属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工会的力量 The power in the unio
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-手工劳动 Handy work
1 | 自戕者的回音-文人自杀现象浅析 | Echoes from the Persons Who Committed Suicide-On Authors’ Suicidal Phenomena | |
2 | ||1:“他踏在......”是《共和国战歌》里的一段,后接着“搁愤怒葡萄的地方”。||2:因此,弗兰克·巴达克的史书的标题有意应和了约翰·斯登贝克那部讲述俄克拉荷马失地佃农被迫横穿美国到加州谋生的无产阶级经典小说。 | ||1: “He is trampling out the vintage” is part of a line from “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. It continues “where the grapes of wrath are stored”. ||2: Thus the title of Frank Bardacke’s history deliberately echoes John Steinbeck’s novel, a proletarian classic which tells the story of tenant farmers driven off their fields in Oklahoma and forced to cross the country to seek work in California. | |
3 | ||1:不过,克伦威尔对权力的渴求一直都能引起共鸣。||2:他发现,人算不如天算。他的整个谋权生涯,他反思道,“都是一场关于虚伪的教育。”||3:博林皇后写道,“造就的也可以被摧毁”,这一观点贯穿全书。||4:克伦威尔获得了来之不易的权力与财富,但他孤苦伶仃,无人相助——唯一的朋友只有英国国王。||5:正如在《狼厅》中,克伦威尔让读者羡慕,但不忌妒。 | ||1: Cromwell’s thirst for power, meanwhile, has continuing resonance. ||2: He finds the product of his scheming less satisfying than the work that went into its contrivance; his whole career, he reflects, “has been an education in hypocrisy”. ||3: “Those who are made can be unmade,” Boleyn notes, an idea that echoes through the book. ||4: His hard-won power and riches earn him neither love nor succour—he is a man whose only friend is the king of England. ||5: As in “Wolf Hall”, Cromwell draws the reader’s admiration, but never envy. | |
4 | ||1:不同的是,Soros把他的成功归于其学生时代的哲学家老师Karl Popper的影响。Dalio则说他的思想完全是自己作为一个交易商的生活感悟和对经济学历史研究的产物。||2:他几乎没有读过正统的学术经济学(虽然他的著作得到了美国经济学家Hyman Minsky以及Carmen Reinhart和Kenneth Rogoff最近有关经济低迷的畅销书的回应),但是他对过去的经济剧变时期的情况作了深入分析,其中包括美国的经济大萧条,战后的英国和魏玛共和国的恶性通货膨胀。||3:他甚至曾假装自己是当时的投资者,通过阅读当时的日报来获得数据信息,并进行现实般的“交易”。 | ||1:Whereas Mr Soros credits the influence of Karl Popper, a philosopher who taught him as a student, Mr Dalio says his ideas are entirely the product of his own reflections on his life as a trader and his study of economic history.||2:He has read little academic economics (though his work has echoes of Hyman Minsky, an American economist, and of best-selling recent work on downturns by Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff) but has conducted in-depth analysis of past periods of economic upheaval, such as the Depression in America, post-war Britain and the hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic.||3:He has even simulated being an investor in markets in those periods by reading daily papers from these eras, receiving data and “trading” as if in real time. | |
5 | ||1:莱恩斯认为这个拉丁文学名已经抓住了水怪的特点,但是他能够拿出的证据还是太少。||2:二战期间,他研制出一种可以透过云层探测200公里以外飞机的雷达;1985年,他的发明的声纳帮助找到了北大西洋的泰坦尼克沉船;第一次海湾战争中,他的专利技术引导爱国者导弹找到了目标。||3:但是他却在幽暗深邃的尼斯湖水面前受了阻。||4:麻省理工学院的科学家朋友给他提供了专业技术,但只是点到为止。他听到最清楚的一次是1997年声纳接受到的回声,类似鲸叫。||5:他从湖中钓出最大的战利品是2008年的一只旧轮胎(那年,他几乎去了30次,钓出轮胎的是最后一次,他当时认为水怪已死,于是寻找它的尸体),被切掉了一点,所以在水面上才呈现圆丘状。 | ||1: Mr Rines thought the Latin moniker had clinched it. But his evidence was still too sparse. ||2: During the war he had developed a radar that could detect aircraft at 200 miles through cloud; in 1985 his inventions in sonar helped to find the drowned Titanic in the North Atlantic; during the first Gulf war his technology guided Patriot missiles to their targets. ||3: But he was stumped by the gloomy profundities of Loch Ness. ||4: Scientist friends from MIT lent their expertise, at arm’s length. The most he heard, from sonar echoes in 1997, was very like a whale. ||5: The most he ever fished up—in 2008, on the last of almost 30 trips, when he supposed that the creature was dead and was looking for its carcass—was an old tyre cut about a bit, which could have looked quite humpish on the surface. | |
