属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-爱的代价 The price of love
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-合作关系的演变 社交网络驯服欺骗者
1 | 斯皮尔伯格也对法国传奇人物、电影导演弗朗索瓦·特吕福表示赞扬。特吕福20年前去世,他曾在斯皮尔伯格1977年导演的经典之作《第三类接触》中扮演主角。 | Spielberg also paid tribute to legendary French film director Francois Truffaut, who died 20 years ago and who had starred in Spielberg’s 1977 classic, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. | |
2 | 它必须给总统留有真正的裁决余地,而不是助长那些无与伦比的人的狂妄自大。 | It must give scope for genuine presidential discretion without promoting the megalomania that often develops in position where one encounters few equals | |
3 | 同性带电粒子间的碰撞作用减少凝聚率。 | Encounters of like charges act to diminish the coagulation rate | |
4 | 突出显示字母“m”和“a”以及这些字母后的所有文本,直到遇到“c”或“h”。 | Highlights the letters ″m″ and ″a″ and all text that follows those letters until it encounters a ″c″ or an ″h″. | |
5 | 演变着的遭遇/碰撞-演员训练实践 | Unfolding Encounters : Theatre Making and Actor Training Practice | |
6 | 一般认为,恐怖最初由一个危险处境造成的(如儿时一次几乎溺死的体验),后来转向别的相似处境(如身体碰到水)就产生了恐怖症,而最初的恐怖经验往往被压抑或遗忘。 | Phobias are generally believed to result when fear produced by an original threatening situation (such as a near-drowning in childhood)is transferred to other similar situations (such as encounters with bodies of water), the original fear often being repressed or forgotten. | |
7 | 应用离散型顺序反应值数据转换法探讨空运旅客对科技型服务接触满意度之研究 | Applying the Data Transformed Method of Discrete Nature of the Ordinal Responses to Measure the Air-Passenger Satisfaction on Technology-Based Service Encounters | |
8 | 有一次邂逅相逢的时候,不知阿尔贝是故意的还是无意的,他的面具掉了下来。 | At one of these encounters , accidentally or purposely, Albert’s mask fell off | |
9 | 再者,亦令世人换新眼目,不比那些胡牵乱扯,忽离忽遇,满纸才人淑女 | Besides, this story offers readers something new, unlike those hackneyed and stale hodge-podges of sudden partings and encounters which teem with talented scholars and lovely girls | |
10 | 这部由中国最受欢迎的演员之一赵丹主演的片子集中描写了上海普通工人阶级的生活。揭示了他们一边同恶势力进行悲剧(及喜剧)性的冲突,一边同有钱的人斗争的情景。 | The film, which starred Zhao Dan--one of China’ s most popular actors--focused on the lives of ordinary working-class people in Shanghai, depicting their tragic (and comic)encounters with the Underworld on the one hand and the middle-class on the other hand. | |
11 | 这可能是由于这种机遇比人们预期的还要少,也可能是他们被夸克在粒子内部运动的效应所掩盖。 | Either such encounters are rarer than expected, or they are masked by the effects of the motions of the quarks inside the particles | |
12 | 走得远,见得多. | He that goeth far hath many encounters . | |
13 | ||1:Tinder非常迅速,你可以在分分钟内浏览几打照片。它也不会让你感到尴尬,如果有人拒绝你,你也不会知道。||2:Will说他已经有过三次浪漫的邂逅,还有数百次的配对。||3: Justin Mateen是Tinder的开发者之一,他说这个软件自从九月发行以来已经帮助完成了1亿次配对,其中五十对已经发展到求婚了。 ||4:他还说,这个软件真正运行有九个月了,很快就会有婴儿出生了吧。 | ||1: Tinder is quick (you can scroll through dozens of photos in minutes) and spares your blushes (you never know if someone rejects you). ||2: Will has already had three romantic encounters and hundreds of matches, he says. ||3: Justin Mateen, a co-founder of Tinder, says it has made 100m matches since its launch in September, and led to 50 marriage proposals. ||4: He adds: “The app has only really been going for nine months. There could be a baby popping out soon.” | |
14 | ||1:根据这个理论,一旦作恶的一方得不到对方的合作,他将会从自己的错误中吸取教训,并变成一个更具有合作精神的人。||2:根据从特别设计的游戏中取得的实验证据,投桃报李的原则确实适用于成对的研究对象。||3:不过人类社会要比成对的研究对象复杂得多。||4:直到最近为止,研究人员都很难在实验室中模拟出社会生活中的复杂情景。||5:不过哈佛大学的尼古拉斯?克里斯塔(Nicholas Christakis)和他的同事们本周在《美国国家科学院院刊》上发表的论文改变了这个现实。||6:克里斯塔博士设计了一个能够在互联网上供多人参与的合作测试游戏。||7:根据这个游戏,克里斯塔博士和他的团队获得更多的资料,得以了解合作关系的演变规律。 | ||1:When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor will learn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual.||2:And there is experimental evidence, based on specially designed games, that tit-for-tat does work for pairs of people.||3:Human societies, though, are more complex than mere dyads.||4:And until recently, it has been difficult to model that complexity in the laboratory.||5:But a paper published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Nicholas Christakis and his colleagues at Harvard has changed that.||6:Dr Christakis arranged for a collaboration-testing game to be played over the web, with many participants.||7:As a result, he and his team have gained a more sophisticated insight into the way co-operation develops. | |
