属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-管理合伙人制 选举新老板
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-苏格兰公投的收官之战 消耗战
1 | 曾一度唤醒选民意识的事件已逐渐消失为不相关的事情(孝瑟M.施莱辛格) | Issues that once galvanized the electorate fade into irrelevance(Arthur M.Schlesinger,Jr) | |
2 | 这两种鸡尾酒都是由调酒高手迈克尔·布朗创制的。他认为这两款酒的销量大致持平,反映了选民在选举总统时的分歧。 | Both were invented by master mixer Michael Brown, who says roughly equal sales of the two drinks mirrors splits in the electorate . | |
3 | 这是二千二百万人,约占选民总人数的一半人的作用。这个作用正是今晚我想向大家谈的。 | It is about the function of that minority twenty-two mil1ion people, nearly half of our electorate , that I wish to talk to you tonight | |
4 | 政府对全体选民负责。 | The government was responsible to the electorate . | |
5 | 政府直接对全体选民负责。 | The government is directly responsible to the electorate as a whole. | |
6 | 政治信任、施政表现与民众对台湾民主的展望 | Political Trust, Government Performance, and the Perspective of Deepening Democracy among the Electorate in Taiwan | |
7 | ||1:4月21日,哈奇没有在本内特倒下的地方摔跟头:他在州共和党会议的提名投票里赢了。||2:由于该州选举程序复杂,他仍然要在将于六月举行的初选中与茶党人士苦战一番。||3:对他来说,竞逐第七个任期有点尴尬——当初他初出茅庐时,曾经批评对手三任就已经太多了。||4:不过他应该自信满满:他只差32票就可以拿到60%选票,可以直接赢得提名。||5:根据经验推断,初选的选民没有参与党内会议的死忠分子那么保守,加上哈奇在筹款上拥有优势,他在初选中理应取胜。||6:而又由于犹他州十分青睐共和党,赢得初选或多或少就等同于在十一月的大选中胜出,顺利连任了。 | ||1:On April 21st Mr Hatch survived the test that undid Mr Bennett: he won a ballot for the nomination at the state’s Republican convention.||2:Thanks to the local party’s complicated electoral procedures, he still has to face a tea-party-backed challenger in a primary, to be held in June.||3:It is slightly awkward to be running for a seventh term considering that during his first campaign he denounced his opponent’s three terms as too many.||4:But he has reason to be confident: he came within a whisker of avoiding the primary, falling just 32 votes short of the 60% threshold required to secure the nomination at the convention.||5:Assuming that the primary electorate is less conservative than the diehard lot who attend the convention, and given that Mr Hatch has the edge in fund-raising, he should prevail in the primary too.||6:And what with Utah’s strongly Republican slant, winning the primary more or less guarantees re-election in November. | |
8 | ||1:然而,这并不能说明茶党失之东隅,收之桑榆。||2:比如说,即使是在2010年那些光彩夺目的日子里,普罗大众似乎也觉得他们的几名候选人很不靠谱。||3:虽然说哈奇是保守到了骨子里(他在任期间曾经四次提出平衡预算修正案),他仍然曾于爱德华-肯尼迪这样的左翼分子愉快合作,促成了儿童健康保险以及美国残疾人法案。||4:他也对《问题资产纾困法案》投了赞成票。该法案在小布什总统呼吁下通过,紧急援助了银行业以及整个处于崩溃边缘的金融系统。和哈奇一样投赞成票的还有另外90名共和党人。||5:用一句话总结,他愿意达成临时的政治妥协,这也正是茶党看他不爽的原因。 | ||1: That does not mean, however, that the tea party is winning the war even if it has lost a few battles. ||2: For one thing, even in the giddy days of 2010, the general electorate deemed several of its candidates beyond the pale. ||3: And Mr Hatch, for all his conservative bona fides (he has introduced bills in the Senate to amend the constitution to require balanced budgets four times over the years), worked happily with no less a leftie than Edward Kennedy to bring in children’s health insurance and the Americans with Disabilities Act. ||4: He voted, too, for TARP, a bill called for by George W. Bush that bailed out banks when the entire financial system seemed on the verge of collapse—as 90 other Republicans did. ||5: In short, he is willing to embrace the odd political compromise, which is exactly what the tea party holds against him. | |
9 | ||1:如果竞选中出现了多个强有力的竞争者,这个竞选过程就开始变得像一个政治运动。||2:候选人经常写下竞选宣言提出他们的计划,偶尔也会在每年的合作人会议上强调选举事宜。||3:但是在幕后,交易比比皆是,因为候选人会向具有影响力的能带来同事支持的合伙人承诺以丰厚的回报。||4:每个合伙人无论股权多少都只能投一票。 | ||1:If there are a few strong contenders, the process starts to resemble a political campaign.||2:Candidates often write manifestos outlining their plans, and occasionally address the electorate at annual partners’meetings.||3:Behind the scenes, horse-trading abounds, as the candidates promise juicy posts to influential partners who can deliver a block of support from colleagues.||4:Each partner usually gets one vote, regardless of their equity stake. | |
