1 | 当全体选民准备在11月7日进行美国中期选举投票时,美国的政党召集他们的衷心支持者们以应对此次选举。 | America’s political parties rallied their core supporters as the electorate prepared to vote in the mid- term elections on November 7th. | |
2 | 对其缺乏好感的分析人士就已经指出,有五分之三或者更多的选民认为查韦斯将会在2012年下台。 | Less sympathetic analysts have noted that three-fifths or more of the electorate think he should step down in 2012. | |
3 | 对于更广泛的选民大众他也不那么振奋人心。 | He does not excite much of the wider electorate either. | |
4 | 对于民主党其余选民,以及更大范围内的选民来说,奥巴马是黑人,他们因此喜爱他。 | As far as the rest of the Democratic base and the broader electorate are concerned, Mr Obama is black and they love him for it. | |
5 | 而且,总统职权受到国会的有力制约,而国会甚至更加直接地对选民负责。 | And his powers are mightily constrained by Congress, which is even more immediately accountable to its electorate . | |
6 | 而在第一次公投中,53.21%选民投了反对票。 | In the first referendum, 53. 21% of the electorate voted no. | |
7 | 该政党对日益庞大的相对年轻、受过良好教育的城市中产阶级选民群体最具吸引力。 | The party appeals most to groups whose share of the electorate is growing: relatively young, middle-class urbanites with a good education. | |
8 | 根据最近一项民意调查可知,64%的选民都愿意支持政客实施家庭计划生育的“现代方法”。 | According to a recent opinion poll, 64% of the electorate would support a politician who promoted "modern methods" of family planning. | |
9 | 工党在1997年取得执政权的时候,选民们对于陈旧的公共服务机构的忧虑更大于对高税收的忧虑。 | By 1997, when Labour won power, the electorate had become more worried about decrepit public services than high taxes. | |
10 | 工党在2007年对选民作出了约六百项承诺,并且已兑现了其中的绝大多数,然而却鲜有人注意到这一点,这本身便是一种缺憾。 | Few people realise that Labor took about 600 promises to the electorate in 2007 and fulfilled most of them. That is a failing in itself. | |
11 | 广大中间派选民感到失望,因为法案成本高昂,内容复杂; | the electorate ’s wide centre is disappointed because the bill is expensive and complicated; | |
12 | 合格选举人的总称 | predecessor electorate A body of qualified voters. | |
13 | 基督徒福音主义者在选民中的比例了超过四分一同时也是布什阵营之根基。 | Evangelical Christians make up about a quarter of the American electorate and are the bedrock of Mr Bush’s support. | |
14 | 即使像选总理这种貌似简单的事情,选民的意图也不容易认清。 | Even if one considers something as ostensibly simple as the choice of prime minister, the electorate ’s intention is not easy to discern. | |
15 | 她把自己在选区的人气当作征服社会党的武器。 | And she used her popularity with the electorate as a weapon with which to conquer the party. | |
16 | 解雇总理是总统一贯以来对于承认选民对其不满的一种技俩。 | Sacking the prime minister has long been a way for French presidents to acknowledging the displeasure of the electorate . | |
17 | 尽管可以举行公投的最少登记人数要求被降低,但平均仍占到每个选区人数的十分之一。 | The minimum number of signatures required to launch a referendum has been cut, but it is still a tenth of the electorate , on average. | |
18 | 尽管总统选举年试图将公众描绘得更为中立,但2010年各大选区的选民则极为倾向右翼。 | The electorate was heavily skewed to the right in 2010, whereas presidential years tend to draw out a more middle-of-the-road crowd. | |
19 | 里根获胜还要归因于沃尔特.蒙代尔,蒙代尔的工作方向完全脱离了民众。 | Reagan won in part because Walter Mondale, whatever the merits of his case, was utterly out of sync with the electorate . | |
20 | 领先于选民的政府岌岌可危。 | A government that gets ahead of the electorate is on dangerous ground. | |
21 | 没过多久,保守党就意识到虽然他们一心结盟欧洲,但却不为选民所赞同。 | After a while, the Tories realised that their obsession with Europe was not shared by the electorate . | |
22 | 没有其他的州像这个样子:在全体选民之中,白人蓝领阶层几乎占了选票的40%。 | No other state is quite like this: in the electorate as a whole, the white working class adds up to perhaps 40% of the voters. | |
23 | 美国选民的广大中间力量对结果的注重胜于理论。 | The wide middle of the US electorate venerates results over theories. | |
24 | 民进党能够鼓动人群走上街头,但是它仍在奋力扩大其选区支持度,使之超过30-40%的数值。 | The DPP can still get thousands of people onto the streets, but it has struggled to expand its support beyond 30-40% of the electorate . | |
25 | 你能再具体一点说么?有12%的选民强烈反对我呢。 | Can you be a little bit more specific? Twelve percent of the electorate strongly opposes me. | |
26 | 其政治哲学被称为杰克逊式民主,它帮助巩固了一个强大的行政部门,扩展了选民范围。 | His political philosophy, known as Jacksonian democracy, helped solidify a strong executive branch and expand the electorate . | |
27 | 然而,随着欧元问题的持续,德国选区的信号变得不再坚定拥护这一系统。 | As the euro’s troubles go on, however, the signs are that the German electorate is becoming steadily less eager to go along with it. | |
28 | 然而社会保守派只占全国投票者的一小部分,因此他们不得不挑选一个也能获得其他人支持的候选人。 | Yet social conservatives are only a small minority of the national electorate , so they have to pick a candidate who also appeals to others. | |
29 | 然而伊斯兰教主义者似乎还在为提高他们20%的支持率而奋斗。 | Yet Islamists seem to struggle to raise their support much above 20% of the electorate . | |
30 | 然而由现任总理阿披实领导的泰国政府却丝毫不敢大意,尤其是总理本人似乎根本不想进行选举。 | But it is taken seriously by the government, led by Abhisit Vejjajiva, who shows no sign of wanting to face the electorate . |