属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-冢本幼稚园 种族歧视的低龄化(1)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由民主党 他们必胜
1 | 军事化幼儿教育使日本首相难堪。 | Militaries toddlers embarrass Japan Prime Minister. | |
2 | ||有时候该党的古怪也让领导人们感到尴尬。举个例子,当党员们支持一项惋惜输赢成为了足球的“核心关注点”的议案时,他们简直绝望了。||但正是这些古怪之处保证了党员们的忠诚。克莱格是幸运的,对于大多数自由民主党员来说,”核心关注点“不是胜利,而是参与。译者:王颖 校对:曾擎禹 | ||Sometimes the party’s eccentricities embarrass its leaders.|| For example, they despaired when members backed a motion regretting that winning had become the “primary concern” in football. But those same eccentricities keep the membership loyal. Luckily for Mr Clegg, the “primary concern” for most Lib Dems is not the winning, but the taking part. | |
3 | 报告证明政府总是明里一套暗里一套,这多少会让他们稍显尴尬,但事实上大家都半斤八两。 | The reports will embarrass governments by showing they say one thing in public and another in private, but they are not alone in that. | |
4 | 别吓着她,我看着她长大的。 | Don’t embarrass her. I’ve known her for so long. | |
5 | 布朗一直竭力坚持其他国家正在奉行他的“财政刺激”计划,萨尔科齐此语一出,自然令英国首相难堪不已。 | The comments will embarrass Brown, who has been at pains to insist that other countries were adopting his "fiscal stimulus" plans. | |
6 | 场景:摩萨德上演了以德国休克摇滚为特色的摇滚乐爱好者舞会以使土耳其人难堪。 | The plot: Mossad stages a headbanger’s ball featuring German shock-rockers to embarrass Turks. | |
7 | 朝鲜的独特之处在于:它是唯一一个能够不时令中国难堪,却不会受到任何责难的国家。 | North Korea really is a unique place: it is the one country that is able to routinely embarrass China and not suffer any rebuke. | |
8 | 痴呆症患者常做的一些事情,比如给陌生人按摩或者从他人的盘子里吃东西,似乎并不会让他们感到尴尬。 | Many things that those with dementia do, such as giving strangers massages or eating off of others’ plates, don’t seem to embarrass them. | |
9 | 但是共和党国会议员对大政府愤怒不已,不顾后果地把它当做一项政治工具让贝拉克•奥巴马难堪。 | But Republican congressmen, furious about big government, have recklessly used it as a political tool to embarrass Barack Obama. | |
10 | 的士不道德的高收费令东京和伦敦的出租车司机都感到很尴尬。 | Taxi fares are outrageous enough to embarrass a Tokyo or London cabbie. | |
11 | 反对派的政客们抓住了金恩的这一警告,在布朗准备做东20国峰会之际以此令其难堪。 | Opposition politicians have seized on King’s warning to embarrass Brown as he prepares to host the G20 summit. | |
12 | 告诉大家竞争对手在搜索结果中的排名比您的公司高多少,让他们有急迫感。 | Embarrass everybody with information about how your competitors rank higher in the search results than your company. | |
13 | 尽管乔布斯拥有令人羡慕的审美品位、专注力和谈判技巧,他也很容易让他人蒙羞和难堪。 | Along with his enviable aesthetic sense, focus and negotiating prowess, came a readiness to humiliate and embarrass others. | |
14 | 就奥运会而言,官员们已将重点放在那些可能使北京在外国客人面前陷于尴尬境地的举止上。 | For the Olympics, officials have focused on behaviour that might embarrass Beijing in front of foreign guests. | |
15 | 快乐时光的节目现在有点叫人感到难为情。 | The Happy Hour is beginning to embarrass me. | |
16 | 老夫妇听着他发表高论,既不表示同意,也不收起脸上的笑容,小心地不让陌生人感到尴尬。 | The old couple listened, neither agreeing with the man nor withdrawing their smiles, careful not to embarrass a stranger. | |
17 | 伦敦新市长BorisJohnson现在被视为保守党复兴的象征,但还不足以扛起大旗。 | The new mayor of London, Boris Johnson, now an icon of Tory resurgence, may embarrass his party (see article). | |
18 | 罗助华补充称,正是这种含糊的“例外”规定,让地方官员有办法让那些令他们困窘的人噤声。 | He adds that this exception with its vague definition gives local officials the means to silence people who embarrass them. | |
19 | 摩纳哥是个避税天堂,似乎让他有点尴尬,可他喜欢富有的居民。 | Being a tax haven seems to embarrass him, but he likes rich residents. | |
20 | 帕克说:“我喜欢让大家分享自己的工作成果,而且不想让任何人尴尬。” | "I prefer to let people share what they’re working on. And I don’t like to embarrass anyone. " | |
21 | 如果谷歌曾经打算掀起一场有关互联网自由的全球辩论,从而让中国难堪,那么它也失败了。 | If Google was planning to embarrass China by whipping up a global debate on internet freedom, it failed. | |
22 | 如果你的伴侣抢了你的风头,或是在众人面前让你尴尬,这会惹怒你。 | Your partner could make you angry if they steal your thunder or embarrass you in front of others. | |
23 | 上个星期我告诉各位我们将对产品进行第一轮筛查,看看到底是哪些产品阻碍了公司发展。 | Last week I told you we were going to have our first pass at deciding which products embarrass us as a company. | |
24 | 甚至是第五频道——贝卢斯科尼先生的旗舰频道——夜间新闻都做出过使他难堪的报道。 | Even the evening news bulletin of Mr Berlusconi’s flagship channel, Canale 5, has run stories that embarrass him. | |
25 | 什么也不做,在公开场合使同事难堪不是什么好主意。 | Nothing, it’s not a good idea to embarrass colleagues in | |
26 | 使尴尬我希望我没有给你丢人。 | I hope I didn’t embarrass you. embarrassing adj. | |
27 | 世俗派也趁机以这个为笑柄来奚落萨拉菲斯特党。 | The secular-minded have also harnessed ridicule to embarrass the Salafists. | |
28 | 他看起来“超凡脱俗”,而作为一个文化白痴加外人的我,恐怕在他面前只有自惭形秽的份儿。 | He seemed "otherworldly. " And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him. | |
29 | 他们将自己标榜成真理追求者,通过公布摘录的细枝末节,让企业高管们难堪。 | Presenting themselves as seekers after truth, they publish tiny extracts to embarrass executives. | |
30 | 我一点没觉得自己傻,我也没那么容易觉得尴尬。 | I don’t feel silly at all. I don’t embarrass easily. |