6 | 这本书回应了马修·克劳弗德精巧娴熟、深思熟虑的新书《动手干活的理由》,一本刚刚在英国出版的美国畅销书。克劳弗德先生的重点集中在摩托车上,又加上几剂古典哲学的良药,以代替做家务活的满腹牢骚。 | The book echoes Matthew Crawford’s masterly and reflective, “The Case for Working with Your Hands”, a bestseller in America which has just come out in Britain. Mr Crawford focuses on motorbikes, with doses of classical philosophy, rather than domestic gripes. | |
7 | “太棒了”,阿布德尔•哈基姆•阿海萨迪附和道——海萨迪是在本•拉登位于阿富汗的基地霍斯特训练营受训的叛军指挥官。 | "Excellent, " echoes Abdel Hakim al-Hisadi, a rebel commander who trained in Khost camp, Mr bin Laden’s base in Afghanistan. | |
8 | “我不知道自己是不是够聪明,”我说,突然之间又感到自己回到了15岁的时候,听到了那些笑声在回响。 | "I don’t know if I’m smart enough, " I said, suddenly feeling 15 again and hearing echoes of laughter. | |
9 | “现代派”通过笔下众多的镜子意象,发掘了中国古典诗学的精髓,也与西方的“现代派”诗学主张达成契合。 | Modernism demonstrates the essence of Chinese classical verses by many images of "mirror" , which echoes Western modernism f verses. | |
10 | 2008年的警报仿佛还在耳边。 | The echoes of 2008 are alarming. | |
11 | 35年过去了,现在看到暴政依然在朝鲜发出回响,真令人感到恶心。 | Thirty-five years have passed, and it is sickening to see the echoes of Mao’s tyranny still being played out in North Korea. | |
12 | Bob摔在马桶上的声音,在牢房墙内的另一边回响着。Sucre和Michael交换了个眼神。 | The noise of Bob hitting the toilet echoes through the inner chamber of the prison. Sucre and Michael share a look. | |
13 | Telnet客户端完全按照消息被接收时的内容回送该消息,然后退出。 | The telnet client echoes the message back exactly as it was received and then exits. | |
14 | 本发明可以广泛用于多回波情况下的磁共振成像和磁共振谱中。 | This invention can be used for nuclear magnetic resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of multiple echoes . | |
15 | 蝙蝠和海豚通过发射波与反射波来“观察”周围环境。 | Bats and dolphins bounce sound waves off their surroundings and by listening to the echoes can "see" the world around them. | |
16 | 标志性的天星小轮的深绿色与浅绿色的水面交相辉映 | The deep emerald of the iconic Star Ferry echoes the seaweed green waters. | |
17 | 别人说的话一遍又一遍地在你的脑海中回荡着,而你却似乎不能使它停止下来。 | The echoes of what someone else has said about you keeps repeating over and over in your head. You can’t seem to shut it out. | |
18 | 不久,呼喊声遁入远处,渐渐变成回响、低语,最后一片寂静。 | Soon their calls receded into the distance, faded to echoes , to whispers, to silence. | |
19 | 此举让人想起日本央行曾长期实行的零利率政策,而该政策大体上并未奏效。 | The move had echoes of the Bank of Japan’s long-running, largely unsuccessful zero interest-rate policy. | |
20 | 此书行文风格清晰,几乎没有格林斯潘在任时有名的官气十足、暧昧不明的“美联储式语言”。 | The style is clear, with few echoes of the magisterially ambiguous "Fedspeak" for which Mr Greenspan was renowned when in office. | |
21 | 从她的言谈话语中,我能听到我自己话语的回音。 | In her speech I could catch echoes of my own speech. | |
22 | 大学与电视、电影公司的合作遍布全世界。 | The university’s work with film and TV firms echoes partnerships around the world. | |
23 | 但审判的余音却一直回荡在美国文学史中。 | But echoes of the trial would reverberate in American literature. | |
24 | 但是,他更多通过爆炸后的火光和回声中来唤起人们的恐惧感,而不是大爆炸。 | But he conjures a sense of terror more in glints and echoes than in great explosions. | |
25 | 但是,他听从了心灵的呼唤,服从了爱好的选择,最终还是选择了计算机专业。 | However, he followed the echoes of his heart and chose what he liked, computing. | |
26 | 但是现在在美国跟他的同盟国所面对的困难上也有一些共鸣。 | But there are echoes too of the difficulties the US and its allies face now. | |
27 | 当风吹得越来越强时,雷达回波会变弱。这可以用来测量越过海洋的风强度。 | When winds are blowing hard, the radar echoes are fainter, giving a measure of how strong the wind is blowing over the oceans. | |
28 | 的确,2010年和2011年五月当共同抛售商品和股票时,期货和股票市场同时呈现出相似的下跌态势。 | Indeed, May’s joint sell-off in commodities and equities echoes similarly timed declines in 2010 and 2011. | |
29 | 动物拥有更敏锐的感官被详尽的记录着,狗有非同寻常的嗅觉,鸟可以依据天空的情况进行迁徙,蝙蝠利用声波定位食物。 | Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell, birds can migrate using celestial cues, and bats can locate food with echoes . | |
30 | 对不熟悉的人来说,它是对现实的回响。 | To those who do not know it will bring echoes of reality. |