |
10 | 航空Lidar的多次回波探测方法及其在滤波中的应用 | Detection of Multiple Echoes and Its Application in Filtering of Airborne Lidar | |
11 | 还有,秋风萧瑟的天空,一行行鸿雁振翅南飞,叫声不绝,我从中听到了思乡的回音。 | There were the echoes of nostalgia I heard in the crying strings of wild geese winging south against a bleak, autumn sky | |
12 | 回声渐失了。 | The echoes died away (=faded). | |
13 | 击拍船体的声音会从海底反射过来,因此测定击拍声和接收回声之间的时间间隔,就能测算出那一位置上的海洋深度。 | A sound made by tapping on the hull of a ship will be reflected from the sea bottom, and by measuring the time interval between the taps and the receipt of the echoes the depth of the sea at that point can be calculated. | |
14 | 基波转换检测大气雷达讯号中之飞机回波 | Detecting the Airplane Echoes Embedded in the Atmospheric Radar Signals Using Wavelet Transform | |
15 | 几年以前人们发现某些蝙蝠发出短促的尖叫声,它们利用接收回声就能确定障碍物的位置并绕开它,或者能确定在飞行中的昆虫的位置捕而食之。 | A few years ago it was found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes they could locate and steer clear of obstacles--or locate flying insects on which they feed. | |
16 | 她的辞职影响了整个部门. | Her resignation had echoes throughout the department. | |
17 | 她随声附和我所说的一字一句。 | She echoes everything I say. | |
18 | 经弗赖斯节夫人提醒,杜洛瓦开始博取华代尔夫人的好感。在拜访华代尔夫人后的第二个星期,他被任命为该报“回声”专栏的主编,这是一个十分重要的专栏。 | At Mme. Forestier’s suggestion Duroy began to cultivate Mme. Walter. The week following his first visit to her he was appointed editor of the "Echoes ," an important column. | |
19 | 辣妹们的另外一位助手问道(“真的,真的”仿效着(想要)的歌词)。 | asked another associate of the girls ("really, really" echoes the lyrics of "wannabe") | |
20 | 雷达回波讯号来向角之定位K-mean集群法和轮廓线法 | Locating Approaches to Angles of Arrival of Radar Echoes K-Mean Clustering and Contouring Methods | |
21 | 雷达识别渭北地区冰雹云技术研究 | Study of Hail Cloud Identification in the Weibei Area, Shaanxi Province by Radar Echoes | |
22 | 利用SAR多目标回波估计多普勒参数 | Doppler Parameters Estimation with SAR Echoes from Multiple Targets | |
23 | 两个人二重唱似的对话,就这样无休无止地进行着,一个是虔诚的笨太太,一个是空虚的大块头,大块头总是令人愉快地随声应和着。 | And on and on it went-the duet between the dumb, praying lady and the big, hollow man who was so full of loving echoes . | |
24 | 米尔小姐比平素更有心事,因为已经发生的事,有一种趋向,能引发她内心隐处的旧创。 | Miss Mills was more than usually pensive because there was a tendency in what had passed to awaken the slumbering echoes in the caverns of memory. | |
25 | 那位生物学家说,有些蝙蝠,借助于接受它们发出的尖叫声的回声,就能探测出障碍物的位置,并且避开这些障碍物。 | That biologist says: certain bats by receiving the echoes to the squeaks they emit, can locate and steer clear of obstacles. | |
26 | 青蛙(Frog)一词不仅与"法国人"(Frenchman)一词开头的两个字母相同,而且还指法国人爱吃两栖动物的饮食习惯,而大多数英国人和美国人认为这是十分怪异的饮食癖好(其实他们认为吃两栖动物很恶心,只是不说出来而已),就是现在他们也仍然这样认为 | "Frog" echoes the opening letters of "Frenchman" and also refers to the French habit of eating the amphibians, something most Brits and Yanks still regard as an exceedingly odd, not to say disgusting, prefer-ence in food | |
27 | 人的心理真是奇妙,言为心声一点不假。 | A person’s psychology is a subtle thing. How true it is that words are echoes of the heart | |
28 | 人们已经发现,某些蝙蝠发出尖叫声并靠接受回响来锁定和避免障碍物--或者找到它们赖以为生的昆虫。 | It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes , they can locate and steer clear of obstacles------or locate flying insects on which they feed. | |
29 | 声波一遇到有密度反差的界面便会出现反射(回声),故在其穿越机体时,可在组织密度不同的脏器间界面上产生回声。人们可以通过回声接收装置来确定回声的发生位置及其强度。 | The waves travel through tissues and are reflected back where density differs (e.g., the border between a hollow organ’s wall and its inside). The reflected echoes are received by an electronic apparatus that measures their intensity level and the position of the tissue reflecting them. | |
30 | 声纳:利用声学方法侦测或测定水下物体的距离和方向的技术。声纳设备探测从目标发射或反射的声波,分析其中包含的讯息。 | Sonar :Technique for detecting and determining the distance and direction of underwater objects by tracking acoustic echoes . Sound waves emitted by or reflected from an object are detected by sonar apparatus and analyzed for information. |