1 | 斯蒂芬·范怀克:作为英语教师,我主张鼓励学生去学习综合语言,而不仅仅是记忆。 | Stephen Van WyckAs an English teacher, I believe in encouraging my students to synthesize4 language, not only memorize it | |
2 | 随着越来越多的传统社区的式微(如邻里等),企业正在填补这个空间担当起员工生活社区的角色,另外,公司也鼓励集体合作和组成团队。 | With the demise of more traditional communities (e.g. neighborhoods, etc.), companies are filling employees’ need to belong to a community. At the same time companies are encouraging teamwork and the formation of teams. | |
3 | 他的一番鼓励激起了我的信心。 | His encouraging remarks inspired confidence in me. | |
4 | 他给她买了几个鸡蛋和咖啡,然后避开她那勾引人的目光,给了她一张二十法朗的钞票,就雇了一辆出租汽车回他的旅馆去了。 | He bought her some eggs and coffee, and then eluding her encouraging stare, gave her a twenty-franc note and took a taxi to his hotel | |
5 | 他看不到友好的目光,也听不到给他壮胆的言辞。 | He was cheered by no friendly eye, emboldened by no encouraging voice | |
6 | 他令人鼓舞的话使我颓丧的精神振作起来。 | His encouraging words revived my drooping spirits. | |
7 | 他们会开出无数的安慰剂,说的话听起来比担保的实情更令人鼓舞,并歪曲一些重大的消息,尤其是对那些患有不治之症和要死的病人。 | They may prescribe innumerable placebos, sound more encouraging than the facts warrant, and distort grave news, especially to the incurably ill and the dying | |
8 | 他们来帮助我们对我们是个极大的鼓舞。 | They help us to be maximal encouraging to us | |
9 | 他那鼓舞人心的话使我们振作起来。 | His encouraging remarks lifted us up. | |
10 | 它们的封面挺令人振奋:有牛仔、牧场和牛的照片。 | The covers were encouraging : there were pictures of cowboys, ranches and cat-tle | |
11 | 提倡艰苦创业精神,也有助于克服腐败现象。 | Encouraging such a spirit will also help to overcome corruption. | |
12 | 通过描述最近取得的令人鼓舞的成果,我能很好地概括该系统的长处。 | I can best sum up the advantages of the system by describing some recent encouraging results. | |
13 | 通过双方的共同努力,鼓励两国有实力、有信誉的大公司开展合作,两国贸易将会更加健康地发展。 | Through joint efforts of both sides in encouraging large, powerful and reputable companies from each country to develop co-operation, trade between both countries will develop even more healthily | |
14 | 退耕还林/草,封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包 | Returning cultivated land to forests or pastures, closing off hillsides to facilitate afforestation, giving relief to local residents in the form of grain, and encouraging individual contractors to manage concerned areas | |
15 | 我不知道自身的榜样对孩子们在科技方面的兴趣是起了鼓励作用还是反作用。 | I will never know for sure whether I was encouraging or discouraging my children’s interest in technical work by my example | |
16 | 我的档案表明,我是一名聪明、关心和鼓励学生的教师。 | My rcord would reflect a smart, attentive, encouraging teacher | |
17 | 我对那些敬业的老师的称赞不亚于任何人,但是老师从那些父母对自己孩子在校表现毫不关心的家庭中救治孩子的成效,在我看来并不令人鼓舞。 | I am second to nonein my praise of the dedicated pedagogue, but the record of teachers in rescuing children from families where what kids do in school is of no interest to the parents--or parent--is not, in my view, encouraging | |
18 | 我国的经济发展,总要力争隔几年上一个台阶。当然不是鼓励不切实际的高速度。 | In developing the economy, we should strive to reach a higher level every few years. Of course, this should not be interpreted as encouraging an unrealistic speed. | |
19 | 我花费了很多业余时间鼓励我的手下… | I have spent many hours of my free time, encouraging my agents, | |
20 | 我们的发展依赖于革新和独创、鼓励冒险和不同意见。 | We thrive on innovation and originality, encouraging risk-taking and divergent voices. | |
21 | 我们提倡一部分地区先富裕起来,是为了激励和带动其他地区也富裕起来,并且使先富裕起来的地区帮助落后的地区更好地发展。 | In encouraging some regions to become prosperous first, we intend that they should inspire others to follow their example and that all of them should help economically backward regions to develop. | |
22 | 我们要保护发达地区、优势产业和通过辛勤劳动与合法经营先富起来人们的发展活力,鼓励他们积极创造社会财富. | We should protect the vitality for further growth of the developed regions, strong industries and people who have become rich first through hard work and lawful business operations and encouraging them to create social wealth. | |
23 | 形势很使人鼓舞。 | The situation is encouraging . | |
24 | 一条振奋人心的消息传开了。 | An encouraging piece of news floated about | |
25 | 医学科研中一个鼓舞人心的进展 | an encouraging advance in medical research. | |
26 | 与其撺掇管家重建他将予以同情的生活,他宁可孤独的奉陪自己的思想。 | Instead of encouraging the keeper to reconstruct a life with which he would have to sympathize, he would have preferred his own company and thoughts | |
27 | 预测电子工业的前途一片大好. | The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging . | |
28 | 在全社会形成崇尚科学、鼓励创新、反对迷信和伪科学的良好氛围。 | It is essential to create an atmosphere in society at large favorable for respecting and promoting science, encouraging innovation and opposing superstition and pseudo-science. | |
29 | 在实现现代化的进程中,北京正在拓宽原有马路,修建高速公路,并且鼓励私人购车。 | In pursuit of modernization the Beijing municipal government is widening roads, building freeways and encouraging the purchase of personal cars | |
30 | 在香港,调查官的机构已经建立了很多年,廉政公署(ICAC)的相关媒体鼓励人们举报腐败。 | In Hong Kong, where the institution of an ombudsman has existed for many years, media coverage of the Independent Commission against Corruption (ICAC)is encouraging people to come forward with information about corruption. |