15 | ||1:故事在女主角迷茫的声音中继续上演,浪漫情事随之展开,书中人物逐渐加入到小镇“疯子”的行列。||2:对于女主角和各位情人之间发生的各种故事,作者给予了同等的笔墨,从描写马厩的热火到冲泡马黛茶的情节,整个故事寓意隐晦,充满黑色喜剧味道。||3:一个疑似UFO的物体原来是为商业广告设置的聚光灯。||4:在没有围墙的精神病院,“可以无限幻想绝对自由”;当人民不再感到压迫,即是统治的最高境界。||5:小说巧妙地暗示了整个社会都在一种自由的假象下劳作,而操纵这一切的是外围的势力。 | ||1: As sexual encounters unfold in the woman’s alienated voice, the characters merge with the village “loonies”. ||2: Events, like interchangeable lovers, have equal weight, from a stable fire to the brewing of maté tea, in an ambiguous tale that verges on dark comedy. ||3: A suspected UFO turns out to be the spotlit film set for a commercial. ||4: In an asylum without walls, there is “nothing to limit the illusion of absolute liberty”; ultimate control is when people no longer feel they are being coerced. ||5: With skill and subtlety, the novel hints that a whole society might labour under an illusion of liberty, manipulated by forces outside the frame. | |
16 | 当遭遇这样的一次合作终止,如理论所说,作为合作规则的破坏者,他会开始反省他处事的过错,并且开始变成更加乐于合作的个体。 | When he encounters such a withdrawal of collaboration, the theory goes, the malefactor will learn the error of his ways and become a more co-operative individual. | |
17 | 其原因在于互联网相亲网站承诺了两个传统红娘和在酒吧、车站、成年礼上的偶遇都不能提供的优势。 | For internet dating sites promise two things that neither traditional matchmakers nor chance encounters at bars, bus-stops and bar mitzvahs offer. | |
18 | “随遇”的用户们说,那些人很快重操旧业。 | Casual Encounters users say those people have simply resurfaced on their turf. | |
19 | “随遇”也是性成瘾者的天堂,布拉迪教授说,“他们像是孩童掉进了糖果店。” | Casual Encounters is also a haven for people with sex addictions. "They’re like a kid in a candy store, " Dr. Brady said. | |
20 | Access会复制数据,如果遇到任何问题,将显示错误消息。 | Access copies the data and displays error messages if it encounters any problems. | |
21 | Chatroulette也催生了一些随机概念派生的想法,无意识的偶遇变得流行起来。 | Chatroulette also spawned a number of clones as the idea of random, spontaneous encounters became popular. | |
22 | CTI技术的优点还在于可以全面察看客户的购买模式、过去的遭遇以及提高服务的机会。 | CTI advances now allow a full view of a customer’s buying patterns, past encounters and opportunities to improve service. | |
23 | Google的深层网络搜索战略包括发出了一个自动程序,分析所遇到的每一个数据库的内容。 | Google’s Deep Web search strategy involves sending out a program to analyze the contents of every database it encounters . | |
24 | SEO外包不可能解决一个网站日常生产中碰到的实际问题:如何选择要害字? | The bag outside SEO solves the real problem that a website encounters in daily production impossibly: How to choose key word? | |
25 | 比如说,当你的声音从加利福尼亚的威尼斯通过线路传到意大利的威尼斯的时候,会遇到大量的收费站点。 | As your voice travels the lines from, say, Venice, California, to Venice, Italy, it encounters a lot of tollbooths. | |
26 | 编译器在遇到命令选项时对其进行处理。 | The compiler processes the command options as it encounters them. | |
27 | 从无数次失败的遭遇中,我能告诉你并不是样样如你所愿。 | From countless encounters with failure, I can tell you that not everything works out the way you hope it will. | |
28 | 错误是在向导遇到不能自动转换的代码时生成的。 | Errors are generated when the wizard encounters code that cannot be automatically converted. | |
29 | 大到遭遇割伤和擦伤,小到与刮破皮亲密接触,年复一年,我们的身体被整得忒惨。 | From cuts and scrapes to close encounters of the shaving kind, our bodies can take quite a beating over the years. | |
30 | 大多数人都从疾病的角度,来负面地看待微生物。 | Most people have this view of our encounters with microbes from the perspective of disease. |