1 | 飞机也会排放出一氧化氮和甲烷,但这两种气体的排放量非常小。 | Aircraft also emit nitrous oxide and methane: the emissions of these last two gases are, however, extremely small | |
2 | 该技术现已作为我们所开发的所有机油产品中的一项重要元素润滑油。 | Shell and Mercedes-Benz have also worked together to develop heavy duty diesel engine oils that increase fuel economy and reduce exhaust emissions . | |
3 | 固定辐射源-颗粒的质量浓度的自动监控-功能特性、试验方法和规范 | stationary source emissions -automated monitoring of mass concentrations of particles-performance characteristics,test methods and specifications | |
4 | 固定排放源-在管道中气流的速度和容积流率的测量 | stationary source emissions -measurement of velocity and volume flowrate of gas streams in ducts | |
5 | 固定污染源的排放-二氧化硫浓缩量测定-性能特性自动测量方法 | stationary source emissions -determination of the mass concentration of sulfur dioxide(performance characteristics of automated measuring mathods) | |
6 | 固定污染源的排放-气载尘埃颗粒流量和浓度的测定-人工重力法 | stationary source emissions -determination of concentration and mass flow rate of particulate material in gas-carrying ducts-manual gravimetric method | |
7 | 固定污染源的排放-用纤维计数测量法测定石棉厂的辐射量 | stationary source emissions -determination of asbestos plant emissions (method by fibre count measurement) | |
8 | 固定源辐射-氮氧化合物质量浓度的测定-萘二胺光度测定法 | stationary source emissions -determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides (naphthylethylenediamine photometric method) | |
9 | 固定源辐射-氮氧化物质量浓缩的测定-自动测量系统的性能特性 | stationary source emissions -determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen oxides-performance characteristics of automated measuring systems | |
10 | 固定源排放物-二氧化硫质量浓厚的测定-离子色谱法 | stationary source emissions -determination of the mass concentration ofsulfur dioxide (ion chromatography method) | |
11 | 关于控制氧化氮的排放或其越界流动的议定书 | Protocol on the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their transboundary Fluxes | |
12 | 合作促进可持续发展和共同执行措施以减少温室气体排放的意向声明 | Statement of Intent for Sustainable Development Cooperation and Joint Implementation of Measures to Reduce Emissions of Greenhouse Gases | |
13 | 减少排放矿物燃料燃烧产生的诸如二氧化碳等温室气体。 | Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, which are produced by burning fossil fuels. | |
14 | 将有大约50多名国际和国内能源专家以及相关的政府部门出席,以研讨并帮助上海市制订未来至2030年公共交通领域实现节能和降低排放的可持续交通规划。 | bringing together 50 Chinese and international energy experts and policy makers to help develop a sustainable roadmap for Shanghai′s public transport to 2030, reducing emissions and saving energy. | |
15 | 降低挥发性有机溶剂(VOCS)、氮氧化合.物(NOx)和二氧化硫(sch)在大气中的扩散,已经取得了部分改善。 | Reductions in the emissions of volatile organic solvents(VOCs),NOx and SO2 are some of the improvements that have been made. | |
16 | 结果对汽车柴油发动机排放的微粒污染物也要进行控制。 | As a result, particulate emissions from automotive diesel engine may be controlled also | |
17 | 尽管环境保护局一直没有提出新的氯乙烯排放标准,但环境保护局于1989年确实公布了有关工业苯排放的一些最后推荐规章。 | Although EPA has not proposed new vinyl chloride emission standards, it did publish in 1989 some final and proposed regulations governing industrial benzene emissions | |
18 | 就是在这种强权游说下,1997年美国政府退出了本该在全球限制二氧化碳排放量上取得历史性进展的《京都议定书》。 | The withdrawal of the United States from the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, which would have been a historical achievement in limiting carbon dioxide emissions across the globe, resulted from such powerful lobbying. | |
19 | 据上周一发布的一项科学研究称,如果二氧化碳排放量不能大幅度下降的话,那么,北极冰盖将在本世纪末的夏季完全消失。 | According to a scientific study last Monday, Arctic ice will completely disappear in the summers by the end of this century unless carbon dioxide emissions are greatly reduced. | |
20 | 壳牌GTL燃料的公路试车已在德国、日本、中国和美国加利福尼亚成功举行,证实了这种燃料无论在重型和轻型汽车上都能降低尾气排放,并改进性能。 | Shell GTL Fuel has been successfully trialed in Germany, Japan, China and California demonstrating reduced emissions and improved performance in heavy duty and light duty vehicles. | |
21 | 壳牌天然气及发电业务全球天然气制油产品开发部副总裁杰克·贾科迈迪说:“此外,GTL燃料使汽车生产商可以开发先进的发动机,进一步降低尾气排放,改进性能。” | Jack Jacometti, VP Global GTL Development, Shell Gas & Power, said: “Furthermore, GTL Fuel enables car manufacturers to develop advanced engine designs that can deliver further emissions reduction and improvements in performance.” | |
22 | 联合国气候变化框架公约减少温室气体排放议定 | Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change on Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction | |
23 | 联合国于一九九七年通过的京都议定书,要求工业国家在二00八至二0一二年之前,将温室效应气体排放量减至一九九0年的标准以下。 | The United Nations passed the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, which requires industrialized countries to cut emissions of greenhouse gases to below 1990 levels by 2008-2012 | |
24 | 两辆奥迪TDI轿车使用了清洁、无色的合成天然气GTL燃料,以展示和验证新燃料在降低排放和提高驾驶性能方面的卓越表现。 | The clean, colourless, synthetic gas-derived fuel is being used in two Audi TDI cars to demonstrate lower emissions and verify driving performance. | |
25 | 楼房进风口,请熄掉引擎。 | Building air intake ,no vehicle emissions ,turn off motor | |
26 | 煤一进入高炉,炼焦气就会立即产生,必须将其从高炉中导出,以防它们从加料孔散发出去,这可用一个蒸汽排出器将其导入煤气的收集干线来实现。 | Immediately coal enters the oven, gases are evolved and need to be extracted from the oven to prevent emissions from the charging hole. This is achieved by extraction using a steam ejector into the gas collecting main. | |
27 | 每一次排发法规的更改,都会带动新一代发动机的开发,并同时将柴油机润滑油的性能提升到一个新的等级。 | Accordingly, for each change in emissions legislation, a new generation of engines is developed along with a new diesel oil performance level. | |
28 | 摩托车排气污染物的测量工况法 | Measurement method for exhaust emissions from motorcycle under running mode | |
29 | 目前,据估计飞机排放出的二氧化碳约占全球二氧化碳总量的2%。 | At present aircraft emissions are estimated to account for about 2% of the total world CO2 emissions | |
30 | 能够在长换油期内保持活塞的高清洁性,确保最优化的发动机效率和排放性能 | Delivers superior piston cleanliness over extended oil drain intervals, guaranteeing optimum engine efficiency and emissions performance |