属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-餐饮业 The restaurant business
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-一周要闻 "特金会"敲定越南举行 夏威
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-商业与地缘政治学 走进G20
1 | "用你的头脑,儿子。"他说着,并微笑了一下,这种微笑意味着"这就是我要告诉你的全部",或者"我不知道答案,别为难我了"。 | "Well, use your head, son,"" he said, smiling. Which really meant, ""That’s all I’m going to tell you,"" or ""I don’t know the answer, so don’t embarrass me." | |
2 | “呵,我自然是希望有人给我们引见一下,”我说,“展览似的从别人面前走过,我会觉得尴尬。这看起来很简单,但我想我做不来。我和她们说说话吧,你来介绍一下。” | “Well, of course I should want to be introduced,” I said, “It would embarrass me to go by on exhibition.” He said, “It looks simple but I don’t think I could get through that alive. Let me speak to them; introduce me.” | |
3 | 不管怎样,这个事件果真泄露出去,对我的地位也不会有多大的损害,它只会让我面子上不好看,如此而已。 | Anyway, if the story goes out, it wouldn’t seriously harm my status. It could embarrass me. Little more. | |
4 | 不夸奖某人以免使之难为情. | Do not embarrass sb by praisinghim | |
5 | 沉默了一会,然后辛迪低声而又狠狠地说:“你听我说!你今天晚上最好还是来一趟,快点。要是不来,或者来了,再讲刚才这样的话使我难堪,那就一刀两断,听明白了吗?” | There was a silence. Then Cindy asserted, low-voiced and savagely, “Listen to me! You’d better get here tonight, and soon. If you don’t come and embarrass me by saying anything of what you did just now, it’ll be the end. Do you understand?” | |
6 | 诘问,责问通过问题、嘲笑或反对来使(别人)尴尬或生气;使困扰 | To try to embarrass and annoy(another)by questions,gibes,or objections;badger. | |
7 | 她的粗野行为可能会让你尴尬。 | She may embarrass you with her uncouth behavior. | |
8 | 她的一些话很伤人,但我决定不去计较,不使在场的其他人难堪。 | Some of her remarks were quite hurtful but I decided to make light of them rather than embarrass the other people present. | |
9 | 她和她妈妈联合起来叫我下不了台。 | She leagued with her mother to embarrass me. | |
10 | 她和她母亲联合起来叫我下不了台。 | She was in league with her mother to embarrass me. | |
11 | 她又扯起那件事故意想使我难堪. | She dragged up that incident just to embarrass me. | |
12 | 看起来他不想在他的客人做这件令人恼恨的工作时让他为难。 | It was as if he preferred not to embarrass his guest in the odious task | |
13 | 旅费的不足将会使旅客感到拮据。 | Lack of funds will embarrass the traveler. | |
14 | 你是想让我难堪吗? | Are you trying to embarrass me? | |
15 | 你一点也没让我为难. | You didn’t embarrass me in the slightest. | |
16 | 你一点也没有让我难堪。 | You didn’t embarrass me in the slightest. | |
17 | 他讲了一个相当粗俗的笑话,使每个人都非常尴尬。 | He tells a rather rude joke,and every one look embarrass . | |
18 | 他们既不必像下层大众从事艰苦的体力劳动而生活依旧无着;也不会像那些上层人物因骄奢淫逸、野心勃勃和相互倾轧而弄得心力交瘁。 | Not exposed to the miseries and hardships, the labour and sufferings of the mechanic part of mankind, and not embarrass ’d with the pride, luxury, ambition and envy of the upper part of mankind. | |
19 | 他模模糊糊意识到这一行动似乎有点不正常,不谨慎,因而感到进退两难。 | Some dim ideas of imprudence or impropriety in the measure seemed to embarrass him considerably | |
20 | 他债务缠身. | He is embarrass ed by debts. | |
21 | 我本想透露财务处长下个月的计划使他难堪的,但消息泄漏一事追查到我时,我便搬起石头砸了自己的脚。 | I thought I would embarrass the financial director by revealing his next month’s projection but I was hoist with my own petard when the leak was traced back to me. | |
22 | 我不是想让你难看.实际上我很为难,我是个超级球迷 | I don’t mean to embarrass you.This is embarrassing to me. I’m a big fan | |
23 | 我唱歌走调。我不想令我自己或他尴尬。 | I can’t carry a tune.I don’t want to embarrass myself or him. | |
24 | 我窘得说不出话来. | I`m just embarrass ed(as to)what to say. | |
25 | 我知道你们大多数人感到,刚上了几课英语,就用英语来说话很不好意思。不过,当你见到美国人时,你不妨试着说一点。到实践中去学是最好的办法。 | I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English after these first few lessons. But that’s the best way to learn: when you meet an american, try a few words--jump in and get your feet wet. | |
26 | 下象棋时攻击对方的"将"或"帅" | put sb. on the spot;mate;challenge;embarrass | |
27 | 这件工作使我大伤脑筋. | I am greatly embarrass ed with this work. | |
28 | ||1:Polpo是拉塞尔·诺曼在伦敦市内所开的五家餐厅中的一家,店内供有cicchetti(即一种威尼斯小吃)。Polpo采取了一种特有的处理方式,即把32条说明全列在员工守则表上。||2:如,对顾客需求反应迅速但又要过于急进。||3:点饮料到上饮料之间所用时间不得多于两分钟,但若客人需要时间考虑,就不要打扰他们。||4:要进行眼神交流。对于那些点餐过多或过少的客人要进行引导,但不要使他们感到尴尬。 | ||1: A particular treat is a 32-point list of instructions for staff at Polpo, one of five London restaurants run by Russell Norman, which serves cicchetti (Venetian side dishes). ||2: Be prompt not intrusive. ||3: No more than two minutes between ordering and receiving drinks—but leave people alone if they need time to decide. ||4: Make eye contact. Guide, but don’t embarrass , those who try to order too much or too little. | |
29 | ||1:包括德国、法国和英国在内的十几个欧盟成员国承认委内瑞拉立法机构领导人胡安·瓜伊多(Juan Guaido)为该国的临时总统。||2:今年5月,尼古拉斯·马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)在一场受到操纵的选举中获胜,但却没能遭规定的最后期限内进行适当的投票。||3:大多数拉美民主国家支持瓜伊多。||4:(委内瑞拉宪法规定,如果总统一职空缺,临时总统可代行其职。)||5:委内瑞拉军队采取行动阻止粮食援助的运送,粮食援助也许能填饱肚子,但也会让政权难堪。 | ||1:A dozen members of the eu, including Germany, France and Britain, recognised Juan Guaidó, the leader of Venezuela’s legislature, as the country’s interim president.||2:They acted after Nicolás Maduro, who won a rigged election in May, failed to meet a deadline for calling a proper ballot.||3:Most Latin American democracies back Mr Guaidó.||4:(Venezuela’s constitution makes him interim president if the post is not legitimately filled.)||5:Venezuela’s army moved to block the delivery of food aid, which might fill empty bellies but would also embarrass the regime. | |
30 | 绩效榜应该然让那些理应蒙羞的人感到难堪。 | The dashboard ought to embarrass people who deserve to be embarrassed. |