1 | “古有三圣,越兼其二”,传说中的舜皇和大禹在绍兴留下了许多足迹。 | There were three saints in ancient China and two of them, the legendary emperors of Shun and Yu the Great, were said to live in present-day Shaoxing. | |
2 | “天道”、“天命”、“王道”概念在近代日本的继承和转化-兼论中日帝王的神圣化 | The Continuity and Transformation of the Ideas of Tiandao, Tianming and Wangdao in Modern Japan, with an Argument on Deification of Emperors in China and Japan | |
3 | 北海也是一个御花园,相继被元明清三个王朝使用过 | Beihai is also an imperial garden used successively by emperors in Yuan, the Ming and the Qing Dynasties | |
4 | 北京是中国的政治、文化中心。在这里您可以游览万里长城申的-八达岭;明、清两代皇室居住的地方-故宫 | Beijing is China’s political and cultural center that offers many tourist attractions such as Badaling, one of the segment of the spectacular Great Wall, the Imperial Palace, residence of the Ming and the Qing emperors . | |
5 | 谶纬中的帝王世系及受命 | Pedigree and Assignment of Emperors in Chen-Wei | |
6 | 此后,瀛台成为清朝皇帝,后妃的避暑之地。康熙、乾隆皇帝还多次在此听政和赐宴。 | After that, Ying’Tai was often used as the summer abode of Qing emperors and empresses and more than once Emperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong had held court or given banquets here | |
7 | 从“家天下论”看中国皇帝天经地义的征赋役权-兼与西方赋税理论的比较 | Chinese Emperors ’ "Justified" Right of Levying Taxes and Corvee-A Comparison with the Western Theory of Taxation | |
8 | 从11世纪中期起,神圣罗马帝国皇帝们开始与教宗为了统治权问题而展开一场大争夺战,尤其是在势力强大的霍亨斯陶芬王朝时期(1138~1254),他们与教宗争夺意大利的控制权。 | From the mid-11th century the emperors engaged in a great struggle with the papacy for dominance, and, particularly under the powerful Hohenstaufen dynasty (1138-1254), they fought with the popes over control of Italy. | |
9 | 从五帝传说看中原和古蜀地区文明化进程中的碰撞与交流 | Collision and Communication between Zhongyuan and Shu Area in Civilization Progress Viewed from the Legends of Five Emperors | |
10 | 当皇帝的权力足够强大时,他们宣告脱离教皇的统治。 | When emperors were strong enough, they asserted their independence of the papacy | |
11 | 当最后一位蒙古皇帝逃到蒙古后,朱元璋于1368年建立明朝,乃开国皇帝,年号洪武。 | The last of the mongol emperors fled to Mongolia, and in 1368 Chu proclaimed himself as Emperor Hong Wu, first of the Ming Dynasty | |
12 | 洞玄灵宝河图仰谢三十六土黄斋仪 | Fasting Rituals of the River Chart of the Numinous Treasure of Pervasive Mystery, for Honouring the Thirty-Six Emperors of the Soil | |
13 | 对顺康雍干时期扶农政策的考察 | Study on Support Agriculture Policy in the Reign of the Emperors Shunzhi, Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong | |
14 | 二月河清帝系列女性形象的生存抗争及女性意识 | The Analysis of the Existence, Struggle and Femal Consciousness of Women’s Image in the Series of Emperors in the Qing Dynasty by Er Yuehe | |
15 | 干嘉年间对西洋人往来书信的管理 | Administration of the Letters among Westerners during the Reigns of Emperors Qian Long and Jia Qing | |
16 | 宫:帝王的住所,有时也指政治或宗教中心。该词源于罗马的帕拉蒂尼山,也就是罗马君王修建住所的地方。 | Palace:Royal residence, and sometimes a seat of government or a religious centre. The word derives from Rome’s Palatine Hill, where the emperors built their residences. | |
17 | 故宫是中国古代皇帝的皇宫。 | The Palace Museum is the imperial palace of ancient Chinese emperors . | |
18 | 汉代皇帝宗庙祭祖制度考论 | A Research on the Emperors ’ Ancestral Temple Sacrifical Ritual Systems in the Han Dynasty | |
19 | 河间献王与景武之世的儒学 | Hejian Xianwang and Confucianism during the Period of Jing and Wu Emperors in the Han Dynasty | |
20 | 皇帝更换的速度之快有时令人费解,但是帝国以及帝国成为谁的上具的神圣计划是不可毁灭的。 | Emperors came and went--sometimes with bewildering rapidity--but the Empire, and the divine plan whose instrument it was, were indestructible | |
21 | 皇帝在其所继承的领土之外,与帝国议会分权治理。 | Outside their personal hereditary domains, emperors shared power with the imperial diet. | |
22 | 黄色本来是帝王之色。以前,皇帝穿的衣服叫“黄袍”,皇帝的文告叫“黄榜” | Yellow (黄)used to be the colour of emperors . The clothes of an emperor is called “yellow robe”; and a proclamation issued by him, “yellow roll”. | |
23 | 晋襄公、灵公灭国夺邑系年辑证―西周末年至春秋时期晋灭国夺邑系年辑证之五 | A Chronological Study on Jin Emperors ’ Aggression from Late Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period | |
24 | 据历史学家的考证,尧舜时代以鹤为图腾的丹朱氏族,他们在祭礼中要踩着高跷拟鹤跳舞。(见孙作云《说丹朱》) | Historians have proved that the Danzhu clan in the times of Yao and Shun emperors , who took the crane as their totem, walked on stilts in their sacrificing and imitated dances of the crane (See On Danzhu by Sun Zuoyun). | |
25 | 据说一位皇帝十分赞赏一位能工巧匠做的一个精致的蝈蝈笼。 | It is said one of the emperors admired a particularly intricate grasshopper cage, one of his craftsman had constructed | |
26 | 据中国官方媒体报道,在富裕的南方省份广东,一棵曾经出产贡品的荔枝树所结的一颗荔枝在一次周末拍卖中以创纪录的555,000元(67,053美元)售出。 | A single lychee from a tree that once produced fruit for Chinese emperors sold for a record 555,000 Yuan (, 053)at a weekend auction in China’s affluent southern province of Guangdong, state media said | |
27 | 距离北京不远的河北省承德市,原是清代皇帝避暑的离宫 | Hebei’s Chengde City, which is not far from Beijing, was the summer retreat of the Qing emperors | |
28 | 孔庙建于公元前478年(比长城早200年),并经历代君主倡导扩建,最终使孔庙成为中国最大,建筑最丰富的皇家园林之一。 | The temple was built in 478 B. C. (200 years earlier than the Great Wail), expanded under the auspices of emperors from every subsequent dynasty, and eventually became one of the largest and most richly furnished imperial complexes in China. | |
29 | 论干嘉学风对近代史家的影响 | Influence of Academic Atmosphere in the Reigns of Emperors Qianlong and Jiaqing on Modern Historians | |
30 | 论明代言官维护皇权的政治功能-以嘉靖、隆庆、万历朝为中心 | On the Politics Function That Supervisors Maintain the Power of Emperors in the Ming Dynasy-Center on Jiajing, Longqing and Wanli Reign |