1 | 欧元区的债务危机突显出,即便是政府债务也存在信用风险。 | The eurozone debt crisis emphasised that even government debts carry credit risks. | |
2 | 庞德文强调,在许多新兴市场,投资者在很大程度上受政府的左右。 | Mr Bonderman emphasised the extent to which any investor was at the mercy of governments in many emerging markets. | |
3 | 其结果是,在各种各样的通胀补救措施中,中国一直强调的不是信贷价格,而是信贷总量。 | The result is that, in its various remedies for inflation, China has emphasised the amount, rather than the price, of credit. | |
4 | 强调很高的道德标准与团队合作 | that emphasised high ethical standards and collegial behaviour. | |
5 | 然而,他们强调了奥巴马在外交上的雄心与承诺,即使到目前为止,他还未取得实质性的成绩。 | Instead they emphasised Mr Obama’s aspirations and his commitment to diplomacy, even if, so far, he has achieved little that is concrete. | |
6 | 然而官员们强调说,全球疫情的传播并不一定是指该疾病会致命。 | However, the officials emphasised that a pandemic did not necessarily mean the disease was particularly deadly. | |
7 | 首相府称卡梅伦在投票前联系过克莱格。卡梅伦强调:“这是联合政府的决定。我们就此达成了一致。” | Downing Street said Cameron had contacted Clegg . "This was a coalition position. This was an agreed position, " Cameron emphasised . | |
8 | 他还强调必须减少潜在危险及误导信息的传播。 | He also emphasised the need to minimise the spread of potentially dangerous or misleading information. | |
9 | 他还强调了应对环境变化采取措施的必要性。 | He has also emphasised the need to do something serious to tackle climate change. | |
10 | 他们强调当他上个夏天离开时,他“将一直会被欢迎回到切尔西作为一个朋友或者在其它的任何足球岗位”。 | They emphasised when he left last summer that he "will always be welcome back at Chelsea as a friend and in any other football capacity" . | |
11 | 他强调,在经济衰退中有1.31百万人被迫失业,相当于之前百分之4.4的就业人口。 | It emphasised that 1. 31m people had been made redundant during the downturn, equivalent to 4. 4pc of people in work before the recession. | |
12 | 他强调进一步发展本港银行人民币业务的关键,是在于内地推行金融改革与对外开放的步伐。 | He emphasised that further development in this area crucially depends on the pace of financial reform and liberalisation on the Mainland. | |
13 | 他强调指出,如果全球一体化被视为国内解体的源头,我们就不能保持全球一体化进程。 | He has emphasised that we cannot maintain global integration if it is seen as a source of domestic disintegration. | |
14 | 他在加纳议会发表演讲时强调指出,非洲人民必须把握住非洲今日的前途。 | Speaking to Ghana’s national assembly, he emphasised that the continent’s moment of promise is one that Africans must seize for themselves. | |
15 | 提高竞争力之路的基石,是注重高效率利用丰富劳动力的政策框架。 | The road to competitiveness was laid by a policy framework that emphasised the efficient use of abundant labour. | |
16 | 突显会谈友好气氛的是,中国代表团对奥斯本的财政紧缩计划表示高度赞赏。 | The amicable nature of the talks was emphasised when the Chinese delegation lavished praise on Mr Osborne’s fiscal austerity programme. | |
17 | 推动不信任案的几个反对党强调称,他们将继续寻求推翻菅直人。 | Opposition parties which had pushed for the no-confidence motion emphasised that they would continue to seek to topple Mr Kan. | |
18 | 为了说服这些不接受对合法化进行自由辩论的人,支持者们强调了其它两条原因。 | To persuade those who do not accept the libertarian argument for legalisation, supporters have emphasised two other lines of reasoning. | |
19 | 我经常强调大家需要好好管理结算风险,特别是在金融市场从事大额交易的人士,这一点更加重要。 | I have often emphasised the need, particularly for those engaging in large-volume trading in financial markets, to manage settlement risks. | |
20 | 相反,今年的达沃斯论坛倒是以某种方式显示出了这些理念的普适程度。 | In some ways, this year’s Davos emphasised how universal these ideas now are. | |
21 | 相反,他强调,他的计划基本上属于收入中性,暗示任何激励举措都将列在次要位置。 | On the contrary, he had emphasised that his plan was roughly revenue neutral, implying that any stimulus would be second order. | |
22 | 亚当-斯密(AdamSmith)或许不会对此感到意外,他曾强调,专业化作为国家财富源泉意义重大。 | This would probably not have surprised Adam Smith, who emphasised the importance of specialisation as a source of the wealth of nations. | |
23 | 央行淡化了通货紧缩的威胁,这种威胁在今年早些时候被强调过。 | The central bank played down the threat from deflation, a threat it had emphasised earlier this year. | |
24 | 一位分析师强调沙特的影响超过也门部落领导人。 | One Yemeni analyst emphasised the sway Saudi Arabia holds over Yemen’s tribal leaders. | |
25 | 一位美国海军发言人强调,美军其它舰船通过台湾海峡的情况“相当常见”。 | A navy spokesman emphasised that other navy ships travel through the strait "fairly regularly" . | |
26 | 一直以来,经济学家都提倡大棒与萝卜并用,但对于它们各自的效果却可能强调不够。 | Economists have always been advocates of using carrots and sticks. But they may not have emphasised appearances enough. | |
27 | 在30分钟的陈述中,他强调了该银行广泛的业务范围、强劲的资产负债表以及亚洲增长的机会。 | In a 30-minute presentation, he emphasised the bank’s broad spread of businesses, strong balance sheet and opportunities for growth in Asia. | |
28 | 在今年给投资者做的演示报告中,该集团强调,美国国际集团金融产品部门对承保CDO的风险评估十分彻底。 | In presentations to investors this year, it emphasised how thoroughly its AIG Financial Products arm assessed the risks of insuring CDOs. | |
29 | 在于美国探讨如何处理北朝鲜的问题时,中国强调任何关于政权更替的谈话都是禁忌。 | In discussions with America about how to handle North Korea, China has emphasised that talk of regime change is taboo. | |
30 | 在与赛义夫的顾问探讨具体安排时,我强调我会追问他一些尴尬问题,包括他父亲的长期执政。 | In discussions with his advisers, I emphasised I would have to press him on awkward questions, including his father’s longevity in office. |