属类:文学表达-外国名著-Tess of the D’Urbervilles
1 | 禁止乱扔废物的法律是有的,但很少真正执行。 | There is a law against dropping litter but it is rarely enforced . | |
2 | 拒不承担或者其负责人逃匿的,由人民法院依法强制执行。 | If the entity refuses to make compensations or the persons-in-charge escape and hide, the compensation shall be enforced by the people’s court according to law. | |
3 | 具体登记管理参照本条例的规定执行。 | The specific control of the registration involved shall be enforced with reference to the provisions of the present Regulations. | |
4 | 令素行以教其民,则民服﹔ | If in training soldiers commands are habitually enforced , the army will be well-disciplined; if not,its discipline will be bad. | |
5 | 流放被强迫离开自己的国家. | Exile:Enforced removal from one’s native country. | |
6 | 每个工作日象假日一样,平时节日的来临被抱怨为是对他们正全神贯注的工作的强行中断。 | Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. | |
7 | 每一天都是节日,却把普通的节假日不情愿地看成是令人全神贯注的天职的被迫中断。 | Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. | |
8 | 某些国家的书刊检查很严. | Strict censorship is enforced in some countries. | |
9 | 强制破产清算,强制清算,强制性清理 | compulsory liquidation;forced liquidation;enforced liquidation | |
10 | 然而,大多数这样的法律并没有从州的法典中消除,对Roe案件的判决的推翻将使许多这样的法律重新变得可执行 | Most of these laws were not removed from state codes, however, and the overturn of the Roe decision would allow many of these to be enforced | |
11 | 人权委员会被迫或非自愿失踪问题工作组 | Working Group of the Commission on Human Rights on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance | |
12 | 人权委员会被强迫或非自愿失踪问题工作组 | Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances of the Commission of Human Rights | |
13 | 如此有力的说理,对平息威尔逊的怒气产生了效果,他稍平静了一些。 | So much enforced reasoning had hold on Wilson’s rage, he was calmer | |
14 | 如果法律不能实施,人们就会犯罪而不受惩罚。 | If laws were not enforced ,crime will commit with impunity. | |
15 | 如果法律没有恐惧支撑,它绝不能生效。----古希腊剧作家 索福克勒斯 | Law can never be enforced unless fear supports it.----Sophocles, Ancient Greek dramatist | |
16 | 如果法律没有威力支撑,它绝不能生效。--索福克勒斯 | Laws can never be enforced unless fear supports them.--Sophocles | |
17 | 如果您有关于法规本身的一般性问题和这一法规如何在美国实施的问题,您可以给美国使馆农业事务办公室打电话,电话号码是010一6532-3431转5400。 | General questions about the rule itself and how it will be enforced in the United States should be directed to the Agricultural Affairs Office at the U.S. Embassy at 010-6532-3431 ext. 5400. | |
18 | 如果他们也都要维护自己的权利,并且坚持到底,现在你们就不会这样满不在乎地试图践踏我的权利了。 | If they had stuck to their rights and enforced them you wouldn’t be trying to trample mine under foot in this bland way now. | |
19 | 如果一项法定的要求权不被强制实施的话,几年以后它就会失效。 | If a legal claim is not enforced , it lapsed after a certain number of years | |
20 | 三天以前,我以最快的速度,几乎拼命似的从马赛赶到巴黎来,因为我恨不得把我脑子里的所苦恼着的一个念头一下子就送到六百里以外去。” | for three days ago I posted from Marseilles to Paris with all possible speed, half-desperate at the enforced delay." | |
21 | 商检机构实施检验的进出口商品种类表 | list of import and export commodities subject to inspection enforced by commodity inspection authorities | |
22 | 实际上,正如法院多年前已默认的那样,合理法则是反托拉斯法得以实施的唯一标准。 | Actually, the "rule of reason" was the only standard by which the antitrust Law could be enforced , as the court had tacitly admitted years before | |
23 | 实体法界定权利,程序法则确立保护权利并使其生效的程序。 | Substantive law defines rights, and procedural law establishes the procedures by which rights are protected and enforced . | |
24 | 虽然她曾发誓不嫁,但是由于工作上不得不和他接近,他们逐渐亲密了起来,苔丝终于坠入情网。 | And though she had sworn herself tocelibacy, the enforced propinquity ripened into intimacy and drifted into love. | |
25 | 他的额头挂满了冷汗,可是并不怨天尤人,他的眼睛润湿着,但却是向着天空的。 | To form the slightest idea of his feelings, one must have seen his face with its expression of enforced resignation and its tear-moistened eyes raised to heaven | |
26 | 他的态度真挚大方,和蔼可亲,好像比实际上还要深交一些似的,因而显得更加盛情难却。 | The unaffected, easy kindness of manner which denoted the feelings of an older acquaintance than he really was, strongly enforced the invitation. | |
27 | 他的游历加强了他对植物性药物的强烈兴趣,并使他越来越注意 | The experience enforced his passionate interest in botanical drugs and fostered in him a great respect for the inherent power of the mind-body connection and its potential importance in medicine | |
28 | 他坚持高标准。 | He enforced high standards. | |
29 | 他们的生活自然和谐。在他们看来,工作时间永远不够多,每一天在他们看来都是假期,而当正常的假日到来时,他们总会抱怨他们正在全神贯注的休假被强行中断。 | Their life is a natural harmony. For them the working hours are never long enough. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation. | |
30 | 他们认为,在一个能够用以制裁违法者的超国家的法规体系尚不存在的情况下,各国是谈不上尊重国际法的,也不会有什么热忱去遵守国际法。 | They believe that states have little respect for international law, and have no incentive to obey it in the absence of a supranational system of sanctions capable of being enforced against the lawbreaker |