属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版- 城市的黑暗
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-解密达芬奇密码 Deciphering the da
1 | “情况不妙,亲爱的,”凯丽说,他们把车开到路边。走近一看,内森眼睛瞪大了。从车里飘出来一缕缕的烟。他还看见在撞瘪了的车罩下面有令人恐惧的橙黄色的火焰。 | "That looks bad, honey. " Kelly said as they pulled over.Looking closer, Nathan’s eyes widened. Tendrils of smoke drifted from the auto, and beneath the bashed-in hood he could see an eerie orange glow. | |
2 | 但是最初该节目以《五个迷》和《谁在害怕》的片名推出时却遭到了封禁,因为电视台的负责人们认为该片中闹鬼的屋子、各种怪物和可怕场景对儿童来说太恐怖了。 | But the show-under the working titles Mysteries Five and Who’s Scared?-was rejected at first, when TV executives judged the cartoon’s haunted houses, monsters and eerie locations too scary for children. | |
3 | 当扩音器里传出熟悉、坚定、但很礼貌的女士声音,打破了图书馆的寂静,你几乎吓了一跳。 | You almost jump out of your skinwhen the familiar firm-but-polite voice of the tannoy lady invades the eerie silence of the library | |
4 | 洞里有一种可怕的寂静,唯一可以听见的声响是高高的圆顶上不间断地滴水的嘀嗒声。 | In the eerie silence of the cavern, the only sound that could be heard was made by water which dripped continuously from the high dome above them. | |
5 | 里根政府曾经预言自己将面临最严重的冷战,这个预言令人不安地实现了。上星期,它突然发觉自己在世界上三个地区同苏联或苏联支持的运动处于一触即发的状态。 | In an eerie fulfillment of its own worst Cold War prophecies, the reagan administration last week suddenly found itself at a flash point with the Soviet Union or Soviet-supported movements in three parts of the world | |
6 | 每当海风吹过这些洞孔,岩石就发出一种可怕而强烈的声音,就象是为遭了难的灵魂唱挽歌。 | When the winds blew through the holes, the rocks emitted an eerie keening sound, like a dirge of lost souls | |
7 | 奇异的,神秘的非自然的神奇和害怕的;怪异的 | Unnaturally strange and frightening;eerie . | |
8 | 神秘的似乎出于怪异的原因或性质而异常令人不乐的;怪诞的 | Peculiarly unsettling,as if of supernatural origin or nature;eerie . | |
9 | 他神秘的经历充满了坎坷与曲折(时代) | His trip.is an eerie nightscape full of rubble and reflexive violence(Time) | |
10 | 突然间,风停了,寂静得令人感到不自然。我们的心里充满恐惧和不安。打开门后,妈妈凝视着那可怕的景象,目瞪口呆。到处是瓦砾。街道已无法通行。 | Suddenly it was over.The quietness felt unnatural and an eerie ,uneasy feeling gripped us.Opening the door,my mother stood transfixed as she gazed upon the awful scene.Debris lay everywhere.The street was impassable. | |
11 | 我走在那条漆黑恐怖的小路上。 | I walked down the eerie dark path. | |
12 | 沃尔特说,有几个工作人员也有过怪异的经历,他描述了他和其他三个警察一起经历的一件事。 | Walters said several staff members have had eerie experiences and he described one he shared with three police officers | |
13 | 夜风的可怕哀鸣 | The eerie moan of the night wind. | |
14 | 夜晚在漆黑的森林中行走很是恐怖。 | It’s eerie to walk through a dark wood at night. | |
15 | 在那令人恐怖的洞穴的寂静中,唯一能够听到的便是从上方圆形窟顶不断滴下的水滴声。 | In the eerie silence of the cavern,the only sound that could be heard was made by water which dripped continuously from the high dome above them. | |
16 | 在所说的字词中有一种奇异的力量(约瑟夫·康拉德)。Eerie的东西可激起一种似乎因不吉利的影响而产生的无法解释的恐惧或不安 | There is a weird power in a spoken word(Joseph Conrad.Something eerie inspires inexplicable fear or uneasiness that seems to result from a sinister influence | |
17 | 在夜幕降临时,沼泽里的东西看起来阴森可怕而且古怪(罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森)。 | At nightfall on the marshes,the thing was eerie and fantastic to behold(Robert Louis Stevenson. | |
18 | 这一切都是偷偷地在一种神秘可怕的寂静中进行的,因此更增添了这场初雪的魅力。 | The very stealth, the eerie quietness, of the thing makes the early snow more magical | |
