属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-活动组织者 政治中的阿拉丁神灯
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国同性婚姻合法化 卡梅伦"爱不应被法律分开&
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-澳大利亚银行:利与损 (2)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-日本的巨额养老金 追逐风险
1 | 制定制订颁布(法律或规章) | To enact (a law or regulation. | |
2 | 中国保监会可以制定规范性文件,委托派出机构实施行政许可。派出机构根据中国保监会的委托,实施行政许可,应当以中国保监会的名义,中国保监会对该行为的后果承担法律责任。 | The CIRC may enact normative documents and entrust its local offices with the implementation of administrative licensing. The local offices concerned shall implement administrative licensing according to the CIRC ’ s entrustment and in the name of the CIRC. The CIRC shall take the legal responsibility for the result of the action. | |
3 | 中华人民共和国国务院是中央人民政府,其职权相当广泛,主要包括:1)依据宪法和法律,规定行政措施,制定行政法规,发布决定和命令 | State Council is the Central People’s Government of the People’s Republic of China, whose functions and powers are wide-ranging, they mainly include; 1)to take administrative measures, enact administrative rules and regulations and issue decisions and orders in accordance with the Constitution and the laws; | |
4 | 中央军事委员会各总部、军兵种、军区,可以根据法律和中央军事委员会的军事法规、决定、命令,在其权限范围内,制定军事规章。 | The various headquarters, divisions, military regions of the Central Military Commission may enact military rules consistent with its scope of authority in accordance with the relevant national laws and military decrees, decisions and orders. | |
5 | 抓紧制定和完善相关涉外法律法规,提高涉外经济工作依法行政水平 | Intensify efforts to enact and perfect relevant foreign related laws and regulations, improve the level of administration according to law in foreign related economic work | |
6 | ||1:对于他们的雇主来说,带来的益处是更直接的。||2:未来的国会议员在竞选公职前,越来越享受有挑战性的工作(通常是政治中的其他领域),因此,他们可能只有很少的时间运作自己的竞选活动。||3:当地正处于关键边缘时期的政党组织,就会被那些有意将会议声势放大的好斗的有心人士控制,变得只有毫无生气的散兵游勇。||4:而组织者可以给这些组织注入新鲜活力。||5:他们向全国总部报告,并切实的制定党的政策。||6:他们还必须达到每月的游说目标。||7:工党还发布对组织者进行的排名。||8:帕迪·艾什顿,一个好斗的名门望族人士,监督他们自由民主党对手的各方面表现。 | ||1:For their employers the advantages are more immediate.||2:Prospective MPs increasingly enjoy high-flying jobs (often elsewhere in politics) before running for office, so may have less time to run their own campaigns.||3:Local party machines even in crucial marginal seats can be doddery, disorganised and dominated by the few truculent oddballs inclined to turn up to meetings.||4:Organisers can purportedly inject a dose of youthful dynamism into such outfits.||5:They report to national headquarters, so faithfully enact party strategies.||6:They must also hit monthly canvassing targets.||7:The Labour Party circulates rankings comparing organisers’ results.||8:Paddy Ashdown, a pugnacious grandee, polices the performance of their Lib Dem counterparts. | |
7 | ||1:斯特拉斯堡也有过类似情况。||2:四名英国人称其雇主不顾自己的宗教信仰,其中纳迪亚·艾薇达(Nadia Eweida) 首当其冲,她所在的英国航空公司不允许她带的十字架露在外面。他们四位9月已经接受欧洲人权法庭聆讯。||3:判决结果也许在1月份公布。||4:这一切都告诉我们,政客们可以随意颁布各种“保护锁”,但法庭有最终解释权。 | ||1:Strasbourg too has seen action.||2:Four British people who say their employers denied them religious expression—including Nadia Eweida, initially refused permission by British Airways to wear a visible cross—were heard by the court there in September.||3:A judgment may emerge in January.||4:All of which suggests that politicians may enact as many “locks” as they please, but in the end courts hold the keys. | |
8 | 规定很容易制定,但却很难执行。 | This is easy to prescribe but hard to enact . | |
