属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-Gallagher之魂 源于神话的艺术
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-涉嫌种族清洗上将被免责 塞尔维亚人心有不甘
1 | ||1: Gallagher常在其作品中融入一些历史人物,包括“Peg Leg” Bates,一位独腿踢踏舞者;1932年至1972年,以阿拉巴马州的黑人为对象进行了臭名昭著的塔斯基吉梅毒实验,名为Eunice Rivers的护士卷入其中。 ||2: 通过海教协会的赞助,Gallagher 20岁时得以在海外学习海洋学,集舰,研究绘制翼足目动物—微小的翼足蜗牛。 ||3:这一经历更是和她感兴趣的水城Drexciya,一群被推下甲板的怀有身孕的非洲奴隶居住在大西洋中央的传说,水乳交融。||4: 由此诞生了一组名为“Watery Ecstatic”的非凡佳作。 ||5:细致入微的刻画,错综复杂的拼剪,梦幻的水彩色,共同造就了海洋生物的奇幻世界。||6:精细性与流动性、科学性与诗意同时抓住人们的想象力,思绪浸食自然之美的同时又被人类历史的复杂多样困扰着。 | ||1: Ms Gallagher often folds historical characters into her work, including “Peg Leg” Bates, a one-legged tap dancer, and Eunice Rivers, a nurse who was implicated in the notorious Tuskegee syphilis experiment carried out on black Alabamans between 1932 and 1972. ||2: At the age of 20, sponsored by the Sea Education Association, Ms Gallagher spent some time aboard an oceanographic research vessel collecting, studying and drawing pteropods—microscopic wing-footed snails. ||3: This experience has combined with her interest in the myth of Drexciya, an underwater country peopled with the unborn babies of pregnant African slave women thrown overboard mid-Atlantic. ||4: It has generated an extraordinary body of work collectively entitled “Watery Ecstatic ”. ||5: Detailed drawing, intricate paper cutting, and dreamy watery colour, together create a universe of strange sea creatures. ||6: They suggest an imagination gripped equally by precision and fluidity, by science and poetry, and a mind that feeds on the beauty of nature while being haunted at the same time by the many layers of human history. | |
2 | ||1:巴耶斯特罗斯在空中挥舞拳头,向观众高举双臂,大笑雀跃——也许这是高尔夫赛史上最狂喜的瞬间了。||2:后来,他把自己此时的形象用作商标。||3:背包、T恤、帽子和推杆套上的商标都宣扬着他是最棒的高尔夫球手。||4:而从1979到1991年的十多年中,他确实是最棒的。||5:英国公开赛中他曾三次勇夺桂冠,大师赛上他也两次夺冠,在整个比赛生涯中他包揽了87项赛事冠军。||6:1985年莱德杯欧洲队一举打破了美国队28年来一统天下的局面,那时,巴耶斯特罗斯也在队中。后来,他又亲自率领欧洲队勇夺莱德杯冠军。 | ||1: His joy then, as he punched the air, raised his arms to the crowd, laughed and almost danced, was perhaps the most ecstatic moment ever seen in golf. ||2: Later he made that image his logo. ||3: Bags, shirts, caps and putter-covers proclaimed him to be the best. ||4: And for more than a decade, from 1979 to 1991, he was. ||5: He won three British Open championships and two Masters, and over his whole career bore off 87 titles. ||6: He was in the European Ryder Cup team that in 1985 overturned 28 years of American domination, and later led a team to Ryder victory himself. | |
3 | ||1:法国哲学家阿兰·巴迪欧在其新作《爱的礼赞》中指出,关于爱,有3种被普遍认同的哲学观点:爱是一种令人欣喜的邂逅;一种理性的维系;一种与怀疑主义共存的幻觉。||2:不过,这三种观点都被巴迪欧否定了。||3:对他而言,爱是决定在以后的生命中,同时拥有两个人的思想。||4:因此,爱,不止于是部分的叠加而已。||5:“爱是建造,”他写道,“爱不再是一个人的思想能够孕育出的生命,它需要两个人。 | ||1:In his latest work, “In Praise of Love”, Alain Badiou, a French philosopher, identifies three prevailing philosophical views of love.||2:It can be an ecstatic encounter; an unsentimental contract; or an illusion, best treated with scepticism.||3:He rejects all three.||4:For Mr Badiou, love is the decision to live life through two perspectives, that of both the lover and the beloved.||5:As such, it is more than the sum of its parts. | |
4 | ||1:他的专长是心脏病学,而岁月长河中,更能激起勇气的是爱的情感。||2:在他今年出版的最后一部书里,重点描述了华沙犹太区的爱:当恐怖和孤独的人们被命运抛聚在一起时,那是曾发生“不可思议的奇迹”和极度幸福时刻。||3:人类的天性是野兽,但爱能超越,也能传承。||4:至于他毕生献身医学也容易由此得到解释。||5:他常说,对于曾经历了那么多死亡的人来说,理当为命运承担更多责任。 | ||1:His expertise was in cardiology (uninhibited by his chain-smoking), and the heart and its emotions seemed to intrigue him more as the years passed.||2:His last book, published this year, made a point of describing the love affairs of the Warsaw ghetto: the “marvellous things” that happened, and the ecstatic moments of happiness, when terrified and lonely people were thrown together.||3:Man was naturally a beast, but love could overwhelm him, and love could also be taught.||4:As for his general devotion to medicine, that was easily explained.||5:Someone who had known so much death, he used to say, bore all the more responsibility for life. | |
