属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生态学 欢迎来到塑料圈
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-天气预报 欧洲人比美国人更擅长预测天气(上)
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-海洋生态 欢迎来到塑料星球
1 | CTI之业务范围包括国际话音、传真数据以及互联网之服务。 | CTI principally engages itself in comprehensive telecommunications services that encompass international voice, fax, data, and the Internet. | |
2 | 被危险包围着. | be encompass ed with perils | |
3 | 出版的意义包括编排和印刷一份物例如书籍或报纸的各项工作;亦可以包括发行及出售与公众的各项工作。 | This would encompass both the activities leading to the printing of a publication such as a book or newspaper,etc.as well as to the activities surrounding the release of it to the public. | |
4 | 大洋洲南部、西部及中部太平洋上的岛屿,包括美拉尼西克、麦克罗尼西克和波利尼西亚。这个词有时也扩展到包括澳大利亚、新西兰及马来群岛 | The islands of the southern,western,and central Pacific Ocean,including Melanesia,Micronesia,and Polynesia.The term is sometimes extended to encompass Australia,New Zealand,and the Malay Archipelago. | |
5 | 第七条 本条例对软件的保护不能扩大到开发软件所用的思想、概念、发现、原理、算法、处理过程和运行方法。 | Article7. The protection provided to software under these regulations cannot be expanded to encompass the ideas, concepts, discoveries, principles, algorithms, processing methods and operations used in the development of computer software. | |
6 | 法院主张,第3008条(d)(2)中的词“有意地”一词应该被解释为明确细目(A)的意义,也包含了解废物材料是危险的。 | The court said the word "knowingly" in section 3008(d)(2)should be read to modify subsection (A)as well as to encompass knowledge that the waste material is hazardous | |
7 | 风险评估的方法有很多,只要其内容能涵盖第三节所列的重点,不妨善加利用.工作风险的评估方法通常是根据: | A number of approaches (and combinations thereof)to risk assessment can be adopted provided they encompass the key elements set out above in paragraph 3. The approaches to risk assessment at work which are used are normally based upon: | |
8 | 各成员纳入的产品应包括下列4组产品中的每一组:毛条和纱线、织物、纺织制成品和服装 | The products to be integrated by the Members shall encompass products from each of the following four groups: tops and yarns, fabrics, made-up textile products, and clothing | |
9 | 集成当今发动机技术的多项尖端科技,兼具动力、节能、宁静和环保的四大优势,成就王者之势。 | Both encompass modern, state-of-the-art technology, bringing significant advantage in power, fuel economy, quietness and environment-friendliness. | |
10 | 可持续的经济增长要求公司坚持一套价值观,不只包含短期利益,也包括其他价值--可靠,坦率,这些都是创立一个品牌的必备因素。 | Sustainable economic development requires a company’ s commitment to a set of values that do not simply address immediate, short-term profits, but encompass values such as reliability and truthfulness--elements necessary to establishing a brand name. | |
11 | 课程将包括物理、化学和生物学。 | The course will encompass physics,chemistry and biology. | |
12 | 纳入的产品应包括下列4组产品中的每一组:毛条和纱线、织物、纺织制成品和服装。 | The products to be integrated shall encompass products from each of the following four groups: tops and yarns, fabrics, made-up textile products, and clothing. | |
13 | 食物中的营养素包括能量营养素--碳水化合物、脂肪和蛋白质,也包括矿物质和维生素。 | The nutrients in foods include the energy nutrients-carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. They also encompass the minerals and vitamins. | |
14 | 他施计使敌人全军覆灭. | He encompass ed by a trick the ruin of all the enemy troops. | |
15 | 他在路上只听得四面八方都是人声。 | The sounds of life encompass his path. | |
16 | 它的雉堞状的砖墙和二十座塔楼是15世纪的意大利建筑师建造的。大墙内的宫殿、教堂和政府建筑包含了各种风格,包括拜占庭式、俄罗斯巴洛克式以及古典式的。 | Its crenellated brick walls and 20 towers were built in the 15th century by Italian architects. The palaces, cathedrals, and government buildings within the walls encompass a variety of styles, including Byzantine, Russian Baroque, and Classical. | |
17 | 它可能发生在不同速度下,发生在不同的交通环境中,而且车内的乘客身材也可能有很大的不同。 | it can occur at different speeds, take place in different traffic environments and the passengers inside the car may encompass a range of different sizes. | |
18 | 投资组合可以包括很多不同的投资载体,从现金到商品,还包括债券、股票和其它非传统型投资。 | A portfolio can encompass a whole array of different investment vehicles, ranging from cash to commodities and including bonds, equities and alternative investments. | |
19 | 亚述-亚洲西部的古帝国。原为亚述城(伊拉克北部)附近的一个小地区,后来崛起为强国,统治范围从巴勒斯坦延伸到土耳其。 | Assyria,Ancient empire, southwestern Asia. It grew from a small region around Ashur (in northern Iraq)to encompass an area stretching from Palestine to Anatolia. | |
20 | 由于能量以热的形式在每个阶段(或营养级)中都有损失,因此食物链一般不超过四或五个营养级。 | Because energy, in the form of heat, is lost at each step, or trophic level, chains do not normally encompass more than four or five trophic levels. | |
21 | 这项工程将覆盖中国的农村和不发达地区。 | The project will encompass rural and underdeveloped areas in China. | |
22 | 质量管理体系评价,如质量管理体系审核和质量管理体系评审以及自我评定,在涉及的范围上可以有所不同,并可包括许多活动。 | Evaluation of a quality management system can vary in scope and encompass a range of activities, such as auditing and reviewing the quality management system, and self-assessments. | |
23 | 种族和睦应该拥有三要素:相互尊重、社会生活协调、良好的社会治安环境。 | Racial harmony should encompass three main factors: mutual respect, social harmony and good public security. | |
24 | 人类世是新近提出的一个地球纪元,囊括了人类的改造对地球产生深刻影响的时期。 | a proposed new epoch in the history of the Earth that would encompass the years in which people have had profound effects on the planet’s workings. | |
25 | 因为相差200公里的锋面却正好萦绕在了纽约这座美国最为繁华的都市上空,这引起了人们的注意。 | The only reason anyone noticed this discrepancy was that the gap happened to encompass the country’s most populous city. | |
26 | 自2008年以来,地质学家一直在研究人类纪这一理念,人类纪是在地球历史上提出的新纪元,其囊括了人们深刻地影响地球的运作的年代。 | SINCE 2008 geologists have been mulling over the idea of the Anthropocene, a proposed new epoch in the history of the Earth that would encompass the years in which people have had profound effects on the planet’s workings. | |
27 | ApacheWink客户端以JAX-RS原则为基础构建,包括基于REST的概念和标准。 | Apache Wink clients are built on JAX-RS principles and encompass REST-based concepts and standards. | |
28 | MBAN覆盖半径一米左右的范围,因此它使用的电池可以小不少。 | An MBAN would encompass a radius of about one meter, so it could use a much smaller battery. | |
29 | PDT工程将包含PHPWeb应用程序开发中需要的所有组件,并提供简单易用的扩展能力。 | This project will encompass all development components necessary to develop PHP-based Web Applications and will facilitate extensibility. | |
30 | Slice引入了抽象的虚拟数据库来绕过底层的物理数据库分区或划分。 | Slice introduces the abstraction of a virtual database to encompass the underlying physical database partitions or shards. |