属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-帝国野心 马克扎克伯格的下一个计统治地位(下)
1 | 无论是公爵、大公还是皇帝,哈布斯堡家族从1218年至1918年统治着奥地利。他们还控制了匈牙利和波希米亚(1526~1918),统治西班牙和西班牙帝国近两世纪。 | As dukes, archdukes, and emperors , the Habsburgs ruled Austria from 1282 until 1918. They also controlled Hungary and Bohemia (1526-1918)and ruled Spain and the Spanish empire for almost two centuries . | |
2 | 五帝时代的城址与中原早期文明 | Cities in the Five Emperors Era and the Early Civilization in the Central Plains | |
3 | 五帝时代的酋邦轮回与中国早期国家形成 | Branch Nation Cycling During the Period of Five Emperors and Chinese Country Formation in Earlytime | |
4 | 五行相胜框架下的四个帝德谱 | Four Pedigrees of Emperors or Dynasties under the Five Elements Conquering One Another | |
5 | 武戏着重刻画英雄人物,角色多为忠心耿耿的武将,名声显赫的帝王和足智多谋的文臣,所有这些角色在剧中与叛臣逆贼作斗争。 | Military plays are heroic in nature, full of loyal generals, glorious emperors , and wise government officials, all of whom struggle against traitorous opposing forces. | |
6 | 西周昭穆恭懿孝夷时代的内政措施与对外关系 | The Intefior Administration and Foreign Relation of Western Chou Dynasty during the Period of Chao, Mu, Kung, Yih, Hsiao and I Emperors | |
7 | 一些罗马皇帝被奉为神. | Some of the Roman emperors were deified. | |
8 | 有些罗马皇帝试著使基督教徒宣誓放弃他们的宗教。 | Some of the Roman Emperors tried to make Christians abjure their religion. | |
9 | 与唐朝科举、录仕都把书法作为考核科目有关,与皇帝的倡导也很有关系。 | In addition, calligraphy was set as a subject for imperial examination during the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang emperors actively promoted the art’s development. | |
10 | 再后面是中和殿,是皇帝举行朝会和庆典之地;最后是保和殿,是接受皇家考试以获官职的地方。 | Behind it is the Hall of complete Harmony, where emperors rehearsed rites and ceremonies. Farther back sits the hall of Preserving Harmony, where candidates for imperial office and mandarin status took the imperial examination. | |
11 | 在第四次十字军东征时,威尼斯人占领了君士坦丁堡,并拥立另一支的拉丁皇帝。 | In the Fourth Crusade the Venetians took over Constantinople and established a line of Latin emperors . | |
12 | 在宫里,雅乐仍然在演奏,人们在筵席上为皇帝演奏音乐(包括周边国家的音乐曲目),深受人民大众欢迎的戏曲也出现在宫中大戏台上。 | In there, the Confucian music was still preserved, the feast music including music of the surrounding nations was presented to Emperors , and the opera, which was enjoyed by the people, was also given on the stage of the big theater in the court. | |
13 | 在古代,生活在北方的皇帝常通过这条河去美丽的江南游览。 | In ancient times, emperors went to south on pleasure trips through this canal. | |
14 | 在满洲人的统治下,清朝的统治范围超过了它之前的任何一个朝代,反清势力的最后一个前沿,台湾,也第一次被纳入中国领土的版图。另外,清朝皇帝也接受来自周边各国的供奉。 | Under Manchu rule the empire grew to include a larger area than before or since; Taiwan, the last outpost of anti-Manchu resistance, was also incorporated into China for the first time. In addition, Qing emperors received tribute from the various border states. | |
15 | 在庭院中亭里,有许多石碑,记载着历代对黄帝的祭祀典礼。庙中还有许多由历代皇帝、名人所作的祭词。 | In a pavilion in the courtyard are stone tablets recording sacrifices offered to him through the centuries. The temple also houses a number of eulogies delivered by emperors and other famous persons. | |
16 | 在宗教改革运动时期,德意志诸侯大部分叛教加入新教阵营,反对信奉天主教的皇帝,1562年以后皇帝不再受教宗加冕。 | During the Reformation, the German princes largely defected to the Protestant camp, opposing the Catholic emperor, and, after 1562, emperors were no longer crowned by the pope. | |
17 | 这里先后住过24个皇帝。 | They housed the courts of a succession of 24 emperors . | |
18 | 这样,他用最小的武力把大理划归到了蒙古帝国,从此大理一直坚定不移地忠实于蒙古皇帝。 | Tali was thus incorporated in the Mongol empire with a minimum of violence, and thereafter remained steadfastly loyal to the Mongol emperors | |
19 | 中国古代帝王类群心态的文学折射 | The Ancient Chinese Emperors ’ Mentality Reflected in Literature | |
20 | 中国古史的传说时代距今5千年至3千4百年之间,含五帝时代、夏代和商代前半期。 | The legendary history is placed between the 30th century and the 14th century B.C. It covers the age of the Five Emperors , the Xia Dynasty and the first half of the Shang Dynasty. | |