10 | ||1:最近的另一项辩论涉及到在爱丁堡附近的Daikeith中一些并不重要的区域,并且说明公投运动为何如此热衷取得这片区域的支持。||2:那里的教区选民跨度颇大—从轻狂少年到耄耋老者,有工薪阶层也有精英人士。||3:在这里,当反对独立的阵营剖析苏格兰独立的种种风险的时候,人们会鼓掌表示赞同;当独立主义者们宣扬着“苏格兰石油被英国掠夺”的时候,人们依旧鼓掌附和以表支持。||4:这其中很多人都摇摆不定犹疑不决。 | ||1:Another recent debate involving lesser figures in Dalkeith, near Edinburgh, suggests why the campaigns are so keen to occupy this ground.||2:The church where it was held contained a cross-section of the electorate : from teenagers to pensioners, some in tracksuits, others in collar and tie.||3:From the altar, an actuarial “no” campaigner brandished charts depicting the risks of independence.||4:They clapped. | |
11 | 在此次选举中,也出现了许多关于公民投票的问题。俄勒冈州、阿拉斯加州和华盛顿特区的选民赞成大麻合法化,但国会有权否决公民意愿。 | Many referendum questions also appeared on the ballot in the elections. Voters in Oregon and Alaska approved the legalisation of marijuana. So did voters in Washington, DC, though Congress can overrule the electorate ’s wishes in the American capital. | |
12 | 2008年民主党在该选区胜出的原因之一是较高的黑人选民投票率,他们在该选区占到选民总数的29%。 | One factor helping the Democrats in 2008 was the high turnout of black voters, who make up 29% of the electorate in the district. | |
13 | 奥巴马迄今为止一直不愿支持这些举措,但他的决定可能还是要取决于选民的情绪。 | Mr Obama has so far been unwilling to support such measures, but his resolve may hinge on the mood of the electorate . | |
14 | 奥布里只是笼统的谈论了一下想要建设一个“更公平,更强力”的法国,她对选民的承诺尚不明确。 | With vague talk about wanting a "fairer and stronger" France, Ms Aubry’s pitch to the electorate has not been clear. | |
15 | 巴拉克不得不同与拉宾时期完全不同的以色列选民据理力争,因为国内有了更多的移民。 | Barak had to contend with a very different Israeli electorate from the one Rabin had led. | |
16 | 本该是重塑政客与选民的信任关系的选举,最后可能反而使之变得更糟糕。 | An election that was supposed to re-forge trust between politicians and the electorate could end up shattering it even more. | |
17 | 不满的选民对其领导者失去信任,不约而同发出抱怨 | the disparate mutterings of a grumpy electorate that has lost faith in its leader | |
18 | 不说清楚就是对选民智慧的一种侮辱。 | Anything less is an insult to the electorate ’s intelligence. | |
19 | 参与模拟投票的投票者甚至都不能代表共和党的主要选民,更不要提代表总体选民了。 | Straw poll participants are not representative of even Republican primary voters, let alone the general electorate . | |
20 | 长久以来,民族宗教联合政府的官员们早已厌倦于以最高法院和选民之间态度的分歧。 | National-religious politicians have long been riled by the gap in attitudes between Israel’s top judges and the electorate . | |
21 | 此外,出口民调显示,年轻选民在全体选民中的比例上升到18%,这可不是一件小事。 | Additionally, exit polling indicates young voters increased their share of the electorate to 18 per cent, which is no small feat. | |
22 | 此外,其统治合法性的严重缺失很可能诱使独裁统治者去贿赂选民中有影响的群体。 | In addition, their very lack of legitimacy may tempt autocracies to bribe influential sections of the electorate . | |
23 | 但大部分选民并不知道,社群主义不再是左翼知识分子的宠儿。 | But the electorate mostly does not know that communitarianism is no longer in intellectual fashion. | |
24 | 但当试图党更年轻更现代的形象,菅先生和由人先生认为他们可以赢得全体选民。 | But in attempting to give the party a younger, more modern image, Mr Kan and Mr Edano may well feel they can carry the electorate with them. | |
25 | 但分裂的选民可能会迫使她再次进入一个不令人满意的大联盟。 | But a splintered electorate may still force her into a second unsatisfactory grand coalition. | |
26 | 但里德11月竞选连任其家乡内华达州参议员席位将面临激烈竞争,而该州15%的人口为拉丁裔。 | But Mr Reid is in a desperate fight for re-election in November in his home state of Nevada, where Latinos make up 15% of the electorate . | |
27 | 但目前选民们举动异常,情绪无法预测,欧德内尔女士也许会证明他们是错误的。 | But with the electorate in its present bizarre, unpredictable mood, Ms O’Donnell may yet prove them wrong. | |
28 | 但是,选民已经对这种空头承诺习以为常了。 | But the electorate has grown used to unfulfilled promises. | |
29 | 但是他站起来了,整个国家在他周围支持他并带他跨国重点线,他与选民之间的联系是真实而深沉的。 | But he recovered, the nation rallied around him and carried him across the finish line, his bond with the electorate deep and true. | |
30 | 但是这种要求应该让政客们来评定,最好是由那种轮流由全体选民决定的地方政客们评定。 | But the demand for that should be assessed by politicians, preferably local ones, who are in turn judged by their electorate . |