1 | "生气的老板对其职员说""我有理由开除你""。" | I have reason to fire you, said the angry employer to his employee . | |
2 | *遭解雇处分之员工,不得向公司请求遣散费及加发预告期间工资。 | If an employee is discharged by the Company, he/she shall not be eligible to receive a severance pay and advance notice period pay from the Company. | |
3 | 1991年,东方海外首次向所有员工推出质量意识培训项目。质量问题已经从一个专业问题变成整个公司关注的话题,质量意识已融入了我们的日常工作,成为公司内每个部门和员工的目标。 | In 1991, OOCL first introduced quality awareness training for all employees. Quality has migrated from a specialist to a total involvement approach and has been integrated into the daily business and goals of every department and employee in the company. | |
4 | 2001至2002年度荣获就业管理先进单位及个人所得税代扣代缴先进单位。 | In 2000-2001, an operating security and safety assurance advanced unit; and in 2001-2002, an employee management and prepaid personal income tax advance unit. | |
5 | 包括:员工福利服务谘询、休闲育乐活动举办与谘询、生活辅导讲座举办、短期谘商辅导服务及法律事务谘询服务等。 | The services include counseling services on employee welfare, recreation, living and legal affairs. We truly believe that a peaceful family is the foundation of a productive business, and the source of a happy family life will extend onto each individual’s work and further advance the growth of the enterprises and individuals. | |
6 | 被解雇之员工在离职前应随时有人陪同,而陪同人员应尽量将对被解雇员工造成的窘迫与困扰减至最低程度。 | The discharged employee should be escorted at all times and treated in a manner that causes minimal embarrassment. | |
7 | 本公司在各个总厂区均成立了“员工服务中心”,来推动各项员工协助方案 | We established the employee service center in every main factory to promote the projects outlined in EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs). | |
8 | 不愿具名的该公司前员工表示:"由于世界杯吉祥商品的库存堆积如山,我们的公司已倒闭,我们无法支付五千万日圆(四十万美元)权利金予国际足球总会。" | The former company employee , who declined to be named, said: "Our company has gone bankrupt as piles of the World Cup mascot goods sit in our warehouse. We could not pay the license fee of 50 million yen (400,000 US dollars)to FIFA." | |
9 | 此一经营理念与企业文化得以贯彻,除了每一位同仁皆能脚踏实地、稳扎稳打,为公司创建永续成长的基础外 | Uni-President’s management principles are consistent with the business culture. In addition to every Uni-President’s employee working honestly and with dedication, proceeding step-by-step to build up the foundation of continuous growth. | |
10 | 大声叫卖者在巡回演出时,站在入口处以大声叫喊或各种各样降价推销招徕顾客的雇员 | An employee who stands before the entrance to a show,as at a carnival,and solicits customers with a loud,colorful sales spiel. | |
11 | 但是,该公司虽然拥有庞大的用户,但一直无法向用户收费。 | But RealNetworks, founded by former microsoft employee Rob Glaser, has had a tough time spinning cash from those users | |
12 | 德克萨斯某公司一位33岁的雇员决定快速减肥,她采用了一种一时风行的食谱:高纤维素,大量低蛋白质。 | When a 33-year-old employee at a Texas corporation decided to lose weight quickly, she went on a fad diet, high in fiber and bulk, but low in protein | |
13 | 对语言能力的横向研究;一雇员职位的横向调动 | a horizontal study of verbal ability;a horizontal transfer for an employee . | |
14 | 该公司的每个雇员8上时工作完后必须填写下班登记。 | Every employee in this firm must book off after eight hours’ work | |
15 | 该经理威胁他的雇员说要解雇他。 | The manager threatened his employee with dismissal | |
16 | 给员工分配合适的岗位,是发挥员工才能的前提 | It’s one of the preconditions to explore the employee ’s capability to assign each employee a proper post. | |
17 | 根据上述步骤发现有下列项目需要进行调整。 | The employee preparing the bank reconciliation has identified the following reconciling items. | |
18 | 公司理念描绘了公司在新世纪的理想,阐述了为实现这一理想所必需的公司管理层的努力和员工的实际行动。公司理念包括三个方面:公司宗旨,管理原则及公司口号 | The corporate philosophy defines the ideal image of Solarwind in the new century and outlines management efforts and employee actions necessary to realize this ideal. The philosophy consists of a mission statement, management principles, corporate slogans | |
19 | 公司认为解雇是非常严重的事情,需要仔细及全面性地审查所有事实,并适当考虑任何可减轻处分的可能性,其中包括员工为公司服务的年资。 | The company considers a discharge a very serious matter that requires careful and thorough review of all the facts with due consideration of all extenuating circumstances, including the employee ’s length of service. | |
20 | 公司兴亡,员工有责。 | Each employee ’s responsibility for contributing to the company’s success | |
21 | 公园的一位工作人员挥手让一辆出租车停下,这只狗的主人得以抱着它去了宠物诊所。 | A park employee flagged down a cab so the dog’s owner could take it to a veterinarian | |
22 | 雇佣人对被雇佣人之能力失去信心时得予以降职。 | An employer who has lost confidence in the ability of an employee may demote him | |
23 | 雇员表现的可测成绩;石油价格的可测增长速度 | mensurable results in employee performance;a mensurable increase in the cost of oil. | |
24 | 雇主风暴有限公司雇用雇员杰米执行下述任务,考虑及时,雇主将每月付给雇员美元三千元 | Brainstorming Company Limited, the employer, hereby employs Jim the employee , to perform duties as stipulated below, in consideration for which the employer shall pay the employee at the rate of US $ 3,000 per month | |
25 | 雇主与雇工之间的相互责任 | The relative duties of employer and employee | |
26 | 雇主指示雇员职务之性质。 | An employer instructs an employee as to the nature of his duties. | |
27 | 火车列车员管理火车的铁路职员 | A railway employee in charge of a train. | |
28 | 集团在人才教育中,不仅重视专业技术的培养,更重视培养干部的管理方法和工作态度。 | In our employee training programs, we not only respect the cultivation of professional skill but on top of that, we are more concerned about management know-how and manager’s working attitude. | |
29 | 纪律处分通知应在一定时间内(通常在48~72小时以内)让被处分员工阅读。 | The Disciplinary Action Notice should then be reviewed with the employee in a timely manner (generally within 48-72 hours) | |
30 | 加强教育训练和员工素质的提升,推进人才本土化进程;秉承“三好一公道”的经营理念,扩大统一品牌的知名度和美誉度。 | Strengthen employee training and skills, and promote local personnel. These are valuable approaches that help ensure we are having the right view and further strengthen our outreach efforts in going forward. |