属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ANSI N43.3-1993
1 | 他们在经济上的成就我就不说了,基督教对这点一贯是盯住不放的。 | I say nothing of the economic side of their energies , for on that Christian attention has always been concentrated | |
2 | 他们致力于慈善事业。 | They canalize their energies into charity work | |
3 | 唐代官学教育的多元性与灵活性 | The Plurality and Energies of the T’ang System of Public Education | |
4 | 倘若大脑不是很兴奋,它就会用全部精力监测时间的流逝。 | If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its full energies on monitoring the passing of time. | |
5 | 提出了我们的根本路线,就是把工作重点转到建设上来,不受任何干扰,一心一意、坚定不移地搞社会主义现代化建设。 | We set forth a new basic line, which was to shift the focus of our work to economic development, clearing away all obstacles and devoting all our energies to the drive for socialist modernization. | |
6 | 同步加速器是以它们所加速的粒子来命名的。美国伊利诺州的费米国家加速器实验室里的质子同步加速器能产生迄今为止所能达到的最高粒子能量。 | Synchrotrons are named according to the particles they accelerate. The Tevatron, a proton synchrotron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois, U.S., produces the highest particle energies achieved so far. | |
7 | 我今天必须集中精力搞装饰. | I must concentrate my energies on decorating today. | |
8 | 我就是不能让他们,或者自己失望。父母为了我们孩子,工作十分辛苦。如果我上榜了,就是对他们最好的回报。呃,我最好把心思放回到书本上,别白白把时间浪费在这儿了。 | I just can’t fail them nor myself. My parents have worked so hard for us children. If I should pass the examination tomorrow, this is the best way I could repay them. Well, I’d better get back to the books, no use wasting my energies here. | |
9 | 我们必须把一切精力都用到新的计划上. | We must channel all our energies into the new scheme. | |
10 | 我们必须将全部精力用于这项工作。 | We must bring all our energies to bear on the task | |
11 | 我们必须努力谋求增产。 | Our energies must be directed towards higher productivity | |
12 | 我们必须全力想出一个解决的办法。 | We must apply our energies to finding a solution. | |
13 | 我们决不会让人低估我们除恶向善的活力、潜能和力量。 | Let no man underrate our energies , our potentialities and our abiding power for good | |
14 | 我们可用一个方程式表示微扰和未微扰能之间的对应关系。 | We express the correspondence between the perturbed and unperturbed energies by an equation | |
15 | 我问我自己究竟应该把我的精力用在什么地方。 | I asked myself to what purpose I should direct my energies | |
16 | 物体或物体系的总动能等于每种运动方式的动能之和,取决于质量和速度。 | The total kinetic energy of a body or system is equal to the sum of the kinetic energies resulting from each type of motion. The kinetic energy of an object depends on its mass and velocity. | |
17 | 许多妇女把她们的全部精力投入到职业中。 | Many women throw all of their energies into a career | |
18 | 学生们显示出年轻人的活力。 | The students have shown youthful energies . | |
19 | 要在这个新时代里生存,我们首先要转变为知识密集型的市场经济,而人民的创新精神和创造力正是推动知识密集型市场经济发展的力量。 | To survive in this new era, we have to transform ourselves into knowledge-intensive market economies, which are propelled by the innovative spirit and creative energies of our people. | |
20 | 一九七八年我们制定一心一意搞建设的方针,就是建立在这样一个判断上的。 | It was on the basis of this appraisal of the international situation that in 1978 we decided to devote all our energies to economic development. | |
21 | 以可再生的能量支持发电系统 | Support for Generating Systems With Renewable Energies . | |
22 | 用于非医疗的X射线和密封γ射线源辐射安全能量达10Mev(兆电子伏特)的装置 | General radiation safety-Installations using non-medical X-ray and sealed gamma-ray sources, energies up to 10 MeV | |
23 | 尤其在锦州作战的头几天内,东西援敌不 | Especially during the first few days of the battle for Chinchow, the enemy reinforcements from both the east and the west will not make any major moves, and you should concentrate all your energies on the operations on the Chinchow front | |
24 | 允许用于食物处理的r辐照源,即钴-60和铯-137有低的能量(大约分别为1和0.5兆电子伏特)。 | The gamma radiation sources permitted for the treatment of food, namely cobalt-60 and caesium-137 have low energies ( about 1 and 0.5MeV, respectively). | |
25 | 在300 keV 和25 MeV 能量之间辐射加工用电子束设备中剂量测定的实施规程 | Practice for dosimetry in an electron beam facility for radiation processing at energies between 300 keV and 25 MeV | |
26 | 在军队中短暂地呆了一段时间后,特纳把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中,他购买了一家广播电台,然后利用空闲的广告牌为电台做宣传。 | After a brief spell in the armed forceshe ploughed his energies into his father’s billboard businesspurchasing a radio station and using empty billboards to advertise it | |
27 | 在军队中短暂地呆了一段时间后,特纳把精力投入到父亲的广告牌业务中。 | After a brief spell in the armed forceshe ploughed his energies into his father’s billboard business | |
28 | 在任期内,他把精力全都用在寻求解决种族问题的新办法上。 | While in office he directed all his energies to finding a new solution to the race problem | |
29 | 在无意义的争论中消费精力 | Dissipating their energies in pointless argument | |
30 | 找错目标精力或注意力集中在错误地方 | To misdirect one’s energies or attention. |