1 | {贝雷尔-杰斯特罗}麻木地猜想这场长途跋涉很快就要结束了。 | {Berel Jestrow} numbly surmises that the trek may soon be ending | |
2 | “家父和伊皮奈男爵都是大风暴时代的人物,但我对于那个时代只见识了最后几天。”维尔福说道。 | "My father and the Baron d’Epinay lived in the stormy times of which I only saw the ending ," said Villefort | |
3 | “九·一八”战争研究会会长张一波教授说:“57年前,日本天皇宣布无条件投降,可是现在却把投降日改称为‘终战日’。” | Director of "9.18" Research Association, Professor Zhang Yibo said, "57 years ago, Japanese emperor announced unconditional surrender, but now, the day of surrender was changed to "ending day of the war". | |
4 | “是呀,那次喜宴刚开始是那么令人高兴,但结果却是极其令人悲伤:一位警长,带着四个拿枪的走进来,唐太斯就被捕了。” | It was and the feast that began so gayly had a very sorrowful ending ; a police commissary, followed by four soldiers, entered, and Dants was arrested. | |
5 | “我们不能把希望寄托在战争结束上”娜塔丽婉言辨驳说。 | "We can’t count on the War ending ," Natalie expostulated | |
6 | “我曾经改写过《小妇人》,让劳瑞如愿以偿地嫁给了乔,我觉得这样的结局更好。” | I rewrote Little Women so that Laurie married Jo because I thought that was a better ending | |
7 | 《别了,武器》一书虽然在细节描写方面刻意求实,而且有一个悲剧性的结局 | In spite of its hard-boiled realism of detail and its tragic ending , A Farewell to Arms is nevertheless an idealistic book | |
8 | 165位过度饮酒者中大多数为男性,他们患血管性痴呆病的可能性要高出1.5倍,而最终患阿尔茨海默氏病的可能性比不饮酒者稍高。 | Heavy drinkers, who numbered 165-mostly men-were 1 1/2times more likely to get vascular dementia and slightly more likely than nondrinkers of ending up with Alzheimer’s | |
9 | 2000年1-11月,国有小企业实现利润25.73亿元,到年底实现利润将会继续增加,结束了连续6年净亏损的局面。 | In the first 11 months of 2000, small SOEs netted 2.573 billion yuan of profits, ending the loss-making situation for six years in succession | |
10 | 阿托恩是古埃及人所信奉的太阳神,他被描绘成一个光芒四射的日轮,光芒的末端呈人手形,对国王来说它是生命的象征。 | The worship of Aton was simply that of the sun-god manifest in the solar disc, and thus depicted as a disc with rays ending in hands that present the symbol of life to the king | |
11 | 巴切斯特丛书的六本小说每本都独立成篇,各自通过曲折离奇的情节渐次把故事推向高潮而达到扣人心弦的结局。 | The six Barchester novels are self-contained, each one building gradually through the action towards a gripping ending | |
12 | 巴席尔二十七晚间结束在乌干达首都坎帕拉举行的会谈返回苏丹首都喀土木,他说:"我们宣布共同支持苏丹团结统一。" | Returning to the Sudanese capital of Khartoum after ending the talks on the night of July 27th in the Ugandan capital of kampala, Bashir said: "We announce to support Sudan’s unity and integration." | |
13 | 悲剧就是结局悲惨的悲伤故事,是吗? | Tragedy is a sad story with an unhappy ending , is it? | |
14 | 悲剧式作品刻画或描写灾难性事件的剧作、电影、电视节目或其它叙事作品,有不幸的但意味深长的结局 | A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending | |
15 | 并非指我们受奖,而是指我们能有机会参与促成终止战争这一历史性事件。 | It is not so much the award we have been given but rather the historic privilege we had of playing a role in ending a war | |
16 | 不多一会儿,马达声音响动了,机器上的钢带挽着火柴杆儿,一小束一小束的密密地排得很整齐,就像子弹带似的,辘辘地滚着滚着。 | Before long, the machines started rumbling and the matches began to come out in bundles on the conveyor belts, which ran on and on like never-ending cartridge-belts | |
17 | 不只如此吧。照传统的说法,除了悲惨的结尾之外,悲剧要求殉难者都是崇高的。还要求事件重大、神圣,超越寻常的生活。 | It’ s more than that, I’m afraid. By convention, tragedy requires an ennobling of the victim besides an unhappy ending . It also requires events of significance and dignity that transcend everyday life. | |
18 | 长柱延伸,其末端有一小的头状柱头,开花时接受花粉。 | The style is elongated, ending in a small, capitate stigma, which becomes receptive at bloom | |
19 | 但是这些植入芯片的真实功效要到今年年底才能公布,供其他科研人员研究。 | Still, the potential prospects of ending blindness through artificial eyes grows brighter every day | |
20 | 导演很强调最后一幕戏。 | The director played up the ending scene. | |
21 | 反殖民主义者旨在结束一个民族附属于殖民统治的现象。 | Anti-colonialism aimed at ending the subordination of people to colonial rule | |
22 | 歌声结束之后响起了一阵掌声。 | A burst of hand-clapping followed the ending of the song. | |
23 | 工会最後同意提请仲裁以结束罢工 | The union finally agreed to go to arbitration as a way of ending the strike | |
24 | 故事的结尾令人心酸。 | People grieved at the ending of the story. | |
25 | 故事的结尾引起了恐惧的颤抖 | The story’s ending arouses a frisson of terror. | |
26 | 互献殷勤的男女们直到后来才了解这个规则,结果是女孩们的衣橱抽屉塞满了难以捉摸的、不能穿着的色彩艳丽的贴身内衣,男人们则有了一排排令人极度尴尬的领带。 | Until courting couples learn this rule, girls will go on ending up with drawersful of unwearable slippery camisoles in lurid colours, and men with racks of acutely embarrassing ties | |
27 | 还有的批评家把航天计划看成是浪费纳税人的钱,而这一浪费是巨大的无底洞。他们说,这是让科学家们为自己的玩具和游戏找到出资者。 | Other critics see the space program as a gigantic and never-ending waste of taxpayers’ money: let scientists, they say, find someone else to pay for their toys and games | |
28 | 贾丝蒂娜堪称楷模,可在结束生命时却好象让我们大家都丢了脸。 | Justina’s life had been exemplary, but by ending it she seemed to have disgraced us all | |
29 | 鉴于此,我恳请国会批准在1948年6月30日前向希腊及土耳其提供4亿美金的援助。 | I therefore ask the Congress to provide authority for assistance to greece and Turkey in the amount of 4 hundred million dollars for the period ending June 30, 1948 | |
30 | 结局不矫造的小说 | a novel with a contrived ending . |