1 | 禁卫军一支精锐的皇家军队中的成员 | A member of a group of elite , highly loyal supporters. | |
2 | 精粹百合的组织培养与快速繁殖技术 | Techniques for Rapid Propagation of Lily ’Elite ’ by Tissue Culture | |
3 | 精英教育:加州理工学院的文化性格分析 | Elite Education: The Cultural Trait of California Polytechnic | |
4 | 精英这个词是使现代社会科学家忐忑不安的那种传统的一部分。 | The term elite is part of a tradition which makes modern social scientists uneasy | |
5 | 科技界的精英 | An aristocracy of scientists; the scientific elite | |
6 | 科学技术权贵在五十年代的出现,使他这时有了开始重新征服五角大楼的帮手。 | The emergence during the fifties of the scientifictechnological elite now gave him the men with whom to begin the reconquest of the Pentagon | |
7 | 伦敦大学玛丽女王与韦斯特菲尔德学院英语教授、作家和广播员莉莎·贾丁说:艺术的繁荣需要一批超级巨富的资助。 | Art needs a super-rich elite in order to flourish, according to writer, broadcaster and professor of English at London University’s Queen Mary and Westfield College, Lisa Jardine | |
8 | 伦理所要做的工作是探讨“铁饭碗”是如何被打破的,并证明要设计新形式的养老金和医疗保险,以减少对于经济发展的一些不利影响。 | The job of ethics is to expose how the iron rice bowl has shattered, and to prove that new forms of pension funds and medical insurance must be developed in order to offset economic development that benefits a small elite . | |
9 | 论大众化阶段精英高等教育存在与发展的必然性及合理性 | The Necessity and Rationality of Elite Higher Education in the Phase of Mass Education | |
10 | 马萨诸塞州,主要城市是波士顿,该州名校云集,在20世纪获得了左翼州的名声。 | Massachusetts, dominated by Boston, with its concentration of elite universities, acquired a reputation in the 20th century as a relatively left-wing US state | |
11 | 满足政府机关和中高端集团企业用户追求形象和展示实力的需求,彰显其尊贵气质。 | These features are ideal for those seeking to present an image of strength, including customers ranging from governmental organizations to mid-and high-ranking business executives: this model serves as a full indicator of its owners′ elite positions. | |
12 | 每年,美国的名牌大学和文科学院诸如耶鲁、哈佛、哥伦比亚、阿姆赫斯特和威尔斯利大学,都会向中国的高中毕业生提供一定数量的奖学金,让他们来校读大学本科 | Each year, elite American universities and liberal arts colleges, such as Yale, Harvard, Columbia, amherst and Wellesley, offer a number of scholarships to Chinese high school graduates to study in their undergraduate programs | |
13 | 欧进福政务部长在一个电视节目上也提问,是不是我们的教育出了问题?为什么这一小部分万里挑一的精英如此漠视自己的社会责任,并且丝毫不觉得理亏 | No wonder, in a recent TV programme, Minister of State Ow Chin Hock asked whether anything had gone wrong in our education system and what had made our one-in-a-thousand elite so indifferent to their social obligations without feeling guilty. | |
14 | 确实,英语不是语法家、规范语言者、教师、作家或知识分子精英们的专有领域。 | Indeed, the English language is not the special preserve of grammarians, language police, teachers, writers or the intellectual elite | |
15 | 人们总以为你们这些人是我国企业界中出类拨萃的人物。 | You guys are supposed to be the business elite of this country | |
16 | 人民党主义一种政治哲学,在人民反对特权精英阶级的斗争上支持人民的权利与权力 | A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite . | |
17 | 儒雅之风典型的社会或文化名流的态度或行为 | The attitude or conduct typical of a social or cultural elite . | |
18 | 山杏丰产优良无性系光合生理特性研究 | Research on the Phototphysiological Character of Elite Apricot Clone | |
19 | 上层人物的特权 | The privileges of the elite | |
20 | 斯特朗出身于美国知识界和宗教界的名门望族。 | Strong came from a family of America’s intellectual and religious elite . | |
21 | 他们的佛兰芒民族主义根源于讲法语的比利时上层人物长期施加给讲荷兰语的各群体的苦难,这些统治者们在早期掌握着政权,拒绝承认佛兰芒语言和文化。 | Their flemish nationalism is rooted in longstanding bitterness over the treatment meted out to Dutch-speaking communities by the French-speaking elite , who ruled the state in its early days and refused to recognise the flemish language or culture | |
22 | 他们和殖民主义主子们一道成为工商业界的上层集团。 | Together with their colonial masters, they became an elite group of merchants and entrepreneurs | |
23 | 他们是被称为“G-15”的15个花旗银行执行副总裁精英群中,不是美国人的八个人中的两个,这些执行副总裁的地位仅次于花旗银行董事长约翰·S·雷德及银行的其他五位副董事长。 | They are two of the eight non-Americans in the elite group of 15 executive vice-presidents,dubbed the "G-15," who rank directly behind Citicorp Chairman John S.Reed and the bank’s five vice-chairman. | |
24 | 他们是这个国家的真正精华,是使英国比其它国家高大和强壮的中坚支柱。 | They are the true elite of this country, the backbone that makes England stand tall and strong among nations | |
25 | 他希望精英人才多研究语言、写作、历史、传播及社会学,运用科技提升人类文明,不要滥用科技而阻碍人类思维的发展。 | "He hopes that the talented elite would use technology to enhance human civilisation, and to research into linguistic, writing, history, communications and sociology, instead of abusing technology and hindering the development of human’s ""thoughts""." | |
26 | 他终于挤入了上流社会。 | He broke into elite social circles at last | |
27 | 同时,也使人们感受到别克这个国际品牌与中国文化深深交融,与中国精英阶层一脉相通。 | As a result of this commercial, the Chinese have come to see BUICK as an international brand that has fused profoundly with the Chinese culture and well received by the Chinese elite class. | |
28 | 文化场域、文化资本与中国近现代精英流动 | Cultural Field, Cultural Capital and Modern Chinese Elite Circulation | |
29 | 文化和社会名流成员,尤指由旧时新英格兰家族后裔组成的。 | a member of a cultural and social elite , especially of that formed by descendants of old New England families. | |
30 | 我国优秀男子桌球选手发球、接发球主被动表现与获胜率之相关探讨 | The Study of Serves & Receive Active/Passive Tactic on Elite Man’s Table Tennis Game of Winning Rate in Taiwan |