9 | 以及可能组成下一届政府的工党都承诺通过委员会的建议。 | and the Labor Party, which is likely to form the next government, have promised to enact the commission’s recommendations. | |
10 | 这也反过来实现了安倍推动改革的愿望。 | That in turn reinforces Mr Abe’s will to enact the reform. | |
11 | 1905年,总统最终给国会一个简明的讯息督促通过纯净食品法。 | The President, in December 1905, had at long last sent a terse message to the Congress urging it to enact a pure food bill. | |
12 | 9月,哈德逊所乘之船半月号的复制品会重游船长的航线。 | In September a replica of Hudson’s ship, the Half Moon, will re-enact the captain’s journey. | |
13 | 奥巴马政府和国会都愿意通过贸易保护措施以保住工作机会。 | The Obama administration and Congress are willing to enact protective trade measure to save jobs. | |
14 | 颁布这种法令即是违犯了比之更高的法律,后者要求待生命以平等和尊重。 | To enact such a law is to break a higher law that demands fairness and respect for human life. | |
15 | 颁令禁止未来三年里所有新法规的发布,除非涉及国家安全和公众安全。 | Enact a moratorium on all new regulations for the next three years, with an exception for national security and public safety. | |
16 | 成本负担应该由大家共同承担,国会早就应该制定战时法案,过去几乎所有战争中都是这么做的。 | The burden should be shared. It’s long past time for Congress to enact a wartime tax, something it’s done in almost every war in the past. | |
17 | 此后的文化战斗中,用穿礼服的鸟儿来扮演同性婚姻之类的事儿,这种倾向导致了值得纪念的冲突。 | The propensity for tuxedoed birds to enact something like a gay marriage has since provided a memorable skirmish in the culture wars. | |
18 | 从1947年的春天到离开人世的1950年,奥威尔以可想象得到的最痛苦的方式呕心写作。 | From the spring of 1947 to his death in 1950 Orwell would re-enact every aspect of this struggle in the most painful way imaginable. | |
19 | 但是,还是有一种固执的建议,说对付潜在衰退的方法应该是采取贸易保护措施。 | Thus there is a certain perversity to suggestions that the proper reaction to a potential recession is to enact protectionist measures. | |
20 | 但是,如果立法者们试图出台规定以限制或彻底禁止大宗商品期货交易,他们最终可能会失望。 | But lawmakers could end up disappointed if they enact restrictions or outright bans on the trading of commodity futures. | |
21 | 但是,实施清洁空气和水资源的措施在其进程中仍然举步维艰。 | But the efforts to enact clean air and water measures are still very much a faltering work in progress. | |
22 | 但是奥巴马要实施一个合理的税收政策的努力不仅仅听上去不错,更有实际意义。 | But Mr. Obama’s efforts to enact a reasonable tax policy are not just good politics. They make good sense. | |
23 | 但无论业已思考过和决定了什么,行为不见得会发生效力。 | But behavior does not merely enact whatever has already been thought through and decided. | |
24 | 但在议会缺少多数的他可能会发现,要对西班牙萧条的经济进行重大改革是难上加难的。 | But without a majority he might find it harder to enact major reforms to Spain’s sluggish economy. | |
25 | 但中央仍有必要制定一部适合农业企业发展需要的《农业企业》。 | Moreover, the central government should enact Law on Agricultural Enterprises to accommodate the development of agricultural enterprises. | |
26 | 第一个障碍:法定货币法(3),国会亦没有制定此法的宪法权力。 | The first barrier: Legal tender laws, which Congress does not have the Constitutional authority to enact . | |
27 | 动词统治(govern)的一个非正式的定义是“颁布和控制一个团队、组织,或国家的政策和标准”。 | One informal definition of the verb govern is "to enact and control the policies and standards of a group, organization, or country. " | |
28 | 法国总统表示,他打算让协议在明年3月得到通过。 | The French president said the intention was to enact them by March next year. | |
29 | 负责制定部机关有关规章制度并组织实施。 | To enact related regulations and rules for the Ministry and organize their implementation. | |
30 | 负责制定银监会系统外事规范和外事活动管理规定。 | To enact norms for foreign affairs and administration rules for foreign affairs activities of the Commission institutions. |