1 | ?这座充满活力、蓄势腾飞的城市正以博大的胸襟和开阔的眼界欢迎四方佳朋。海纳百川,方能成其大。 | This emerging city is ready to take off and is expecting to meet friends from all over the world. Why the sea is so vast? Because it has accommodated so many rivers. | |
2 | 1992年为因应特贩市场的兴起,特别将新兴的便利商店、生鲜超市及量贩店等特贩市场由特贩部负责,经过这几年的经营业绩也呈现逐年成长。 | In 1992, due to the rise in importance of key accounts, it re-assigned the emerging convenience stores, fresh marts and hypermarkets under the supervision of the key account division. Since then sales have been increasing gradually. | |
3 | GIA访问了14个新兴市场经济国的779名私人部门领导者,在非OECD国家的所有进口中,这14个国家所占比重超过60%。 | GIA conducted thorough interviews with 779 private-sector leaders in 14 emerging market economies, which accounted for over 60% of all imports into non-OECD countries. | |
4 | 艾滋病(AIDS)在80年代初才看作是一种新出现的疾病,但已迅速在全世界扎根,并且很可能傲然坚持到21世纪以至更为久远。 | Recognized as an emerging disease only in the early 1980s,AIDS has rapidly established itself throughout the world,and is likely to endure and persist well into the 21st century and probably beyond. | |
5 | 按照我的观点,满足公众期望的办法惟有将初生的全球性公共卫生的新浮现传染病网络,针对家畜疾病、作物疾病和生物学恐怖主义所造成威胁等网络,加以综合。 | In my view, public expectations can only be met by the integration of the nascent global public health emerging infectious disease network, with networks focused on threats posed by livestock animal diseases, crop plant diseases, and bioterrorism. | |
6 | 薄层氧化物生长工艺仍在产生一系列可供采用的技术。 | The technology for thin oxide growth is still emerging with a variety of techniques being used | |
7 | 不久,冉冉升起的太阳,从金紫色的云层中绽现,明丽的光华,洒在康穆尼波的锡制风标上。 | Soon the rising sun, emerging from amidst golden and purple clouds, shed his blithesome rays on the tin weathercocks of Communipaw | |
8 | 陈:有人认为,技术发展的速度已经超过军事理论的发展。 | CHEN: Can the information technology driving America’s emerging military capabilities change classic deterrence theory? | |
9 | 成年后,我对世界的认识将是其他家境优越的姑娘所不具备的。 | Emerging full grown, I get a perspective on the world, that other people who have been brought up in the thick of things entirely lack | |
10 | 出现,浮现出现的行为;浮现 | The act of emerging ;emergence. | |
11 | 纯中药药枕,推陈出新,疗效特好。 | Emerging out of the old, the drug pillow stuffed with pure traditional Chinese herbs has a specially good curative effect. | |
12 | 此时宝玉独站在院外屏声静候,待他们出来,便忙忙的走了. | All this time Baoyu had been waiting with bated breath in the courtyard. He hurried away as soon as he saw them emerging from the house. | |
13 | 从原子世界的研究中出现的观念和事实不断改变我们关于宏观世界的图象。 | Ideas and facts emerging from studies of the subatomic world change our picture of the macrocosms | |
14 | 大公司对小型新兴增长公司进行风险资本投资,除了有机会获得丰厚的报酬外,还可以获得其他多种好处 | Venture capital investments by a large corporation in a smaller, emerging growth company can provide various benefits beyond the opportunity for superior investment returns | |
15 | 迨政府大陆政策允许,开始往大陆发展,并在亚太地区几个新兴市场,如印尼、泰国、越南、菲律宾等展开投资计画。 | And therefore aggressively expanded businesses into China after being permitted to invest there by our government. Also, we have started to invest in other emerging markets in the Asian Pacific region, such as Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. | |
16 | 但是我们看到了希望,适应伦理文化的新一代正在出现。 | There is hope that a new generation is emerging that will opt for an ethical culture. | |
17 | 但是行业专家认为,汽车文化的逐渐形成更多地是受年轻人追求新式生活方式的驱使,而不是源于人们方便自己上下班交通的考虑。 | However, industry experts say that young people’ s desire for a lifestyle change, rather than the need to get to work more easily, is shaping China’ s emerging automobile culture. | |
18 | 当前,计算机、企业和政府之间是密不分的:任何一处出现问题都可能导致全球性的后果,在2000年来临时也许会出现许许多多的问题。 | Computers, businesses, and governments are highly interconnected today: A problem anywhere has the potential for global consequences, and there may be many, many problems emerging as 2000 arrives | |
19 | 当然,不是所有这些要素适用于每一次浮现的人畜共患病疫情一必须作出决定和安排优先次序。 | Of course, not all of these elements are appropriate in every emerging zoonotic disease episode-decisions must be made and priorities must be set. | |
20 | 当他回到台州时却惊奇的发现,他的家乡竟冒出了一个个家庭小作坊、小商品加工厂,很多人不出家门就可以挣到比他外出补鞋多得多的钱。 | When he returned to home, however, he was surprised to find many family operations and workshops emerging nearby. Many of his folks staying at home can earn far more money than him. | |
21 | 到1770年,北美的殖民地从经济和政治上参加新兴的自治运动的条件已经成熟。 | By 1770 the North American colonies were economically and politically ready to become part of the emerging self-government movement | |
22 | 到1914年,美国工业的垄断时代已经结束,一种新的经济结构正在出现。 | By 1914 the era of monopoly in American industry had passed, and a new economic structure was emerging . | |
23 | 地球村时代的来临,不仅改变了人与人之间的互动模式,更加速资讯传递的速度与时代经济的脉动。 | The emerging global village will not only alter the interaction among people, but also accelerate the speed of information sharing and the economic movement. | |
24 | 第三、可能正在形成的一项国际准则允许国家使用武力防止种族灭绝或其他人道主义灾难的发生。 | Third, an international norm may be emerging that would permit nations to use military force to prevent genocide or other humanitarian catastrophes. | |
25 | 电力电子技术的新的应用涌现于电力牵引和工业以及发电、输电和配电领域中。 | New applications of power electronics are emerging in the worlds of traction and industry and those of generation, transmission and distribution. | |
26 | 对新兴公司而言,与大公司合伙人联合,不仅可以提高客户的信任程度,还可以享用大公司合伙人的营销和销售网络或行政服务之便利的机会 | For the emerging company, the association with a corporate partner may not only enhance its credibility with customers, also create opportunities to leverage off the corporate partner’s marketing and distribution network | |
27 | 对于我们来说,著作权保护期延长事件是一个号角,它促使我们适当地判断是否遵循一个新兴的统一标准. | It is a call to find our moorings so that we may appropriately judge whether to follow an emerging uniform standard. | |
28 | 而黑人刚刚崭露头角,对他们刚刚获得的种族觉悟所产生的后果仍然怀着胆怯的心理。 | The Negro, on the other hand, is just emerging , and is still a little afraid of the consequences of his newly acquired raceconsciousness | |
29 | 二是全球经济的出现和世界一体化的影响推动着民主的发展。 | And secondly, I think that the shape of the emerging global economy and the effect of globalization encourages democracy | |
30 | 富爸爸强调我应乘船在太平洋上航行而不是去欧洲,因为他认为"新兴国家"位于亚洲而不是欧洲。 | "Rich dad emphasized that I stay in the Pacific instead of taking ships to Europe because he knew that the ""emerging nations"" were in Asia, not Europe. " |