21 | 中国历史上有两个酷爱书法的皇帝 | Two emperors in Chinese history loved calligraphy | |
22 | 中国影视文化中帝王题材剧盛行现状之我见 | Some Thoughts Concerning the Influence on China’s Cultural Development Caused by Various TV Series Based on Anceient Emperors | |
23 | 壮观的草原风光,常吸引清帝与蒙古王公在此野宴,观看摔跤、骑射等游牧民族喜爱的活动。 | Because of the magnificent pastoral view, the emperors often entertained mongolian princes to barbeque dinners here, along with games of wrestling, horse-racing and archery which the nomadic people liked | |
24 | 紫禁城从公元1421~1911年间作为皇廷的所在地。庶民和外国人若无特别许可,不得进入其中。 | It served the emperors of China from 1421 to 1911. No commoner or foreigner was allowed to enter it without special permission. | |
25 | 自奥古斯都开始,历代罗马帝王都在罗马兴建图书馆。 | Beginning with augustus, the Roman emperors took over the task of building libraries in Rome | |
26 | 最后谈谈北京的十三陵,十三陵是北京的主要一处历史遗址,葬明朝(1368年至1644年)的13位皇帝。 | Finally the Ming Tombs in Beijing are a major historical site there, which are the final resting places for emperors of the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644). | |
27 | ||1:但是恐惧和魅力只有伴随着能力才能发挥作用。||2:曾经害怕约翰逊和卡明斯的后排议员现在更担心自己选民的愤怒。||3:有人说是没有衣服的皇帝和幕后的巫师。||4:约翰逊早年降职的部长们现在可能有机会复仇了。 | ||1:But fear and charisma only work so long as they are accompanied by competence.||2:The backbenchers who once feared Mr Johnson and Mr Cummings are now more worried about the fury of their own constituents.||3:There is talk of emperors without clothes and wizards behind the curtain.||4:The ministers Mr Johnson demotdemoted in his early months may now have a chance for revenge. | |
28 | ||1:约翰逊先生的权威,就像是他在大学里学习的罗马皇帝一样,建立在恐惧和魅力之上。||2:他一再表现出残暴行为,令他的同僚们感到恐惧。他接任首相后驱逐了半数内阁成员,清除了21名投票反对该党派的议员,并派遣了赛义德·贾维德任财政大臣。||3:他还利用自己相当大的政治魅力帮助赢得了12月冒险的大选。||4:约翰逊的主要顾问多米尼克·卡明斯是这个充满恐惧和魅力的政权的核心人物,他挑起了各种各样的争斗,但也赢得了竞选天才的声誉。 | ||1:Mr Johnson’s authority, like that of the Roman emperors he studied at university, rested on fear and charisma.||2:He struck fear into his colleagues by repeated shows of brutality, expelling half the Cabinet when he took over as prime minister, purging 21 MPS who voted against the party and dispatching his chancellor, Sajid Javid.||3:He also used his considerable political charisma to help win an audacious general election in December.||4:Dominic Cummings, Mr Johnson’s key adviser, was central to this regime of fear and charisma, picking fights with all and sundry but also earning a reputation as a campaigning genius. | |
29 | ||1:这两个城市在中国众多火锅风格各异的城市中榜上有名。||2:这些菜肴背后的故事揭示了不同地区是如何自我评价的。||3:据说,重庆火锅彰显了无产阶级的创造力。||4:其他地方把火锅描述为皇帝的精致食物。||5:一些人说重庆火锅起源于军事:战士们在行军时在头盔里涮着可吃的食物。||6:火锅的配料食材也呈现出多元化。||7:为在冬天取暖,北京人用葱姜清汤涮肥美的羊肉。||8:云南的薄荷火锅则反映出云南与东南亚的联系。 | ||1:The two cities are among many in China with their own styles of hotpot.||2:The stories behind these dishes reveal how different regions like to see themselves.||3:Chongqing’s is said to highlight the ingenuity of the proletariat.||4:Other places describe their hotpots as the sophisticated food of emperors .||5:Some say theirs have military origins: warriors on the march boiling scraps in their helmets.||6:Hotpot contents are equally diverse.||7:To keep warm in winter, Beijingers boil fatty lamb in a berry broth.||8:Mint-suffused Yunnanese hotpot reflects the province’s links with South-East Asia. | |
30 | ||既能和数十亿人的生活更紧密地交织在一起,又可借此获得巨额利润并且避免强烈反对,如何在其间取得平衡将成为本世纪最大的商业挑战之一。即便是在古罗马,帝王们也会发现民众会突然转而反抗他们。所以为扎克伯格鼓掌,也为他担忧吧。|| | Striking a balance between becoming ever more intimately entwined in billions of peoples’ lives, making huge profits as a result and avoiding a backlash will be one of the biggest business challenges of the century.|| Even in ancient Rome, emperors could find that the crowd suddenly turned against them. So applaud Mr Zuckerberg—and fear for him, too.|| |