属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-德国大众 征服全世界(下)
1 | 侵占:逐步或偷偷地侵占他人财产或侵犯他人权利. | Encroach :To take another’s possessions or rights gradually or stealthily | |
2 | 侵占某人的权利(时间,土地). | encroach upon one`s right(time,land) | |
3 | 侵战接近或侵占。常与on或upon连用 | To verge or encroach .Often used with on or upon. | |
4 | 任何单位和个人不得侵占、挪用和损毁。 | No unit or individual is allowed to encroach upon, divert for other purposes, or cause damage to donated assets. | |
5 | 如果不是因为现代化结构材料具有很高的抗压强度,柱子的横截面积就会大到占去全部可用地板的面积。 | Were it not for the high compressive strength of modern structural materials, the area of the columns would encroach on the usable floor area to the point where this might become nil. | |
6 | 森林、林木、林地的所有者和使用者的合法权益,受法律保护,任何单位和个人不得侵犯 | The legitimate rights and interests of the owners and the users of the forests, trees and woodlands shall be protected by the law; no organization and private individual shall be allowed to encroach them. | |
7 | 他们从不耽搁别人的时间。 | They never encroach upon other’s time | |
8 | 他新建的农场房子侵占了邻居的田地。 | His new farm buildings encroach on his neighbor’s land. | |
9 | 它不侵害重要组织。 | It will not encroach on important structures | |
10 | 我们的军队必须爱护人民,决不能损害人民利益。 | Our army must cherish the people and never encroach on their interests. | |
11 | 我们绝不允许任何人侵犯中国的领土和主权。 | We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty | |
12 | 新的法律没有侵犯公民的权益。 | The new law doesn’t encroach on the rights of the citizen. | |
13 | 占用某人的时间[财产] | Encroach upon sb.’s time [property] | |
14 | 中国的领土和主权绝不允许任何人侵犯。 | We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China’s territorial integrity and sovereignty | |
15 | ||1:大众公司在中国的业务做的如此之大,一旦中国经济开始衰退,大众将会很容易受影响。||2:在巴西亦如此,大众的中国对手正着手同其争夺巴西市场。||3:而且还有一位挑战者紧随大众身后:韩国现代汽车公司在大量生产物美价廉的小型车时,还在转攻高端市场。||4:现代公司占据了南韩本土市场的近二分之一,在美国则以9%的市场份额领先于大众,并且现代公司正准备进军欧洲市场和新兴市场。||5:而同大众不同,现代公司旗下没有大量的品牌来支持自己。 | ||1:VW is so big in China that it would be vulnerable to a downturn there.||2:Likewise in Brazil, where its Chinese rivals are starting to encroach .||3:And VW has a closer challenger in its rear-view mirror Hyundai-Kia, which is pushing upmarket while continuing to churn out small, good-value motors.||4:It has around half of its home market in South Korea, is ahead of VW with a 9% share in America and is making inroads in Europe and emerging markets.||5:And unlike VW, it does not have a profusion of brands to support. | |
16 | ||1:世界对一种疾病的反应从来没有像对2019-ncov这样迅速。||2:即便如此,这种病毒仍可能造成巨大危害。||3:随着人类侵占新栖息地、饲养更多动物、聚集在城市、旅行并使地球变暖,新型疾病将更加普遍。||4:据估计,它们每年的成本为600亿美元。||5:SARS、中东呼吸综合征、尼帕病毒、寨卡病毒、墨西哥猪流感。||6:而这不会是最后一种。 | ||1:The world has never responded as rapidly to a disease as it has to 2019-ncov.||2:Even so, the virus may still do great harm.||3:As humans encroach on new habitats, farm more animals, gather in cities, travel and warm the planet, new diseases will become more common.||4:One estimate puts their cost at $60bn a year.||5:SARS, MERS, Nipah, Zika, Mexican swine ?u: the fever from Wuhan is the latest of a bad bunch.||6:It will not be the last. | |
17 | 不管发生什么,都和谷歌没有关系,因为谷歌只是忙于保护自己的领地,没有机会对微软造成严重的伤害。 | Whatever happens, it won’t be Google’s doing because Google is too busy defending its own turf to seriously encroach on Microsoft’s. | |
18 | 不会平、不合理的格式条款对广大消费者的权益造成了侵害。 | Unfair and unreasonable terms of the format encroach on the interests of consumers. | |
19 | 不可挪移古时的地界,也不可侵入孤儿的田地。 | Do not move an ancient boundary stone or encroach on the fields of the fatherless. | |
20 | 此外,公关公司正开始进军过去属于广告公司的领地,体现了公关公司日益增强的影响力。 | Moreover, PR firms are beginning to encroach on territory that used to be the domain of advertising firms, a sign of their increasing clout. | |
21 | 敌人企图侵占我国南部的资源,前段时间发动了突袭,我们展开防御作战, | The enemy attempted to encroach on south China’s resources, Some time ago to launch the raid , we begin our defense, | |
22 | 讽刺的是,犹他州的这项外籍劳工计划将必然侵犯联邦特权。 | The irony in his proposal is that such a guest-worker programme would necessarily encroach upon a federal prerogative. | |
23 | 她没有权利占用我的时间。 | She has no right to encroach on my time. | |
24 | 科学家担心日益变暖的气温将蚕食企鹅栖息地,威胁到整个南极洲的企鹅种群。 | Scientists worry that warming temperatures will encroach on penguin habitats, threatening their populations across Antarctica. | |
25 | 侵占罪立法的缺陷及补正 | Limitation and Addendum on Lawmaking of Encroach Crime | |
26 | 他的新农舍侵占了邻居的土地。 | His new farm buildings encroach on his neighbour’s land. | |
27 | 我每晚睡6个小时左右,再多睡会儿就会影响生产力。多喝水? | I sleep about six hours a night and any more would encroach on productivity. Drink more water? | |
28 | 我欲凭陵万里风。 | I would like to encroach miles wind. | |
29 | 在阿内格尔,农民们逐渐侵占森林,破坏动物们的迁移路线。 | In Anekal farmers encroach on the forest, disrupting a migratory route. | |
30 | 在其它地方的农民会将农场延伸至森林或者其它未开垦的土地。 | Elsewhere farmers may encroach on forests or other virgin land. |