属类:文学表达-外国名著-The Counterfeiters
1 | (1)再版,(2)翻印:(1)跟着出版物的初版,再次印刷的情况。(2)为了推广或因编者之需要,把出版物的部份,再次印刷的情况。 | Reprint: (1)Subsequent printing of the first edition of a publication.(2)Printing of part of a publication for promotional or editorial use. | |
2 | “小画家杯”中外少儿美术书法大赛--是由中国湖北美术出版社《小画家》编辑部和《中外文化交流》杂志社共同举办的 | "Little Painter Cup" China & the World Children’s Painting and Calligraphy Contest is Jointly sponsored by "Little Painter" Editorial Department of China Hubei Fine arts Press and the Editorial Office of "China & the World Cultural Exchange" | |
3 | 《电子产品世界》的编辑原则就是向电子业界的技术决策者、执行者和生产设计工程师提供电子技术、产品和市场等方面的定时的战略信息。 | The editorial agreement enhances EEPW’s ability to deliver strategic information in a timely manner about electronic technology, products and markets to engineering managers, executive managers and senior design engineers. | |
4 | 《独立报》在一篇社论中暗示,这胜利最终可能并非好事。 | In an editorial , The Independent suggests the victory could turn nasty. | |
5 | 《华盛顿邮报》的时政漫画家汤姆·托尔斯可不这样看。 | WashingtonPost editorial cartoonist Tom Toles thinks not | |
6 | 《人民日报》的这篇社论指出,我们将一如既往地坚持“和平统一,一国两制”的基本方针,坚持江泽民主席关于发展两岸关系、推进祖国和平统一进程的八项主张。 | The editorial in the people’s daily points out that we will as always adhere to the basic principles of “peaceful reunification” and “one country, two systems” and to the eight-point proposal put forward by President Jiang Zemin on developing cross-straits Relations and promoting the peaceful reunification of the motherland | |
7 | 《人民日报》三篇文章写得不错,《北京日报》社论《大字报不受法律保护》写得也不错 | The three articles relating to the disturbances that were published in People’s Daily were well written, and so was the editorial that appeared in Beijing Daily entitled ``Big-Character Posters Are Not Protected by the Law’’. | |
8 | 《人民日报》四月二十六日社论,把问题的性质定为动乱。 | The April 26th editorial in People’s Daily described the disturbance as turmoil. | |
9 | 《社论译文刊载在北京周报》1月4号的那一期上。 | The editorial appeared in translation in the Jan. 4 issue of Beijing Review. | |
10 | 《网络世界》以″技术应用,产品采购″为特色,以帮助用户应用网络技术为编辑准则。 | China NetworkWorld is characterized by features of “Technology, Application and Product Procurement” and follows the editorial principle of helping users apply network technologies properly. | |
11 | Buysse为Kripke的文章配发了一篇社论,他说有必要做进一步的研究以确定睡眠和死亡率之间究竟是什么联系。 | Buysse, who wrote an editorial accompanying Kripke’s article, said more research was needed to pin down exactly what the connection was between sleep and the risk of death | |
12 | 奥利维尔对伯纳德产生了嫉妒心,认为伯纳德夺取了爱德华对自己的宠爱。他决定接受德·帕萨汶特伯爵提供的编辑职位。 | Olivier was jealous of Bernard, who, he felt, had taken his place in Edouard’s affections. He decided to take an editorial assignment offered him by Comte de Passavant. | |
13 | 把标点符号的问题放在编辑的不太重要的位置 | put the issue of punctuation on the editorial back burner. | |
14 | 拜读贵公司刊登在11月12日《羊城晚报》招聘编辑助理的广告,本人特备函应聘。 | I am replying to your advertisement in the Yangcheng Evening News of November 12 for an Editorial Assistant. | |
15 | 包装机械型号编制方法 | Editorial nominating method for the model designation of packaging machinery | |
16 | 报社、杂志社可以对作品作文字性修改、删节,对内容的修改,应当经作者许可。 | A newspaper publisher or periodical publisher may make editorial modifications and abridgments in a work, but shall not make any modifications in the content of the work unless permission has been obtained from the author. | |
17 | 报纸编辑上的成功是许多因素的结合。 | The total explanation of a newspaper’s editorial success is a complex of factors | |
18 | 本人欲应征贵公司于5月3日在中国日报上刊登的编辑助理空缺,现谨附上履历一份,请予考虑。 | This letter is in response to your advertisement in the China Daily on May 3 for an editorial assistant. I am enclosing my CV for your consideration. | |
19 | 编辑、出版和文书科 | Editorial , Publishing and Correspondence Section | |
20 | 编辑、出版物和媒体事务处 | Editorial , Publications and Media Services Branch | |
21 | 编辑独立性是存在于报业集团中的一种传统,它赋予编辑在办报刊中的很大自由。 | a tradition of editorial independence is recognized in newspaper groups, which gives substantial freedom to the running of each of their newspapers and periodicals. | |
22 | 编辑方面的决定通常由高级编辑做出。 | Editorial decisions are generally made by senior editors. | |
23 | 出版界老板不再仅是把一些有吸引力的印刷品卖给部分公众,同时他也是把一固定数量读者卖给了广告客户。 | A proprietor was no longer selling a bundle of attractive editorial matter to a segment of the public; he was also selling a well charted segment of public to the advertiser. | |
24 | 除了负责广告和发行的经济部,以及负责编排、制版、铸版和印刷的技术部,编辑部的作用也有很大扩展 | apart from the business side, which takes care of advertising and circulation, and the mechanical side, which includes composition, engraving, stereotyping, and the actual printing, the editorial function itself has expanded greatly. | |
25 | 此单程邮费应为寄往中国武汉《小画家》编辑部的邮资再加10%。 | Total fee is the amount of the postage (for mailing to "Little Painter" Editorial Department, Wuhan, China)plus its 10%. | |
26 | 措词强烈的社论可以简单地归结为政党政治的纲领 | The scathing editorial simply boils down to an exercise in partisan politics. | |
27 | 当这一争端进入第三个星期时,保守派的《每日邮报》发表头版评论员文章,要求英国铁路公司对罢工者采取强硬措施。面对这条长达17700公里铁路网上出现的一片混乱,这篇文章反映了公众中日益增长的忿怒情绪。 | As the dispute entered its third week, the conservative Daily Mail reflected growing public anger at the chaos on the 17,700-km rail network with a frontpage editorial demanding tough action by br against the strikers | |
28 | 感恩节那天,报纸刊登了一篇社论,其中讲到这样一个故事:有位小学一年级的老师叫班上的小朋友画出他们感恩的东西。 | A Thanksgiving Day editorial in the newspaper told of a schoolteacher who asked her class of first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for | |
29 | 感恩节那天,报纸刊登了一则故事:有位小学一年级的老师叫班上小朋友画出他们感恩的东西。 | A Thanksgiving Day editorial in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first-graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for. | |
30 | 各家报纸都用社论和专文突出报道了成功地飞往月球的消息。 | The success of the flight to the moon was featured in all the papers in editorial and special articles |