1 | (5)蛹羽化成成虫从土中出来。热带地区的夏天,地中海实蝇完成一个世代只需21~30天。 | and (5)the pupae mature into adults and emerge from the soil. Under tropical summer weather conditions, the Medfly completes its life cycle in 21 to 30 days. | |
2 | IDG提供“整合市场营销服务”(Integrated Marketing Services),协助客户在瞬息万变的信息市场中脱颖而出 | The Integrated Marketing Services provided by IDG aim at helping clients emerge from the stiff competition in the fluctuated market. | |
3 | 按照现在开放的办法,到国民生产总值人均几千美元的时候,我们也不会产生新资产阶级。 | Even if our country remains as open as it is now, and even when our per capita GNP reaches several thousand dollars, no new bourgeoisie will emerge . | |
4 | 按着我们现有的物理知识,奇点产生的任何辐射永远不会出来。 | According to our present understanding of physics, any radiation produced by the singularity would never emerge | |
5 | 白天,我每次走出房间时,都会感觉到那两位白发女士象两只白兔一样快速地躲回去,以至于我真正看见的只是她们那一闪即逝的裙边。 | And whenever I emerge during the day, I am aware of the two little white-haired ladies popping back like two white rabbits, so that literally I only see the whisk of their shirt-hems | |
6 | 宝贵的意见也可能来自外部董事会,由有经验的商人和学者组成,他们能批判地评价公司的策略。 | Valuable suggestions also emerge from independent boards, staffed with experienced business people and scholars, who can critically evaluate the policies of a company. | |
7 | 不久,年轻的中国现代舞员便以独特的风姿在世界舞坛展露头角 | Soon after, young Chinese modern dancers began to emerge on the world stage with their unique style. | |
8 | 出现的最令人吃惊的现象之一是,有六个使家庭幸福的因素被许多家庭一再提到。 | One of the most surprising things to emerge is that six key qualities for making a strong family function were mentioned time and again by many families. | |
9 | 出现问题也容易纠正和改正。 | And when problems emerge , they can be easily put right. | |
10 | 除非能多涌现出一些作家和艺术家,否则这个国家的文化生活将枯萎衰退. | The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge . | |
11 | 创造的财富,第一归国家,第二归人民,不会产生新的资产阶级。 | The wealth created belongs first to the state and second to the people, it is therefore impossible for a new bourgeoisie to emerge . | |
12 | 大量英雄人物出现了。 | A multitude of heroic figures emerge . | |
13 | 但很快就会怀疑到这是破坏,并且后来也证明属实。 | But a suspicion of sabotage would emerge quickly and later be proven true | |
14 | 但是,如果飞机加原子弹的美国对中国发动侵略战争,那末,小米加步枪的中国一定会取得胜利。 | However, if the United States with its planes plus the a-bomb is to launch a war of aggression against China, then China with its millet plus rifles is sure to emerge the victor | |
15 | 但是他突然站住了,向他们行了一个礼,然后回转头向山下走去,这不过是个新来的守猎人,但是他却把康妮吓了一跳,他出现得这样的突然,象是一种骤然的威吓,从虚无中跑出来。 | Then stopped instead, saluted, and was turning downhill. It was only the new game-keeper, but he had frightened Connie, he seemed to emerge with such a swift menace. That was how she had seen him, like the sudden rush of a threat out of nowhere. | |
16 | 但是在它们之前,本世纪早一些时候就曾出现过一般称为集权主义的各种制度,经过当时动乱之后要出现的未来世界主要轮廓,早已很明显了。 | But they had been foreshadowed by the various systems, generally called totalitarian, which had appeared earlier in the century, and the main outlines of the world which would emerge from the prevailing chaos had long been obvious | |
17 | 但在时机到了的时候,他那筋骨暴露的扁额,阴气扑人的眼睛,骇人的下巴,粗大的手,怪模怪样的短棍,都突然从黑影里象伏兵那样全部出现了。 | But when the occasion presented itself, there was suddenly seen to emerge from all this shadow, as from an ambuscade, a narrow and angular forehead, a baleful glance, a threatening chin, enormous hands, and a monstrous cudgel | |
18 | 当这些蜗牛渐渐长大后,它们游向水面,享受着绿藻大餐。 | And when they eventually emerge and become adult snails, they swim to the surface of the water and graze there on the carpet of algae | |
19 | 第二十三条 著作权自作品完成创作之日起产生,并受著作权法的保护。 | Article 23. Copyright protected under this Law shall emerge on the date when a work is created. | |
20 | 对日新月异的高科技发展,亚裔人士无疑将继续成为科技界的重要一群,并做出贡献。 | Among scientists and technologists worldwide, said Prof Yang, those of Asian origin would undoubtedly emerge as a vital contingent with their distinctive contributions to the rapid advancements in high technologies | |
21 | 对于大多数直接从机织、针织或其它加工方法生产出来的织物,顾客是不容易接受的。 | Consumers would not readily accept most cloths in the state in which they emerge from the weaving, knitting or other manufacturing processes. | |
22 | 孩子们从桌子下面爬了出来,满手满脸沾满了糖酱,使劲地亲起小娃娃来。 | The boys emerge from under the table, and, with hands and faces well plastered with molasses, began a vigorous kissing of the baby | |
23 | 海生哺乳动物必须不断地浮现出海面呼吸 | Sea mammals must emerge periodically to breathe. | |
24 | 会不会产生新的资产阶级 | Is it possible that a new bourgeoisie will emerge ? | |
25 | 寄生虫生存需经下列过程:繁殖;从宿主中逸出;到达一个新的宿主;感染该新宿主。 | In order to survive a parasite must be able to do the following: multiply;emerge from the host;reach a new host; infect the new host. | |
26 | 简如梦初醒。 | Jane seemed to emerge from her reverie. | |
27 | 鉴于不可能永远压制人类的要求,某些领导人很有可能出面探求真正和平共处的条件。 | Some leaders, driven by the impossibility of suppressing human aspiration forever, may well emerge eventually to explore the requirements of genuine coexistence | |
28 | 将来她定会变得非常职业化,会为公司也为自己带来荣誉。 | She will emerge as a thorough professional and will bring laurels to your institution and to herself. | |
29 | 将鳍露出水面 | To emerge with the fins above water. | |
30 | 她看见夏洛蒂和比琳达从草坪对过的灌木丛走出来。 | She saw Charlotte and Belinda emerge from the shrubbery across the lawn |