1 | 未来的各种需求已经出现,而我们已经做好应对这些需求的准备。 | As future demands emerge , we stand ready to meet them. | |
2 | 我们必须保持清醒的头脑,这样就不会犯大错误,出现问题也容易纠正和改正。 | If we keep clear heads, we shall not commit gross errors, and when problems emerge , they can be easily put right. | |
3 | 我们可以作为一个规模较小但较为健康的公司而东山再起。 | We could supposedly emerge as a smaller but healthier company | |
4 | 物理学开始从或多或少不太定型的一堆科学知识变成一门范围明确的学科。 | Physics began to emerge from the more-or-less amorphous body of scientific knowledge as an identifiable discipline | |
5 | 西哈努克就有可能作为两个对立势力之间的联结人和平衡者发挥重要的,也许是决定性的作用。 | Sihanouk might emerge in an important, perhaps decisive, role as a link between contending forces and as their balancer | |
6 | 显然,这一定义的基础是自身利益和行为科学的一些观念,这些观念源自对营销构成巨大影响的几个基本原则。 | This definition is based explicitly on the self-interest and behaviorist notions that emerge from several of the basic disciplines that have had a great impact on marketing | |
7 | 现代奥运之百年庆典将为亚特兰大提供一个独一无二的机会--使它作为一个二十一世纪国际大城市而屹立于世。 | The centennial celebration of the modern Olympic Games offers Atlanta a singular opportunity to emerge as a major 21st-century global city | |
8 | 现在,随着电信技术的飞速发展,许许多多电信新业务便应运而生,传统业务也不断得到改进,通信因而更加方便快速了。 | With the rapid development of telecom technology, many new types of ser- vices do emerge , while traditional services are being improved. This makes communications much faster and easier. | |
9 | 相反,汇率升值有可能在外部盈余出现之前导致通货紧缩。 | Appreciation is likely, instead, to generate deflation before the external surpluses re-emerge . | |
10 | 形成全民学习、终身学习的学习型社会,促进人的全面发展。 | A learning society in which all the people will learn or even pursue life-long education will emerge to boost their all-round development. | |
11 | 许多密切注意美国商业界动向的观察家认为,人们现在所看到的只是冰山一角,更多的害群之马将会被揭发,并对全球经济造成影响。 | Many knowledgeable observers of the US business scene believe that what has happened there is merely scratching the surface and that more corporate black sheep will soon emerge , with ramifications of global dimensions. | |
12 | 许多密切注意美国商业界动向的观察认为,人们现在所看到的只是冰山一角,更多的害群之马将会被揭发,并对全球经济造成影响。 | Many knowledgeable observers of the US business scene believe that what has happened there is merely scratching the surface and that more corporate black sheep will soon emerge , with ramifications of global dimensions | |
13 | 亚里士多德同意品德好的人并不是生来如此,他们是被事例、故事和可资借鉴的模范人物所教化的。 | Aristotle agrees that virtuous people do not simply emerge as such. They are taught by examples, by stories, and by exemplary models. | |
14 | 一般说来,没有办法预测下一个重要的新动物源病原体将在什么时候或者什么地点浮现,其最终重要性又将如何。 | In general," there is no way to predict when or where the next important new zoonotic pathogen will emerge or what its ultimate importance might be. | |
15 | 一般用连续的力线,或称磁通量,来表示磁场。磁力线从磁体的北极出发而进入南极。 | Magnetic fields are commonly represented by continuous lines of force, or magnetic flux, that emerge from north-seeking magnetic poles and enter south-seeking poles. | |
16 | 一个比美国强大的超级强国迟早会出现,取代美国成为新霸主。 | Sooner or later, a stronger superpower will emerge to replace the Americans as the new world leader. | |
17 | 一种病原体可能作为一个地理范围狭窄的令人好奇的现象、间歇的疾病爆发或者一个新的流行病的形式出现。 | A pathogen might emerge as the cause of a geographically limited curiosity, intermittent disease outbreaks, or a new epidemic. | |
18 | 意志坚强的乐观主义者用〞世上无难事〞人生观来思考问题,越是遭受悲剧打击,越是表现得坚强。(古罗马哲学家西尼加) | Tough--minded optimists approach problems with a can-do philosophy and emerge stronger from tragedies. (Lucius annaeus Seneca, ancient Roman Philosopher) | |
19 | 因为尖劈耦合器形成的光束是由许多出射角稍有不同的光线组成的,放出射光束的特点是具有较大的发散度。 | Because the beam formed by a tapered coupler is produced by many rays that emerge at slightly different angles, the outgoing beam is characterized by a relatively large divergence | |
20 | 因为没有办法预测下一个重要的动物源病原体将在什么时候或地点出现以及其重要性多大,所以一旦觉察到一种新的人畜共患病浮现的最初迹象时,马上开展研究是特别的重要。 | Because there is no way to predict when or where the next important new zoonotic pathogen will emerge or what its ultimate importance might be, investigation at the first sign of emergence of a new zoonotic disease is particularly important. | |
21 | 由于经营的压力,问题不断出现,要求公司在很短的时间内解决。 | Given the pressures of a workplace, dilemmas continually emerge that companies must resolve in a short time. | |
22 | 有史可查的我国最早的钢琴曲创作,是赵元任作于1913年一1919年间的4首钢琴小品。 | The origin of this type of music can be traced back to four short compositions for the piano which were created by Zhao Yuanren in the period 1913-1919, which were the first piano compositions to emerge in China. | |
23 | 原有的反革命分子肃清了,还可能出现一些新的反革命分子。 | Even after all the existing counter-revolutionaries have been combed out, new ones are likely to emerge | |
24 | 在醋酯纤维素的射流束出现时,会遇到一股热流,丙酮被蒸发,剩下的则是细丝状的醋酯纤维纱。 | As the jets of cellulose acetate solution emerge they meet a stream of warm air which evaporates the acetone, leaving the solid cellulose acetate in the form of fine filaments. | |
25 | 在第四或第五天,距根端大约4或5厘米处发出次生根。 | Secondary roots emerge on the 4th or 5th day about 4 or 5 cm from the root apex | |
26 | 在发现这一有趣的现象之后,许多想法都有可能出现。 | Many ideas are likely to emerge after such an interesting finding. | |
27 | 在联盟军队向前推进之时,伊拉克文职领导人将逐步脱颖而出,成为这一临时行政机构的成员。 | As coalition forces advance, civilian Iraqi leaders will emerge who can be part of such an Interim Authority. | |
28 | 在纽约和依利诺尔斯,它们l至少从7月到11月羽化。在实验室,两性的羽化高峰都发生在第一次羽化后的20天。 | In New York and Illinois, they emerge at least from July to November. In the laboratory, peak emergence occurred 20 days after first emergence, for both sexes. | |
29 | 在熔融体一出现时,便被一股冷空气冷却而固化,多根长丝捻合在一起便形成纱线。 | As the jets of molten material emerge , they are cooled and solidified by contact with a stream of cold air, forming solid filaments. Many of these filaments are twisted together to form a yarn. | |
30 | 在三月的风中,有无穷的词语在她的心中迅疾经过:"你得要投胎重生!我相信肉体之复活!假如一粒小麦落在地下面不死,它是要发牙的……当报春花生长晨,我也要露出头来看太阳!" | `Ye must be born again! I believe in the resurrection of the body! Except a grain of wheat fall into the earth and die, it shall by no means bring forth. When the crocus cometh forth I too will emerge and see the sun!’ In the wind of March endless phrases swept through her consciousness. |