属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM E 1649-1994
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 131-6-1998
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 131-7-1998
1 | 1963年扬做完她的第二部电视节目后,便开始将其非凡的精力投入到菲尼克斯和洛杉矶的各种天主教慈善事业中,其间只偶尔出演了一些角色。 | After a second TV show ended in 1963, Young devoted her formidable energies to various catholic charities in Phoenix and L.A., taking only occasional roles | |
2 | 20年来他一直全身心地写这部巨著。 | He has been for 20 years applying his energies to writing this monumental work | |
3 | 300KeV-25MeV能量辐射加工用电子束设备中剂量测定标准规范 | Standard Practice for Dosimetry in an Electron Beam Facility for Radiation Processing at Energies Between 300 keV and 25 MeV | |
4 | I2-1-己烯复合物电子转移振动重组能的共振拉曼强度分析 | Resonance Raman Intensity Analysis of Charge-transfer Vibrational Reorganization Energies of I2-1-Hexene Complex | |
5 | TPABr-正丁胺体系不加晶种时TS-1成核活化能、晶体生长活化能分别为44.4kJ/mol、75.7kJ/mol;采用变温晶化可降低晶粒粒度。 | The apparent activation energies for nucleation and crystal growth in this system are 44.4 and 75.7 kJ/mol, respectively. TS-1 with smaller crystal size can be obtained if it forms nuclei at lower temperature and then crystallizes at higher temperature. | |
6 | 把全部精力集中在工作上 | funnel all one’s energies into a job | |
7 | 把整个国家的能量调动起来,这可不是一件小事(这是了不起的事)。 | It was no small feat to harness the energies of an entire nation. | |
8 | 超对称量子力学中-维形状不变势与严格解 | One Dimensional Shape-Invariant Potentials and Exact Energies in Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics | |
9 | 城镇公交、燃气、通信等从无到有,发展较快,太阳能等现代新型、环保能源得到快速推广利用 | Urban public traffic, gas supply and telecommunication services have developed rapidly from scratch, and the use of solar energy and other modern environmentally friendly energies have been quickly universalized | |
10 | 此后,他们费尽心思去积聚那些他们认为是代表富足的东西:当地惟一的一家乡村俱乐部的会员资格、豪华汽车、名牌服装,以及上流社会的朋友。 | They focused their energies on accumulating all the things they believed signified abundance: membership in the local exclusive country club, luxury cars, designer clothing, and high-class society friends. | |
11 | 当粒子能量足够高时,还可以发生其它的过程,我们通常把所有其它过程的总和称为吸收。 | At sufficiently high energies other processes can occur, too, and we denote the totality of these as absorption | |
12 | 当然,绝不能轻易使用武力,因为我们精力要花在经济建设上,统一问题晚一些解决无伤大局。 | Of course, there can be no question of using force rashly, because we have to devote our energies to economic development, and if the question of reunification is postponed, that will do no harm to the overall situation. | |
13 | 当我在盛年,驾着散文和诗歌的双马,纵辔狂奔的时候,洛肯的无限赞赏,使我保持精力,不致有片刻的懈弛。 | And when at the height of my youth I was driving the tandem of prose and poetry at a furious rate. Loken’s unstinted appreciation kept my energies from flagging for a moment | |
14 | 抖擞精神, 振作 | brace one’s energies | |
15 | 而当一个母亲在内心中体会到这一切都是由她才引起的,又是多么深切地哀伤啊! | And so fierce a training of the energies that were to make good her cause, in the contest that must ensue. | |
16 | 发展新兴工业的重点应放在信息技术、现代生物工程、新型能源、激光和海洋开发等领域。 | The development of fledgling industry should be centred on information technology, modem biological engineering, new energies , laser and marine exploration. | |
17 | 辐射加工的电子束设备中剂量测定的实施规程 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 KeV and 300 KeV | |
18 | 辐照处理用电子束设施(300keV-25MeV)的剂量测量方法 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron-beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300 keV and 25MeV | |
19 | 辐照处理用电子束设施(80keV-300keV)的剂量测量方法 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron-beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 80 keV and 300keV | |
20 | 感觉到他们之间有一股温柔与强大的凝聚力,一股活力的和谐(名利场) | One feels between them an accumulation of gentleness and strength,a concert of energies (Vanity Fair) | |
21 | 个人中子剂量计的性能要求与刻度(中子能量小于20MeV) | Requirements of characteristics and calibration for personal neutron dosimeters(neutron energies less than 20MeV) | |
22 | 划痕棒材试验.金属摆式V划痕冲击能量精密测定方法 | Notched bar tests-Method for precision determination of Charpy V-notch impact energies for metals | |
23 | 划痕棒材试验.金属摆式V划痕冲击能量精密测定试验机多样性规范 | Notched bar tests-Specification for verification of the test machine used for precision determination of Charpy V-notch impact energies for metals | |
24 | 记住,科学研究要破费一个人毕业的精力。--赫胥黎 | Bear this in mind: scientific research costs a man his energies of a lifetime.--Thomas Huxley | |
25 | 将单位电荷从一点移到另一点(如在电路中)所做的功即等于两点之间的位能差。 | The work done in moving a unit charge from one point to another, as in an electric circuit, is equal to the difference in potential energies at each point. | |
26 | 她把全部精力都投入了她的工作。 | She flung all her energies into her work | |
27 | 滥用精力 [才能] | prostitute one’s energies [abilities] | |
28 | 另外一些人想到自己要被作为"废物"抛弃,心中不免忿忿然,于是他们寻找别的办法来发泄自己的精力,寻找别的途径来得到满足和快乐。 | "Others resent the prospect of being ""put on the scrapheap"", and seek alternative outlets for their energies and alternative sources of satisfaction or joy." | |
29 | 酶可以以两种相互可变的、具有不同活化能的活性形式存在。 | The enzyme may exist in two interconvertible, active forms which possess different activation energies | |
30 | 每日生活的压力和居住环境的持续污染,令我们本身的自愈能力渐受破坏而导致疾病重生。 | The stress from the daily life and the impacts from the pollutions on our environment lead to undermine our natural energies and resilience and have caused illness to our bodies. |