5 | 谁出狱了,谁坐牢了,谁将接受审判,这是在巴尔干半岛上的重磅消息。每起案件都引人关注,其影响波及政治。其中的焦点是11月16日海牙联合国战犯特别法庭宣判两位克罗地亚上将无罪。克罗地亚人欣喜若狂,塞尔维亚人则痛饮一杯苦酒。 | In the Balkans the big news is who is out of jail, who is in and who is going to court. All the cases are high-profile and all have political fall out. The most significant was the acquittal on November 16th of two Croatian generals by the UN war-crimes tribunal in The Hague. Croats were ecstatic , Serbs bitter. | |
6 | “男人,女人和孩子都对联军行动欣喜若狂,但他们担心联军的介入不会长久”,他说。 | "Men, women and children, they are ecstatic about the role of the coalition but worried that it may not continue, " he said. | |
7 | “人们问我们如果父亲在世会怎样评价我们有一位黑人总统,我们知道他一定会欣喜若狂。” | "Peopleask us how he would have felt now that we have a black President, and we knowhe would have been ecstatic , " Emily said. | |
8 | “我很高兴,欣喜若狂。”RickMcGinnis(里克麦金尼斯)说,他和家人的酒吧在main大街已经62年了。 | "I’m delighted, ecstatic , " says Rick McGinnis, whose family has run a bar on Main Street for 62 years. | |
9 | 艾尔维斯欣喜若狂,“他十分意外,”克罗写道,艾尔维斯“很自然地伸出左臂搂住总统并拥抱了他。” | Elvis was ecstatic . "In a surprising, spontaneous gesture, " Krogh wrote, Elvis "put his left arm around the President and hugged him. " | |
10 | 按照常规,投资中国股的股民应该兴高采烈才对。 | BY NORMAL standards, investors in Chinese shares ought to be ecstatic . | |
11 | 按照型号的不同,很少有人那么兴奋地要将499美元或者599美元退货。 | Rarely have so many been so ecstatic to part with $499 or $599, depending on the model. | |
12 | 白人和拉丁裔均衡区分的现场的人群,给与克林顿夫人一种近乎欣喜若狂的接纳,平时只在奥巴马的集会中才发生。 | The crowd, split evenly between whites and Latinos, gave Mrs Clinton the kind of ecstatic reception normally reserved for Obama events. | |
13 | 白人自由主义者对这种前景欣喜若狂。 | White liberals are ecstatic at the prospect. | |
14 | 保守派内部的第一反应是欣喜若狂。 | The reaction from inside the conservative cocoon was at first ecstatic . | |
15 | 丹妮斯最近告诉安德森·库伯,他们夫妻俩在结婚三年后有了孩子,欣喜若狂。 | Danes recently told Anderson Cooper the couple was ecstatic to be expecting three years after their nuptials. | |
16 | 当20世纪90年代中期整个行业转向Web开发时,软件开发人员们欣喜若狂。 | When the entire industry moved to Web development back in the mid-1990s, software developers were ecstatic . | |
17 | 当队友们狂喜地冲过去拥着他的时候,几名加纳人跪在了场地上。 | As his teammates sprinted to smother him in an ecstatic scrum, several Ghanaians slumped to the field. | |
18 | 当然,当这个过程的结果是全新的包装帮助提高了销量,该客户欣喜若狂。 | Of course, when this process resulted in totally new packaging that helped boost sales, the client was ecstatic . | |
19 | 当一个女人和自己最好的伴侣计划未来时,她的激情就会欣喜若狂。 | As the woman makes plans of a future with the perfect mate, her emotions are ecstatic . | |
20 | 读者对这条建议给出了热情的回复。“非常棒的文章!非常值得一读!非常感谢!非常好的建议!”他们兴奋地写道。 | The response to this from readers on the site is ecstatic . "Fantastic article! Great read! Thank you! Great advice! " they gush. | |
21 | 海回忆道,在海港另一边,九龙的贸易商和制造商却欣喜若狂。 | But on the other side of the harbour, Mr Hay recalls, the traders and manufacturers in Kowloon were ecstatic . | |
22 | 她试图让自己清醒,但是她只能听到一个声音,一个渐渐远去的声音,越来越弱,却越来越疯狂。。。 | Her mind struggled to escape from the darkness but all she could hear was a voice, a distant voice, fading, ecstatic . | |
23 | 可预言地,法国媒体和情报机构,则为在这词奋进的路线中回复他们国家的荣誉而狂喜。 | The French media and intelligentsia, predictably, have been ecstatic at the restoration of their country’s honour in this line of endeavour. | |
24 | 狂喜的人群立刻爬上了墙顶,开始大块大块地拆掉这条长45千米的阻隔。 | Ecstatic crowds immediately began to clamber on top of the Wall and hack large chunks out of the 28-mile (45-kilometre) barrier. | |
25 | 男孩听了欣喜若狂,可他也没做过,所以所以他跑药房去买保险套。 | Well, the boy is ecstatic , but he has never done it before, so he takes a trip to the pharmacist to get some protection. | |
26 | 去年十二月,矿业部长欣喜若狂地宣布了这一消息。 | This past December, an ecstatic minister of mines announced the deal. Petraeus congratulated President Karzai on the news. | |
27 | 人们对于军方接管的最初反应是十分热烈的。 | And the initial reaction to the military takeover was ecstatic . | |
28 | 如果乌鸦没有发明那种强辩到底的艺术,它们就会处于最欣喜若狂的实践者的中间。 | If crows did not invent the art of having the last word, they are among its most ecstatic practitioners. | |
29 | 世界上总会有一些地方,一些人,在感受着激情,陶醉,振奋,激励,重生和启示。 | There’s always someone somewhere feeling passionate, ecstatic , elated, energized, revitalized, and inspired. | |
30 | 他后来对此事回忆道:一直以来“那是我文学生涯中令人狂喜的一次突破。” | It was an event, he later told The Paris Review, that remained "the ecstatic breakthrough of my literary life. " |