19 | ||1:“沙滩上的爱因斯坦”的音乐如史诗般宏伟壮丽——同时循环重复,引人入胜——让人有置身梦中之感。||2:这部由菲利普·格拉斯和罗伯特·威尔逊共同创作,经露辛达·蔡尔兹出色编排的奇特而绝妙的歌剧,在很大程度上仿佛令人真的来到了一个奇异的超凡的朦胧世界。||3:演出时间几乎五个小时,中间没有休息(观众可以随意进出)。观赏这部作品与其说是娱乐,倒不如说是一种体验。 | ||1: THE music of “Einstein on the Beach” is so grand and epic—yet so mesmerising and repetitive—that it feels as if it were the soundscape of a dream.||2:Indeed, much of this odd and wondrous opera, the work of Philip Glass and Robert Wilson, with some transcendent choreography from Lucinda Childs, seems to inhabit a liminal space, eerie and otherworldly.||3:Clocking in at nearly five hours without an interval (viewers can come and go as they please), the production is less a work of entertainment than an experience. | |
20 | ||1:一开始,居民都收到令人毛骨悚然的明信片,上面写着“我们想要你拥有的东西”。||2:唯一出生在佩皮斯路的房客皮丢尼雅·豪怀疑怎么会有人羡慕她。||3:她与脑瘤的抗争是本书最感人肺腑的陪衬情节。||4:本书还有其他无数的人,包括市银行家和他自恋的妻子、波兰的建筑工人、塞内加尔的足球运动员以及巴基斯坦的店主。||5:这些故事交织在一起,让人越发清醒地意识到命运可以改变得有多么迅速,以及感知偏离现实又有多么轻易。 | ||1: At the outset residents receive eerie postcards that say “We want what you have.” ||2: Petunia Howe, the only tenant born on Pepys Road, wonders how anyone could envy her. ||3: Her struggle with a brain tumour is the book’s most emotionally resonant subplot. ||4: There are countless others, including a City banker and his self-obsessed wife, a Polish construction worker, a Senegalese footballer and Pakistani shopkeepers. ||5: What binds these stories together is a growing awareness of how quickly fortunes can change and how easily perception diverges from reality. | |
21 | ||1:这两幅画分别挂在长长的展览区两个相对的尽头,遥遥相望。||2:而且你看得越仔细,就会发现它们的区别也更明显。卢浮宫的版本中,岩石奇特的形状营造出一种保护性的氛围,然而在国家美术馆的版本中。岩石似乎十分可怖,给整幅画蒙上了一层阴森森的感觉。 | ||1: The two versions hang at opposite ends of the long exhibition space. ||2: The more one looks at the two pictures, the more visible are the differences between them; the strangely formed rocks in the Louvre’s version create a protective atmosphere, whereas in the National Gallery’s painting the rocks seem quite eerie , contributing to the overall sepulchral feel of the work. | |
22 | “证明我的爱”是的胆怯,难忍欲望的场景,一个精疲力竭的阴阳人困在一个堕落的性爱地铁。 | "Justify My Love" is an eerie , sultry tableau of jaded androgynous creatures, trapped in a decadent sexual underground. | |
23 | 12最高的云:夜光云,也称“黑夜闪耀”云,存在于在离地50英里的高空,云朵焕发怪异的蓝白色光芒。 | 12 Highest of them all: 50 miles up, noctilucent, or "night shining, " clouds glow an eerie bluish white. | |
24 | 1993年年底冲突结束之时,该市的重要路段已经废弃,从那时起这里就只留下一堆令人毛骨悚然的废墟。 | Significant sections of the city were abandoned after the conflict came to an end in 1993, and since then have crumbled into an eerie ruin. | |
25 | 埃文·托马斯写道,1898年美国入侵古巴和2003年入侵伊拉克有“可怕的相似之处”。 | WHAT he calls "eerie parallels" are drawn by Evan Thomas between America’s invasion of Cuba in 1898 and its invasion of Iraq in 2003. | |
26 | 不过,Gesualdo身上吸引斯特拉文斯基和阿诺德•勋伯格的并不是他如同戏剧似的一生,而是其在音乐中表露出的神秘的激情。 | But it is the eerie passion of Gesualdo’s music, not the drama of his life, which led Igor Stravinsky and Arnold Schoenberg to him. | |
27 | 长期处于令人恐惧的废弃状态,引起的诱惑和怀疑是可以理解的。 | Down amid the eerie dereliction, both the allure and the scepticism are understandable. | |
28 | 但观看和体验圆顶奇异氛围的最好方法是在外边围着它走一圈。 | But the best way to see and experience the dome’s eerie aura is to walk around it. | |
29 | 但是他好像并没有听到。只有窗外风吹拂过树的沙沙声和雨点落在屋顶上的滴答声打破了这诡异的安宁。 | But he seemed not to hear. Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence. | |
30 | 但是在今天看来,这部电影却仿佛是个诡异的先知者,揭示了不久的将来美国和欧洲所将面临的局面。 | Today, though, that movie can be seen as an eerie reminder of the future that beckons the US and Europe. |