1 | "知识经济"不再相信知识只隶属于少数"精英",而是认为世界明天的希望取决于人类普遍行为与思维的"知识化"和"资讯化"。 | "The KBE believes that knowledge and information should not be controlled by the ""elite "" minority, rather, the future of the world is premised on the knowledge and information-based behaviours of the ordinary people." | |
2 | “香港艺术节”是香港文化界及亚太地区的重要文化盛事,汇聚了国际及亚太区艺术精英,以及香港的艺术工作者。 | Hong Kong Arts Festivala major cultural event in both Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific regionbrings together elite cultural groups in the region and artists in Hong Kong | |
3 | 1965年后美国华人社会菁英阶层之研究 | The Research of Chinese-American Elite Class after 1965 | |
4 | 1998年开始,BMW杯国际高尔夫赛登陆中国以来,数千名BMW车主和高尔夫爱好者参加过这项赛事,选手包括商界精英和各行各业的成功人士 | Since the debut of the BMW Golf Cup International in 1998, thousands of BMW car owners and golf fans have joined the event, including business elite as well as players from every walk of life. | |
5 | 1998年开始,BMW就把这项比赛引进到中国,数千名BMW车主和高尔夫爱好者参加过这项赛事,选手包括商界精英和各行各业的成功人士,每年获胜选手都代表中国球手参加国际总决赛。 | Since the debut of the BMW Golf Cup International in 1998, thousands of BMW car owners and golf fans have joined the match, including some corporate elite as well as those from every walk of life. | |
6 | IS300高级运动型轿车的到来为中国年轻精英阶层增加一项个性时尚的选择。 | the coming of IS300 Sports Sedan provides an additional trendy option for the young Chinese elite . | |
7 | SSR标记用于玉米自交系遗传变异与优势类群划分的研究 | Assessment on Genetic Relationships among 15 Maize (Zea mays)Elite Inbred Lines of China Using SSR Markers: Comparisons with Data from Heterosis and Pedigree | |
8 | 包括这个城市的文化界精英的闪烁着光芒的咖啡阶层(b商务周刊) | the glittering café society that revolves around the city’s elite cultural institutions(business Week) | |
9 | 包括这个城市的文化界精英的闪烁着光芒的咖啡阶层(商务周刊) | the glittering café society that revolves around the city’s elite cultural institutions(Business Week) | |
10 | 卑贱者最聪明,高贵者最愚蠢 | The lowly are most intelligent; the elite are most ignorant | |
11 | 本地华文文学的未来决定于我们能否适应这新的环境--首先、具备双语能力,不再只是熟悉任何单一文化的新加坡人 | Our bilingualism is a strength we can build on and we are seeking to groom a stronger Chinese cultural elite , which retains its competence in English | |
12 | 本周末的’97吉尔伯特杯乒乓球赛将包括3项显赫的盛事:国际男单赛,青年精英赛和一项世界级的表演赛。 | Gilbert Cup’97 will combine three prestigious events to create a spectacular table tennis weekend.There will be m1 international men’s singles competition,an elite junior tournament,and a world-class exhibition. | |
13 | 从周公伦理思想看儒家伦理的精英定位 | Research on Confucianist Moral Thought as the Ethics of Elite from Moral Thought of Zhou-Cong | |
14 | 大专优秀运动选手平衡能力之比较研究 | Comparisons of Dynamic Posturography and One-Leg Stance in Elite College Athletes | |
15 | 多维视角探讨高等教育大众化背景下的精英教育 | Multidimensional Vision on Elite Education Built upon the Background of Popularization of Higher Education | |
16 | 而奇怪的事情有时会在中国发生:我听说有的中国公司甚至怀疑美国名牌大学毕业证书的真实性。 | But funny things can happen in China: I have heard of companies here challenging the validity even of diplomas issued by elite American universities | |
17 | 该车将经济性和操控功能,安全性和驾乘舒适, 实用性与豪华感受,完美地融合在一起。作为舒适实用的交通工具,它将是机关团体和成功经济实体为其尊贵客户提供服务时的理想选择。 | This vehicle is an optimum blend of prestige, comfort, safety and performance; has outstanding driving control and operating economy; and is ideal for elite organizations and successful businesses servicing their distinguished guests. | |
18 | 更可能的是,各种专业都将分化为截然不同的两个部门,一个是创造分析软件的集精英人物于一堂的总参谋部,另一个是应用这些软件的下级军官团。 | What is much more likely is a sharper division of professions into an elite general staff that creates analytical software and a junior officer corps that applies it. | |
19 | 关于“医学教育是精英教育”的辨析 | On "Medical Education Belonging to Elite Education" | |
20 | 国防部说,一支精锐的印度伞兵旅五月中旬将与太平洋美军司令部的特种部队在闻名遐迩的泰姬马哈陵附近举行联合军事演习。 | The Ministry of National Defense said that in mid-May, an elite brigade of Indian paratroopers will conduct a joint military exercise with the special forces of the US Pacific Command near the renowned Taj Mahal | |
21 | 国内优秀男子网球选手单打发球对比赛胜负关系之研究 | The Effects of Serves on Elite Single Male Tennis Game Results in Taiwan | |
22 | 国外优秀男子短跑运动员100m跑速度的动态分析 | Dynamic Analysis of Velocity of Elite World 100m Runners | |
23 | 河南主要优良玉米自交系利用潜力分析 | Analysis on the Utilization Potential of Nine Elite Maize Inbred Lines in Henan | |
24 | 红麻优异种质资源遗传多样性与亲缘关系的ISSR分析 | The Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Relationship of Elite Kenaf Germplasm Based on Inter-simple Sequence Repeats | |
25 | 汲取圣贤文化精华 促进先进文化建设 | Take Pith from the Elite Culture and Promote the Construction of Progressive Culture | |
26 | 即便是一些华文精英,对中文里科学技术词汇的掌握仍然受到客观条件的限制,因为专业课程还不可能用中文开课。 | Even some of the Chinese elite still find it difficult to master scientific terminology because of practical constraints, as it is not easy to run technical courses here in the Chinese language. | |
27 | 坚守,还是放弃―从《沧浪之水》看知识分子精英意识的消释 | Persistence of Abjuration-Viewing the Dispelling of the Intellects’ Consciousness of Elite | |
28 | 结交各路精英朋友,名流荟萃,齐聚一堂,提供高层次的社交平台。 | We provide high-end sociality platform for distinguished people to get together and make various elite friends. | |
29 | 她和伊斯坦布尔知识界名流的朋友们向来认为妇女与男子是平等的而且应该一视同仁。 | She and her friends in istanbul’s intellectual elite have always believed that women are equal to men and should be treated as such | |
30 | 禁卫军一支精锐的皇家军队中的成员 | A member of a group of elite , highly loyal supporters. |